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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Canceled Artist Application (Username: QWERTYmitch)


Is going on an adventure!
Date Joined: 30/3/2019

I have never participated in any jobs. I don't have good design skills but if there is a design that i can follow, I will build it. I don't mind what sort of theme i build and I like to build anything really. I am applying because I really like LOTR and would like to build on this server, though I don't mind what I work on. I hope to join you soon :)
  • Date: 30/3/2019
  • Jobs and Plotbuilds: I have never participated in any jobs.
  • Themed-builds: I don't mind what sort of theme I build.
  • Additional Builds: I like to build anything in my spare time really.
  • Your interests: I am applying because I really like LOTR and would like to build on this server, though I don't mind what I work on.
  • Your motivation: My motivation is that someday I want to build big structures and this could be a start.
On MCME, we have something called theme builds. You can type /theme to start yours. You almost always need to do at least one to get artist. Anorien house is our theme at the moment, so I would advise building that and posting it here.
I didn't do much to the interior.
Perhaps take a look at some of the other artist applications (those of which that have been accepted) for a better idea of what is expected in an application. :D
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Perhaps take a look at some of the other artist applications (those of which that have been accepted) for a better idea of what is expected. :D
I agree with Fish, most of your house seems pretty bland. You can also use already built in-game houses as an example. I also like to see Minas Tirith's wall as an example because in the movie its just a basic, flat brick wall but the builders on the server added depth/detail to it and that made it a lot better.
Please update the original post to the right format. I need more refrence pictures, it would be smart to put those inside an Imgur album for example. Once you have done this I will give you feedback on your buildings.
Scoobybri in my original post I said that I wasn't a good designer so I don't expect any better comments than that
Scoobybri in my original post I said that I wasn't a good designer so I don't expect any better comments than that
Artists will need some design skills in them cause if they cant it will be harder to get artist. I understand that you really do probally want artist but it took me a while to just get my app on watchlist cause I needed to build up skill. I hope you do try to get your design skills better cause it will help on your journey to artist.
Official Update on Status
**Application Canceled**
This application has been canceled for being too inactive. Contact me on discord or forums, to re-open it!