• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

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    Reactions: DSESGH
    41 for me. I don't know if that's a good thing...
    If you are indeed older than 41 in reality, I think it may be a good thing, if not neither good nor bad. I think most maturing is definitely done during childhood and adolescence, so it may be a good thing to be not too young and not too old! If you are younger than 41, then good for you!
    25 :P
    OMG I JUST came online and It has been ONE YEAR since I became a member! Happy MCME Birthday LordEnedar!
    Haven't been online in about two or three months, but felt something that told me I had to come on because something special was happening. And there it is!
    I FINALLY met another Tolkienite where I live! Although he has much lore to learn, he is on a good path into Eä.
    Where I live, when you say Lord Of The Rings, people say stuff like, "Isn't that that one random movie that came out a long tim ago?" Or "What's that? " and many other things indicating that they have no idea what it is.
    The most people have known besides the kid I met is that it is about these short people called 'Hobbits' who go on a quest. They don't even know The One Ring! And there are some who have read LOTR and The Hobbit, but they think Arda is limited to just that small part of Middle-Earth, but it goes on in many ways.
    Wow, I was rude in those posts. I have changed much in but a few months.
    My age-old question I ask non-lore people: Would you rather have breakfast at Mundburg or dinner at Lugburz?
    May the grace of the Valar bless you.
    Man, third day of school, about 60 problems of math homework, an essay, and a big project all due tomorrow.
    Tardy + Class = Detention. Hundreds of 6th Graders Crowding and Blocking Hallways = Tardy. Detention + Self = Breaking of No Detentions Got.
    It is ended abruptly due to limited character space.
    Man, 8th grade is stressful! I've never gotten a detention, but now we get them if we're late to classes, and there are so many 6th graders!
    thats nothing i was about 30 min late because my class moved to a different room and it took me my friend and the assistent head of my school plus reception to find my class.
    The Final Five Days of Summer Break have begun..... NOOOOOOOO
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    Reactions: DSESGH
    Wow your school starts early :-( Mine starts on the 18th, and that's even early compared to other places.
    Summer, what's that?
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