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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Accepted HoverKing's Guide Application

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MCME Connaisseur
Minecraft Username: HoverKing
Date Joined: 31 March 2017

What time do you usually play online: I am mostly online on weekends at varying times. Sometimes I am also online mid-week when my schedule suddenly clears up. Due to the nature of my work I can't guarantee any consistent timeframes, but I do try to come online whenever I can. That being said, I am in the discord chats everyday and I respond quickly.

Are you regularly on our voice communication? Yes.
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes, I enjoy joining the conversations, and I have conducted several tours already, some of which led to a couple hours of miscellaneous conversation afterwards.

Why would you like to be a Guide? I am a major fan of LotR lore, and I find great enjoyment in sharing my knowledge, showing people around our marvellous server and talking to them about it, and about Tolkien's works. I believe that Guides are the first kind of team-members encountered by newly-joined Adventurers, and thus the face of the community. It is a Guide's job to welcome these newcomers, help them, and guide them towards becoming more active members of the community. This work is of paramount importance in my opinion, as it help draw in new talent for the future development of MCME; it would be a pleasure and an honour to take up this role.

What makes a great Guide according to you? The first and foremost quality of a Guide, in my opinion, should be their approachability. Guides are there to provide assistance, answer questions, give tours, host mini-games and make the new people entering the community, as well as older members, feel at home. To that end, a Guide needs to be kind, patient, forthcoming and enthusiastic - it is not easy to answer the same question for a hundredth time with the same enthusiasm, but it is paramount. A Guide must always greet people with a (virtual) smile and strive to be as helpful to them as possible, for they are the ones to give Adventurers the first impression of what the community is really like.

A Guide should also have a good understanding of the community and of the server, as well as the lore upon which the map is built, and they should have the willingness and desire to share their knowledge, and guide people around - informing newcomers of the server's policies and traditions, teaching them how to get around, and indeed giving them tours as well.
Hey @HoverKing

Thank you for applying for the rank of Guide.

We are in the process of reviewing your application and discussing it. You may be asked to carry out a trial period. This includes running minigames, tours, it events, some of which will be expected to be ran through voice chat on discord.

We'll get back to you soon. For now, if you have any other queries, please direct them towards myself, or any of the current guides.
Greetings @HoverKing

The guides have discussed your application, and we'd like to move onto the next stage with your application. Congratulations!

So, starting from tomorrow, you will have 1 month to demonstrate to us why you would be a good Guide. You have been given the tours badge and minigames badge if you don't have them already. I recommend looking through the minigames manual and the guide manual on how to do stuff.

As per the application guidelines, it's up to you to keep this post updated. Whenever you do a tour, minigame, event or so on, it's up to you to let us know in here and here only. This is the only place we will look at for progress on your application, we won't check anywhere else!

At some point during your period, we will ask you to complete a trial tour as well. Once again, it's up to you to let us know the details of that, specifically the date and time you'd like to do it and where you'd like it to take place. We won't prompt you to complete one, yet it's detrimental to the success of your application. It can be whenever you want, so long as you communicate your ideas over to us! You do not have to do a trial tour at the start of this trial period because you have recently had one for the yours badge.

We'll support you through it. If there's anything you want announcing, in #alerts or #news, let us know in here. If there's anything you'd like the Guides explicitly to be at, then once again say it down below. We'll keep you updated from time to time, with feedback or updates regarding your application.

So over to you. You have until 21 February to show us what you'd be like as a Guide.

Best of luck, and we'll see you soon.
- The Guides
Ran some Hide and Seek in Aldburg today, lot's of fun! Cheers to everyone who joined!


Also apparently I was on /rp auto off the whole time, and somehow my funky brain did not notice lol... Also no shaders because I was using a potato.
Today I ran an impromptu joint tour with not one, not two but three other people: the most amazing @HyprNinja, @Melkor_Belegurth and @Haldir_123 ! Thank you guys for joining me and helping me out in this amazing and slightly chaotic tour! Even though we had less than 30 minutes to prepare it turned out great!


We toured for approximately 1.5 hours and talked about the history of the Northern Kingdom of Arnor - its rise and fall, going through four key locations:

First I talked about the foundation of the Kingdom of Arnor and about its historical capital Annúminas. Naturally I forgot to take any screenshots here... So many thanks to Haldir and his replay mod!

Then Hypr walked us through the story of Rhudaur and its most iconic location - Amon Sûl. Once again I forgot to take a screenshot, so many thanks to Haldir yet again!

After that Haldir talked about the history of Cardolan and the Barrow-downs, and even showed us the way to the bottom of the Great Barrow!


And finally Melkor talked about Arthedain, Fornost and the final fall of the Northern Kingdoms...

After that I ran a cool race from Annúminas to Fornost!

Because I was busy taking screenshots I started too late and lost miserably. Of course that may also be because people cheated and used horses!

But it was a great lot of fun and I thank everyone who joined and hope you had a good time!

Also apologies for not using shaders, still using a potato ;D
So today an Adventurer said it would be cool to play Hide and Seek in Moria... So Hide and Seek in Moria we did!

First we tried the 5th Hall:

But then we ran into an issue of people jumping off the ledge and then getting stuck midair with the game's radius, so instead we went to the Orc shanty-town (no idea what it is supposed to be called):

It was wacky but a lot of fun!
Today I ran a chill ~1 hour long tour of the Misty Mountains and the various locations around it!


I began the tour in the far north, where I imagine the Ettendales were. From there we went south to Rivendell, then to the Gladden Pass, where some people discovered a particular passion for fishing! (Thank you @Johnyeric for showing everyone your magnificent hind!)

We then crossed through the Redhorn Pass into the Dimrill Dale and visited Durin's Tower:

After that we swam through a little known caves in the Mountains into the waterfalls of the Nimrodel in Lothlórien, visited Treebeard's home in Wellinghall (source of the Entwash!), found the source of the Isen at the foot of Methedras, and finally visited Orthanc!

Thank you to everyone who joined, and to @Johnyeric, @ConfusedLlama_ and @ooitsbirdo for accompanying me - Hope you all enjoyed!


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Today I ran some mini-games! But since there weren't too many people on the server so only a few joined... Still, it was fun!

First I ran some rounds of Hide and Seek in Sunderborough:


Then a few more rounds in Agar:

Later I helped @Melkor_Belegurth in creating a new race, and a while later I decided to run a race myself:

I did not run another one because Xmine started a quiz, and after that he taught me how to do quizzes myself, so I ran my first ever lore quiz!

Congratulations to @Thr33way for winning the quiz! And many thanks to anyone else who joined my mini-games today!
Today I organised an event with @Johnyeric called "Choose Your Tour"!

In this event we asked various quiz-questions about lore and server-lore, and whoever answered correctly first got to pick the next location for us to tour - then and there. There is a certain appeal to completely, 100% spontaneous tours... It was so much fun in the end that we might even do this again someday!


(Many thanks to @Haldir_123 for making this wonderful poster for us!)

For the sake of simplicity we decided to start the tours in Bag End. For some reason, Johny and I decided to swap heads...

Of course it came as no surprise that the first location chosen was Umbar!

Then, among other locations, we found ourselves in the Barrow Downs...

And later in we had some fun in a certain pink house in Fennas Drunin:

Other locations we visited include Thorin's Halls, Ost-in-Edhil, Lothlórien, Moria (west & east gates) and Rivendell! The whole event lasted a little over ~2hrs.

Many thanks to everyone who joined - your participation made this event successful! Hope you all enjoyed and perhaps we shall see you in a similar event yet again!
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Today I ran a ~1.5 hour long joint tour with @_Shen - a scenic tour along the path of the Warning Beacons of Gondor!



Starting in Minas Tirith, Shen toured us through the northern beacons going towards Rohan. Along the way we visited several locations nearby - Andrew's Castle, Dol Caranthan and Dol Calen.

@Lindolas needs to fix this sign...

After that we returned to Minas Tirith, and I continued the tour along the path of the southern beacons, going towards Dol Amroth. Along the way we visited multiple locations such as Imloth Melui, Tarnost, and Araburg!

We also visited one of my personal favourite locations on the server, just south of Tarnost:

Many thanks to everyone who joined, hope you had a great time!
I ran some Hide and Seek this morning!

Started off with a mundane game in the Great Smials, with only a couple Adventurers and @Topcatflap joining in.

Then after discussing some alternative locations for a bit, I ended up doing PTSD inducing Hide and Seek in the Paths of the Dead!!!
At first I thought we would do one round, laugh at how stupid it is, and do something else... But it turned out to be so much fun that a few rounds later we had plenty of people on board!

Many thanks to @Soars, @ConfusedLlama_, @_Emeryld, @w0rldunder, and whoever else joined this madness, it was great fun!
Unfortunately I had to go afterwards, so I couldn't run anymore rounds...

Also, it turns out that with a range of 100 blocks, starting roughly in the middle of the PotD, you can actually go and hide at the top of the mountain!

Cheeky, I know...
I ran "Pronouncing Elvish" today, hope everyone enjoyed!

My aim was to demystify the pronunciation of Elvish, and I hope I achieved that, at least partially. Of course if anyone has any other language related questions I am always happy to answer ;P


Many thanks to @Haldir_123 for the poster!

On an unrelated note, I would also like to thank @EffieFrag for helping me clean-up the nether bricks in the New Player Quiz area!
Today I ran a nice tour of the Shire!

We visited several important locations: Buckland, Bywater, Tuckborough, Hobbiton and Michel Delving. We also visited the three biggest Hobbit Holes - Bag End, Brandyhall and the Great Smials!

After the tour I ran a lore quiz - congratulations to @MykelUmm for winning, and @D3rr3x for taking a close 2nd place!
Many thanks to everyone who joined this ~2hr session of tour and quiz, hope you all enjoyed!
I had some time to spare this morning (for a change...) so I ran a short quiz - congrats to @MITHLONDEL for winning!
Afterwards I continued the quiz at @Jonatanknalle 's request, focusing on more lore-intensive questions; he ended up being the only player left, so congrats for winning against yourself ;P

(No screenshots because there's not much to screenshot in a quiz...)

As a side note, at my request @Eriol_Eandur tasked me with reviewing and revamping the question database of the lore-quiz mini-game, so I will be slowly working my way through that.
I ran another lore quiz today, this time @Jonatanknalle won fair and square. @Johnyeric shame on you for making a mistake on such an easy question!
I would've ran some more rounds, and people asked me to, but a job was starting so I cleared the stage.

Running Choose Your Tour later tonight, so look forward for that!

Progress update on the quiz revamp - I am through 254/1123 questions. Still a long way to go XD
I ran Choose Your Tour with @givet10 as my co-host! Thank you Givet for joining on such short notice, it was a blast!


As usual, we toured plenty of locations! @D3rr3x kicked things off with requesting a tour of Ithilien, and after that we went to Lothlórien, where we had some fun in Galadriel's bedroom....

Then @Thr33Way sent us to Minas Aduial, @_Emeryld to Minas Tirith, and @KingRocketII to Umbar - of course he did, it is probably gonna be a mandatory location for every Choose Your Tour event... Maybe I should just start there to begin with!
After that we went to Minas Morgul, and then to Annúminas, the @HyprNinja sent us to Agar (I love this place!), and finally we finished with a tour of the Paths of the Dead!

The whole thing took about 1.5 hours and was a lot of fun, thank you everyone for joining and stay tuned for the next one in two weeks!
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