• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Ranks and Duties

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  • Ranks, Roles, Badges and Duties

    Table of the Valar
    Role or AspectName
    Eru Iluvatar@q220
    Head of Plugin Development@Eriol_Eandur
    Head of Building@barteldvn
    Head of Moderation@Smaug_Niphredil
    Head of Player Experience and Events@Smaug_Niphredil
    Head of Media and Public Relations@TotiGonzales
    Community Management@Credoo
    Head of Resource Pack Development@TotiGonzales

    Eru Iluvatar
    Staff position. Is the administrator of the project. Eru Iluvatar is in charge of all the aspects for managing the community, but delegates tasks and responsibilities to various people who take on the role as a Vala. He determines the direction in which the community goes and evolves.
    1. Assigns Head roles
    2. Discharges Head roles
    3. Sets the Terms of Service and Rules
    4. Determines the general strategy and future of the community
    5. Is in charge of updating, maintaining and upgrading the game servers and website
    6. Handles finance, donations, contests and updates the bookkeeping
    7. Is the spokesperson of the community
    8. Handles permissions on all platforms

    Head of Plugin Development
    Staff position. Assigned by Eru Iluvatar to be in charge of development related matters such as coding, texturing, technology and implementations.
    1. Due to this Vala having a major impact and influence on how the community can run, as well as having elevated access rights, the Head of Plugin Development works closely with Eru Iluvatar before making changes.
    2. Is handed exceptional amount of access for the use of debugging or analysis. Because of this, it is expected that this person can keep private or confidential information for themself.
    3. In charge of documenting the plugins, scripts or programs.
    4. Handles the bug reports made on the forums or the tracker.
    5. Assesses potential new coders if they can contribute to a repository.
    6. Uploads and manages the latest up to date code on the Github repositories.
    Head of Building
    Staff position. Assigned by Eru Iluvatar to be in charge of Build and Project related matters on the server. This person is in charge of realizing the landmarks and construction that takes place in the world. He does this by instructing Designers, Foremen and Artists to make sure that Projects are getting finished with the Tools supplied to him.
    1. Is in charge of all construction (jobs and projects).
    2. Assesses and allocates players as final responsible Project Manager for a Project.
    3. Discharges players as Project Manager.
    4. Allows or disallows the start of a Project.
    5. Instructs the Designer by creating and maintaining a Designer Guide with methods.
    6. Performs regular check-ups for staff inactivity and problems.
    7. Alerts Eru Iluvatar in case of demotion/promotions of Designers.
    Head of Moderation
    Staff position. Assigned by Eru Iluvatar to be in charge of being responsible for the Moderator related matters on the server. This person is in charge of the Moderators, and educating them to enforce the Terms of Service and Rules onto the community by using the tools supplied to him.
    1. Assures that the appeals for bans are being done by someone else (acts as arbiter).
    2. Instructs the Moderators by creating and maintaining a Moderator Role Manual.
    3. Performs regular check-ups for staff inactivity and problems.
    4. Determines the punishment scale for offences.
    5. Alerts Eru Iluvatar in case of demotion/promotions Moderators.

    Head of Player Experience and Events
    Staff position. Assigned by Eru Iluvatar to be in charge of community events organization, mini-games, new player introductions and tutoring. The Head of Player Experience and Events is responsible for the Guides.
    1. Responsible for recruiting and training Guides.
    2. In charge of promoting and demoting Guides.
    3. Reponsible for major events such as when Summer Survival, Halloween, Christmas, ... are held.
    4. Maintains the Guide Role Manual.
    Head of Media and Public Relations
    Staff position.

    Head of Community Management
    Staff position.

    Head of Resource Pack Development
    Staff position.

    The Moderator falls under the supervision and responsibility of the Head Moderator. Their tasks are to enforce the Terms of Service and Rules, and moderate various communication channels.
    1. Welcome players and point them out in the right direction if they have questions.
    2. Enforce the Terms of Service and Rules, and deals out punishments by using the Infraction Table.
    3. Actively search for grief on the servers by using our logging tools.
    4. Process bans by collecting evidence and making a report about the ban.
    5. Moderate communication channels.
    6. Moderate Forums.
    7. Moderate in-game chat.
    Staff position. Staff position for experienced, skilled and highly involved players whose opinions represent the community as a whole (non- and building sides) but whos building skills don't match the definition of the Designer rank. Managers fall under the supervision of the Head/Valar team tho they might have a closer affiliation with a specific Head depending on their tasks.
    1. Complete tasks assigned to by the Head/Vala roles.
    2. Help to organize community events such as the Summer Events or Anniversary Events.
    3. Represents the community during the Staff discussions and decisions.
    Staff position. The Designer falls under the supervision and responsibility of the Head Builder. Designers possess great building skills, and out-of-the-box creative thinking to come up with original designs.
    1. Create creative concepts either on Freebuild or other places for an upcoming project.
    2. Submits a request to the Head of Projects and Build if it is a Project. The Head of Projects and Build will either allow it or not, and give his motivation on that decision.
    3. Run Jobs, which are smaller tasks that can be done in a shorter timespan, and by everyone of the community.
    The Foreman is a rank that has both social aspects from the Guide as the creative aspects from Artist. It can be considered a more 'trusted' rank as it combines both these ranks with additional permissions. Foremen fall under the supervision and responsability of Designers, the Head Builder and the Head Enforcer. Foremen are not bound to a certain project and thus can not take the role of a fixed project leader.

    1. Host jobs using the Job Plugin and be active on voicechat. ('derp fixing', tasks given by Designers, ...)
    2. Encourage people to get involved in the community and log on the voicechat.
    3. Host or assist Plotbuilds using the Plotbuild Plugin.
    4. See Artist description.
    5. See Guide description.
    The Artist falls under the supervision and responsibility of the Head Builder. They went through the Artist Application, and have shown their ability to build through weekly organized Themed Builds.
    1. Help out the Designer and Head Builder with building.
    The Guide falls under the supervision and responsibility of the Head Guide. They are the first-line support for new players who have questions or don't know what to do.
    1. Welcoming new players.
    2. Help out new players with their questions.
    3. Explain how the community works to new people and where to find information.
    4. Organize tours and minigames in the server.
    5. Encourage people to get involved in the community and log on the voicechat.
    6. Help to organize community events such as the Summer Events or Anniversary Events.
    The Commoner is a vouched-for member of the community. Once enough people have voted for someone to become Commoner, he will automatically receive the role.
    1. Commoners have no duties.
    The Adventurer is the starting rank on the server. These players can participate in Jobs, Themed Builds, take part in tours and explore the server.
    1. They have no duties.

    The Oathbreaker is a role given by Moderators to players who have broken a rule written in the Terms of Service and Rules. An Oathbreaker will be given a location that they must walk to, and depending on the severity, wait a week as well.

    1. A First Degree Oathbreaker must walk to the location assigned to him, which is remarkably closer to the spawn compared to the Second Degree Oathbreaker. As soon as they reach their destination, they must contact an Enforcer, who can immediately restore them to their rank.
    2. A Second Degree Oathbraker must walk to his assigned destination, which will be further away from spawn. They also will have to wait a week before they can be reinstated into their rank by an Enforcer.
    Animations badgeThe animations badge offers the possibility to make stop-motion animations on the build server.
    Guidebook badgeThe guidebook badge gives you the option to start writing location-based lore articles which will pop up for whoever has the Guidebook option on.
    Minigames badgeThe minigames badge holder can start mini-games such as races, quizzes, parkour and more.
    Tours badgeThe tours badge enables the ability to run tours.
    Voxel badgeThe voxel badge allows you to use Voxelsniper.
    Limited Worldedit badgeThe Limited Worldedit badge gives you a limited version of worldedit. Though technically restricted, it is still a harmful tool if used irresponsibly!
    Full Worldedit badgeThe Full Worldedit badge gives complete access to WorldEdit.