• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Puffer404

  1. Puffer404

    [IMG] This u?

    This u?
  2. Puffer404

    PvP Request and PvP Mod Badge

    I did not have that idea what is this man talking about
  3. Puffer404

    Going Away Thread

    Date Leaving: July 19th Length of Absence: until July 23rd Reason or comments: Going on a short trip but it is likely I will not be able to be contacted during that time.
  4. Puffer404

    LOL That Droog Said...

    happened a while ago, but yeah they are right.
  5. Puffer404

    Job and plotbuild badge

    I feel like this might be the reason foremen exist. The proof that you can run jobs and projects is an entire part of being Foreman, so applying for this badge would have to be very similar to a Foreman application. I don't think there would be much use in this.
  6. Puffer404

    LOL That Droog Said...

    I too miss wyatt
  7. Puffer404

    LOL That Droog Said...

    When you accidentally ping every commoner
  8. Puffer404

    Puffer404's Limited WorldEdit application

    I joined April 8th, 2020, but have been active since early August 2021 I am currently a Guide and have been a Guide for a few days shy of a month, getting Guide on January 11th, 2022 I have been practicing, and think I am decently experienced I may need a few reminders of commands after getting...
  9. Puffer404

    LOL That Droog Said...

    I say we give it to them, with their 15 minutes of playtime they have seen enough.
  10. Puffer404

    Accepted Puffer404 Guide Application

    January 2nd, 2022 A fun tour of Minas Tirith, Amon Din, Edoras, and Linhir, lots of good questions :)
  11. Puffer404

    Accepted Puffer404 Guide Application

    January 2nd, 2022 Finally back! Also first update of the year. Did 3 races, and the date is creeping up on me, very soon.
  12. Puffer404

    Accepted Puffer404 Guide Application

    December 23th 2021 It has been a busy holiday season for me sorry, but ran a hide and seek with some people today :)
  13. Puffer404

    Accepted Puffer404 Guide Application

    December 21st, 2021 Did 3 hide and seeks adn 1 race
  14. Puffer404

    Accepted Puffer404 Guide Application

    December 19th, 2021 Not a lot today, one hide and seek at Helm's Deep