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Accepted Jonatanknalle: Artist application

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Date: April 8 2018

Jobs: Farms in Belfalas with Barteldvn, Moria halls with NicTheFifth, one small house in Dol Amorth with Barteldvn, vegitation in Tolfalas with Thomas18, "dasewers1/2/3...”with Pants_of_sindar, marshes in "marshytolfalas" with Henryengerd, two houses in coldlake manor (one being diagonal) on private job with Henryengerd and farms in coldlake manor with Henryengerd.
Pictures: Artist application: Jobs

Themed-builds: The forskaen inn, coordinates: -31, 5, 3127, updated 14. April 2018.
Pictures: Artist application: Theme

Additional builds:Im right now building in the freebuild world with aidanmp01 making a big build on the mountain (the mountain being my build and the plains being his), at -544, 4, -1865. In rp e. I have also built a bridge by coldlake manor (my own design) and im building a house in moria.
Pictures: Artist application: Other builds

My interests: I like building medieval and some classical builds so I would probably fit well with the gondorian style but im very adaptive and can change between many styles, for example I have never built in exactly that style im woking with in my freebuild but I had an idea and I worked out of that (note that it is NOT finished yet).

My motiation: I love building in minecraft and when I saw this amazing world I was shocked by the detail in your builds when I first joined, I look up to you and your work and ever since I joined have I tried to participate in as many jobs as possible because I like building this map and be a part of this awsome community. I play minecraft all the time and would like to build with you on this server to make these awsome creations.

Thanks for taking your time to read this application.
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Looking at your builds I can't find anything to comment on in them at all. You seems to have completely nailed the server build style perfectly so if it was up to me I'd say that you're ready for your Artist trial build but that's not for me to decide.
I left comments at/on your themebuild (lapis lazuli blocks with signs on them), delete them once fixed and completed and then update application please.
When you say ”update” in what way do you mean?
Adding new stuff by editing your post. And don't forget to leave a message here as well saying that you have updated your application as doing so will bump your application to the top and notify those who reviews it that you have updated it as editing an application does not automatically notify people.
Hey @Jonatanknalle, thank you for your application!

Such perfectly designed application, well done. All information to get to your builds are easy to find and reading it I already got a good impression :)
I must say I'm astonished to see you building so well in our style after just a few days on the server. My first Themed-build I made after a week on the server was much more off :D
Also your Themed-builds has a lot of details inside and outside. That's why I have a quite long list of details to improve ;)
My most important issue are the trees. They are way to simple! (I know @BWOT says it's quick and easy to learn tree building, but I disagree here :p). There are some treebuilding guides at plotworld for example at /warp lothconcept. Your trees should have some nice branches and most leaves at the tips of the branches. Then connect these clusters of leaves loosly with some more leave to make a full leave canopy. But inside the canopy there should be very few (if any) leaves. It should be possible to fly/climb inside. And there should be a lot of holes between the leaves to look inside. Trees have most of their leaves at the outside where most light is.
Your cobbblestone walls are looking not stable.
You filled almost everything with details but not behide the main building. Don't leave any areas unfinished. It's very important to use stairs and slabs to make them look irregular. But some of your walls have to many holes and look like the would crumble at once. Also at many placed your walls are connected diagonally only. That's something I've seen on the main map lately but I dislike it very much. Make better connections by add a stair of slab.
I think the fireplace in the main room would look better using a different material than the wall to improve it's visibility. You should always cover the thatch or roof tiles from inside. To be realistic the roof needs some support by beams and planks. Another unrealistic support stuctures is this truncated beam:
I would prefere the stairs to have some handrail, but in Eriador pack it's hard to make, in Gondor 2 trapdoors are great to do.
There is a swamp next to the main building directly upside of a slope which seems quite unrealistic to me but the swamp down at the river looks great ;)

Again I like your Themed-build very much. Looking forward to your update.

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Your artist application is now under Watchlist, congratulations, you will be contacted privately by one of the Artist Committee on what you must do for your final challenge. Congrats @Jonatanknalle !
Hello Jonatanknalle,

Your application has been accepted! Congratulations to the Purple Legion! We worked on your contest build today and there were only some very minor things which needed fixing. I advise getting a foreman partner for this week so that they can teach you some stuff, tell you the dos and don'ts.
Congratulations and welcome to the Purple Legion Jonatan. If you want you may pick up a set of Artist's Armor at the Artist Stronghold at /warp artist base and add your name to one of the pillars in the Hall of Artists inside the stronghold as well. Welcome to the rank of Artist!
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