Our server just updated to 1.10
To see all the changes to the Minecraft game, you can view the:
Changes for MCME
- [!!]Chunk generation is now possible again due to a broken api. Please make sure that you do not venture too close to the border or build anything outside of it because these areas will be cut and removed frequently.
- VanishNoPacket is broken, we fall back to default Essentials vanish system.
- Plugins have been updated to handle the newest blocks and systems.
What is next
During the following weeks you will see more functionality and changes being made. One of the most anticipated is the release of The Architect, a plugin that will enable players to be more creative and make more changes. A development blog will be posted to highlight all the changes.
Bugs / Issues
If you think you've found a bug or want to report something, please do so at the http://www.mcmiddleearth.com/forums/suggestions-and-issues-submission-publicly.51/ thread which is dedicated to finding and fixing issues.