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    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Recent content by Zvezda123

  1. 2020-05-25_00.12.20.png


  2. Thranduil on the Throne

    Thranduil on the Throne

    Tranduil on the throne of Minas Tirith.
  3. Argonath


    Each of the two figures bore a crown and a helm, with an axe in its right hand and its left hand respectively, raised in a gesture of defiance to the enemies of Gondor.
  4. Pelargir theater

    Pelargir theater

    Pelargir was a great city on the river Anduin, and the main harbour of Gondor. Pelargir theater is the bigest theater in the Middle Earth.
  5. Pelargir theater

    Pelargir theater

    Pelargir was a great city on the river Anduin, and the main harbour of Gondor. Pelargir theater is the bigest theater in the Middle Earth.
  6. Pelargir theater

    Pelargir theater

    Pelargir was a great city on the river Anduin, and the main harbour of Gondor. Pelargir theater is the bigest theater in the Middle Earth.
  7. Osgiliath


    Osgiliath was the old capital city of Gondor. The city straddled the Anduin River at a point approximately half way between the cities of Minas Anor to the south-west and Minas Ithil to the north-east, and north of the nearby Emyn Arnen.
  8. Minas Tirith

    Minas Tirith

    Minas Tirith, formerly and eventually again known as Minas Anor, was from the year TA 1640 the capital city of Gondor. Many important events took place in and in front of the city, such as the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and the coronation of Aragorn II Elessar.
  9. Zvezda123

    Happy birthday Jord :)

    Happy birthday Jord :)
  10. Zvezda123

    Happy b-day :)

    Happy b-day :)
  11. Zvezda123

    Happy b-day :)

    Happy b-day :)
  12. Zvezda123

    Happy b-day :)

    Happy b-day :)
  13. Zvezda123

    Happy B-day :)

    Happy B-day :)