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Contest The Great MCME Bake-Off


MCME Connaisseur



Poster by @Sevy689 & @NelmanBlack

Welcome everyone to the GREAT MCME BAKE-OFF !!! Yes this is not a drill, bake-off has arrived on MCME

We all know our resident MCME Olympic athletes get very, very hungry, so hungry that even the diet of a hobbit doesn’t suffice, so we’re calling all our expert bakers and chefs to prepare a dish suitable for our athletes. So, what do you need to do in order to compete? First things first you need a name for you dish, something short, snappy and memorable. Next we need an amazingly brilliant photo (like screenshots in #screenshots amazingly brilliant) of your dish, remember we can’t exactly taste your dish so presentation is extremely important! Lastly, we need to know what your dish actually is, for all we know it could be made of cardboard, and how exactly you made it.


You will be judged based on originality, cooking technique and aesthetics of the dish. On behalf of the judges of the Great MCME Bake-off good luck to all the contestants, we can’t wait to see what creative dishes you come up with this year!


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Name: 1 Large (14") Hand Tossed Pizza with shredded provolone cheese, double pineapple, and hearty marinara sauce

The Dish™: The process is a simple one, but also very tricky. First, I open my phone and select the Dominos app. I then select "Build Your Own Pizza" which is the gateway to perfecting my creation. 5 minutes later, my order is placed and I hop in my car to zoom over to Domino's. After sitting in the parking lot listening to Dancing Queen for the 3rd time, I get a notification that my dish is ready to be brought home like a new-born baby leaving the hospital. I enter the store, pay for my pie, and exit with the golden saucer in my hands. After a few more ABBA songs (and a few jazz tunes), I arrive back home and open up the cardboard container to smell the lushes pineapple fumes.


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Blackberry Cobbler

Intro: Hello my dear Bagginses and Boffins. Adventurers and Commoners. Guides and Artists. Foremen! Designers! Mods! Staff! And Admins. ("Valar!") I present before you all here today a dish that's been in my family many a moon. I was asked to make a local dish to showcase the cuisine from my part of the world, and a dish doesn't get much more local here in the U.S. Northwest than picking berries right off the vine in your back yard and making a nice cobbler or pie.

The Ingredients: For this recipe, the goal is to make a cobbler fit for a king or queen! (or rather 9 by 9-inch pan, or 23 cm for the metrics out there.) For this size, you will need a cup and a quarter of sugar, a cup of flour, a cup of milk, half a teaspoon of baking powder and salt, half a cup of butter, a touch of vanilla, a nine by nine inch/23 by 23-centimeter pan, and something to oil the bottom of your pan with. Oh, almost forgot, you will need roughly 3 cups of blackberries. I would recommend fresh but store-bought and frozen works too, or any berry really is a treat.

The Process: It is rather simple. Mix a cup of sugar, a cup of flour, the baking powder, and the salt together. Dabble a touch of vanilla in there and then pour the milk in maybe a fourth/cup at a time and mix then repeat until a whole cup of milk has been added. Melt the butter and stick in the freezer for a minute to chill it a bit and then pour half, mix, then mix the other half. You should have a very elastic batter now. Spray your pan and pour the batter in. Layer your berries on the top and gently press them into the dough. With your oven 350 Fahrenheit or 177 Celcius, cook for 40-45 minutes. With the oven still on, take them out and sprinkle the remaining fourth cup of sugar on top to give it a nice crunchy top. Pop back in the oven for 10 minutes and wa-la, you got yourself a cobbler! :D Let sit for a few minutes then dig in. It should be really crumbly, I would recommend putting it in a small bowl or ramekin, as shown below. Enjoy with ice cream, whipped cream, or with some powdered sugar and milk like I did. The finished product should be refrigerated and is well enjoyed cold or warmed up. I would recommend eating within a week or freeze it.
Thank you very much for tuning into my food-cast and I will see you all next time. Bon Appetite! Wait, this isn't France.

-MITHLONDEL, Yellow Flower Puncher


Marble Cake
I was so excited about the Bake-off that I got overwhelmed and all turned to a disaster in the end.
My first thought was to follow my name and make some Pasta Bolognese but to be honest, this is a Bake-off and not a Cooking contest. I still made some Pasta Bolognese, two versions one vegan and one original and both were delicious but it is not the meal I will submit.


My second thought was to take the bread made of sour dough. which my mother makes every monday and submit this it fits to my nation but it is no meal which I made by myself and I did not want to cheat.

So luckily for me I had to bake a cake for my brothers birthday and he wanted a marble cake which I can do great. It started great.I mixed 200g sugar with 20g vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and 250g butter (this one should not come directly from the fridge but it should also not be melted), then I added 5 eggs but only one at a time and then i mixed the mass until it got a bit brighter. Then I added 200ml cream. In another bowl i mixed 300g flour with 3 teaspoons of baking powder. My next step was to sift the flour aver the butter mass and folded it into the mass carefully. At the same time I melted 150g of chocolate. If the chocolate was comeplety melted I divided the dough in two parts in the first one i mixed the melted chocolated and for the other part I chopped another 150g of chocolate and mixed it under the dough. Until this time everything went perfect and the dough was very delicious. Then I added the dough with the chocolate pieces in a cakepin and put the melted chocolate dough above. In the next step I make some swirls with a fork so the cake gets the classik marble cake look. Then it was time to put the cake in the oven for 50-60 minutes during 180°C. My oven is a bit weird so I set a clock for 45 minutes and played a while in MCME. After this time the cake was not ready so I waited another 5 Minutes and after that another 10 Minutes, it was now 60 minutes in the oven but still not ready so i waited another 5 Minutes and then I got it out because I had to to get some dinner. During this I let the cake cool down and after another 2 hours I tried to get the cake out of the cake pin but it did not work after some trying the cake was out but also broken. You have to know when I cook or bake I appear to be a perfectionist. And a broken cake is the worst. I saved it a bit and melted another 200g of chocolate for the glaze and here the chaos continued. I waited too long and the chocolate was looking weird and not smooth, maybe some water got in it --> this is absolut worse for melted chocolate. Then I put some chocolate lentils into the cakehole (this was a little birthday suprise for my brother but made the cake look even worse from the outside) and put the chocolate all over the cake. I was very dissapointed because I know it went completly wrong. But yeah thats it the cake was done but nearly raw and looked not good but it was still delicious and this is the important thing I guess. And my brother was very happy about the cake.


Here we go that was my kind of disaster for this contest. But lets be honest the TV baking contests are always also completely chaos.

I hope you enjoyed my recipe and background story.
Greetings from
P.s. sorry it got very long

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Classic Delights

It's the end of July, of a very tough and different year. You need a break from whatever intellectual stuff you are doing in your life, so you decide to visit Greece. Will you spend your time on one of the famous islands? One of the underrated islands? Maybe the mainland? Doesn't matter, cause you will come across these classic dishes wherever you go.


Greek Salad
aka Horiatiki


Honestly this is pretty straight forward, you just have to make sure your ingredients are top notch quality. And this can only be made with Feta cheese. None of those "white cheese" bs. F E T A.

Feta cheese
Extra virgin olive oil

Did I forget to buy olives and onions? Yes. Yes I did. Yes I should be shamed for that, thank you.
So yeah you just chop the veggies up, sprinkle with regano, salt, vinegar and olive oil and voila.

Fried Feta with Honey


Another classic. I must say, I had never made such a thing before, so I was very happy to see that it tuned out very delicious. I am not joking, I only managed to eat half of a piece cause everything was gone by the evening.

4 pieces of Feta cheese cut in squares 1cm in thiccness
2 sheets of filo dough (specifically horiatiko filo)
1 egg white
2 tea spoons of sesame seeds
Some good quality authentic greek honey
Some olive oil

First I cut the filo sheets in 2 so i would end up with 4 pieces (one for each feta piece). Then I wrapped each feta piece with a filo and used the egg white to make eveything stick together. It's very important they are wrapped tightly so that they don't open during the frying!
Then the secret step is to wrap each piece in plastic warp and leave them in the freezer for an hour before frying. This will ensure that the feta doesn't melt later!
While I waited I put the sesame seeds in the frying pan (without any oil) to brown a bit. Then I did the macarena for the remainder of the hour.

When the lil feta packets have had the chilly time, I heated up the olive oil in the pan on a medium fire (don't let it smoke!!) and dumped them in one by one, leaving each side to take a nice deep honey color, for about 30''.
Then I sprinkled the sesame seeds and the top notch honey.
Very good I recommend.



Ah yes. Probably the dish everyone thinks of when you mention Greek cuisine (Even tho it's origins are apparently Egyptian but let's ignore that). It is one of our national dishes after all (the other being bean soup aka fasolada).
This dish caused me pain. Pain I say. Took me 3 whole hours. But it turned out so good I cried when I tasted it. Was so proud of myself
Anyway, get ready.

3 potatoes
1 onion
2 zucchinis
2 aubergines
Olive oil

For the minced meat
1 onion
1 garlic clove
3 pinches of sugar
1/2 tea spoons of nutmeg
1 tea spoon cinnamon
1 table spoon tomato paste
500g of minced meat (beef? lamb? idk and idc tbh)
400g of cut canned tomato (idk if you have a specific name for this)
Olive oil

For the Béchamel sauce
100g butter
100g all purpose flour
750ml milk (room temperature!!!!)
1 pinch of nutmeg
100g parmesan cheese (or whatever really)
3 egg yolks

*Deep breath*
I started with making the minced meat. First I cut the onion and put it in a deep pan along with the garlic and olive oil (ofc). After a few I added the sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and tomato paste. I let all the ingredients there to get some color, while stirring. Then added the minced meat, and stirred until that got a nice color as well. After that I poured in the canned tomato and some water and let it sit for about 45 mins while stirring from time to time. You know it's ready when most of the water has been absorbed.

Time to prepare the veggies. This was the most tiring process.
I cut the potatoes at about 1cm thickness, and added them in a hot pan with some olive oil until they got a nice color.
Same thing with the zucchinis, aubergines and onion (that last one was chopped normally, not 1cm thickness lol).
After all those are ready, time to assemble the first layers.
Cover the base of a deep uuuuh whatever you call the huge ass plate things that go in the oven....yeah cover the base with potatoes, sprinkle some thyme, salt and pepper. Then add the onion.
After those add a layer of zucchunis, with thyme, salt and pepper. Same with the aubergines.

Béchamel sauce time. Now here I admit I asked my mom's help cause it's so easy to mess this sauce up if you have never made it before (which I had not).
In a little pan over a small fire we added the butter, and once that melted, the flour and we whisk (with a wish duh).
After, we slowly add the milk. Slowly. And whisk whisk whisk. Once it starts bubbling it's ready! Should be silky smooth.
We removed it from the fire and added salt, pepper, nutmeg, parmesan and and egg yolks.

Assembly time!!
We added 200g of the béchamel sauce in the minced meat, along with more salt and pepper and then poured it over our veggie layers. And finally, for the last layer we poured the béchamel sauce over everything and sprinkled with more parmesan cheese!!!
Now pop that baby in the oven for like 45 mins (maybe more), until it becomes golden!
After than, let it cool for at least an hour before cutting into it, or else it will fall apart.

Anyway, that's all. Thank you for reading my rambling, I'm not even gonna proof read this before posting it i'm too tired lol.
Have a good [insert time zone appropriate greeting] and
Καλή όρεξη!
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The re-resurrection of my last-last entry

-If at first you don't succeed, try, try again (and again). -Zen Cho

Spaghetti al Viking


Ground meat
Yellow onion
Grounded tomatos
Black and white pepper
Rapeseed oil
Paprika powder
And finally some love

Later mixed in some cheese and corn in it
Sooo my entry is a classic Swedish “cake” called Kladdkaka or Mud cake in English. It’s a chocolate cake that has a hard crust and smudgy middle. The cake is a classic on the Swedish Fika table. The thing that’s separate this chocolate cake from a regular is that there is no baking powder in it so it makes it more dense. This is my favorite cake and it’s very easy to make. You usually make it in a round form but mine is broken so i had to use a square.
On top of the cake I have vanilla ice cream and a raspberry from my garden.

Goten can confirm that it tastes really good, he ate half of it.

To make the cake u need:
Sugar 2 1/2 dl
2 eggs
Flour 1 dl
Cacao 3 tbsp
100g butter
Vanilla sugar 1 tsp
In oven for 15 mins
If u like u can add icing sugar, whipped cream , fresh berries or vanilla ice cream on top.
(This is a family recipe so I usually don’t share it)

First you crack the eggs and whisk them with the sugar
Then you add all the other dry ingredients
Lastly you add the melted butter.
Then you add the batter to the form

I just wanna say that my phones camera is a bit broken so the quality isn’t great
(this is just one slice)


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Sooo my entry is a classic Swedish “cake” called Kladdkaka or Mud cake in English. It’s a chocolate cake that has a hard crust and smudgy middle. The cake is a classic on the Swedish Fika table. The thing that’s separate this chocolate cake from a regular is that there is no baking powder in it so it makes it more dense. This is my favorite cake and it’s very easy to make. You usually make it in a round form but mine is broken so i had to use a square.
On top of the cake I have vanilla ice cream and a raspberry from my garden.

Goten can confirm that it tastes really good, he ate half of it.

To make the cake u need:
Sugar 2 1/2 dl
2 eggs
Flour 1 dl
Cacao 3 tbsp
100g butter
Vanilla sugar 1 tsp
In oven for 15 mins
If u like u can add icing sugar, whipped cream , fresh berries or vanilla ice cream on top.
(This is a family recipe so I usually don’t share it)

First you crack the eggs and whisk them with the sugar
Then you add all the other dry ingredients
Lastly you add the melted butter.
Then you add the batter to the form

I just wanna say that my phones camera is a bit broken so the quality isn’t great
(this is just one slice)
It tasted really good! :)
Hello one and all!

So sorry for the wait. Been on break and ill! But I have arrived to announce the winners.

In third place its @MITHLONDEL What a dessert. Looks absolutely delicious!
In second place... its @PastaBologneseV . As we expected it was a beautiful Bolognese as well as an amazing marble cake!
And the winner is... @EffieFrog . Simply no words. What a menu, the food photography is just on another level. So really well done!
Hello one and all!

So sorry for the wait. Been on break and ill! But I have arrived to announce the winners.

In third place its @MITHLONDEL What a dessert. Looks absolutely delicious!
In second place... its @PastaBologneseV . As we expected it was a beautiful Bolognese as well as an amazing marble cake!
And the winner is... @EffieFrog . Simply no words. What a menu, the food photography is just on another level. So really well done!