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PvP Request and PvP Mod Badge


Moria Hall Professional
Wouldn't it be cool if you could officially request pvp? I think it would be pretty cool, because it would notify the guides similarly to the tour request command. Also, you would be able to specifically request a guide that you want to run pvp, because some guides have better pvps than others.

Puffer404 had a cool idea a couple weeks ago which is that we should add a PvP Mod Badge and the holders of this badge could ban, kick, and mute people on the pvp server. Commoners would be able to apply for this badge and team members would be able to get a maximum of 8 badges! Pretty cool, huh?
At least have the courage to stand to your own ideas and don't try to attribute them to others. That you feel the need to do that already shows how little even you yourself think of the idea.

As to why this is unnecessary: Mods can also moderate on the pvp server. There is no need for anyone else to do that. Rather, it would only create more potential for abuse, as there is a good reason mods are selected carefully and have to be trustworthy.
Your ideas aren´t really good, but i want to use this thread anyway to advertise my idea, which I haven't felt like doing yet.

A command to announce pvp in the alerts-channel. Like jobs and tours have. This would also include an ending message when the server is locked again. Would prevent people from joining the server when pvp has already ended.
Your ideas aren´t really good, but i want to use this thread anyway to advertise my idea, which I haven't felt like doing yet.

A command to announce pvp in the alerts-channel. Like jobs and tours have. This would also include an ending message when the server is locked again. Would prevent people from joining the server when pvp has already ended.
We can add both of our ideas
Hi Greencaver,
Having read over your message, I have some thoughts as someone who frequently runs PVP. At the moment, I do not see a need for a request feature as it occurs so often there is not a requirement for this.
It would be a bad idea to specifically request a guide, what would the others think? But I guess you have been blunt and said you prefer some PVPs over others.
There is no need for a PVP mod badge, this would only complicate things having 2 moderation teams. It would be so infrequently used; the moderation team is better with dealing with issues as they have more experience. For reference, the /report command can be used in PVP.
A general rule of thumb is that Commoners cannot get a moderation badge.