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Resolved Add PvP badge

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Moria Hall Professional
Suggestion: Add a PvP badge, there is a tour badge and a minigames badge, why is there no PvP badge. Yep.
There are multiple reasons why this badge does not exist - I will give you a brief overview of them as I see it.

PvP is an enormously popular activity: whenever someone runs PvP, the majority of people online are likely to join it, and the rest of the server is left "on pause". Now one might think that exactly this is a reason to justify a PvP badge, but we must remember that ultimately MCME is a build server, not a PvP server. PvP is already quite a regular activity - it happened 6 times in the past 7 days (3 of them in the same day); making it any more regular might be detrimental to the server. When PvP is solely under the purview of the Guides, as it is now, we can regulate how much it happens, ensure it does not clash with any other activities (such as jobs) etc.

On top of that, running PvP is an enormous responsibility. The plugin is more difficult to operate than the minigames plugin, and considering the much higher demand for PvP and the number of people that usually join, running PvP requires managing a lot more people. That does not invalidate the idea of a PvP badge, but it does make it highly unlikely for someone to attain it without already being able to attain the rank of Guide (IMHO).

I hope this clarifies the issue somewhat.
The subject matter is already the capability under the belt of Guides with the addition of touring badge, minigames etc inclusive. It is really dependent on them if they wish to run PvP games and become versed in running such extra curricular activities; we don't need badge to distinguish this. PVP at this time is something we will not be handing down to non-team members.
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