• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com


Optifine OptiFine 1.19.4_HD_U_I4

For everyone's ease of use, you can download the corresponding Optifine version here. We are running Minecraft 1.19.4 and this is currently the most up-to-date version of Optifine.

OptiFine 1.19.4_HD_U_I4
- fixed reach distance with Forge
- updated default natural textures
- optimized memory allocation
- compatible with Forge 45.1.0

OptiFine 1.19.4_HD_U_I3
- fixed AA/AF crash with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
- fixed crash on invalid resource location
- fixed compatibility with FerriteCore
- fixed lagometer
- optimized Forge patch of ModelBlockRenderer
- fixed RandomEntities dayTime, added CEM animation variables day_time/day_count
- fixed smooth lighting with Forge
- fixed biome IDs
- fixed crash when reloading visible chunks
- fixed CEM models for chest boat and vex
- removed shaders normal/specular textures from main atlas
- fixed custom CIT models
- fixed shader options sliders
- fixed Forge crash "No method Font.ellipsize()"
- updated to 1.19.4
- compatible with Forge 45.0.23

OptiFine 1.19.3_HD_U_I2
- fixed glass pane CTM models
- fixed mipmap generation, sprite scaling, AA/AF, shaders normal/specular
- fixed mipmap levels for AA/AF and shaders normal/specular
- updated to 1.19.3
- compatible with Forge 44.1.17

OptiFine 1.19.2_HD_U_I1
- fixed black blocks with older forge versions
- fixed crash with Forge (#7110)
- added check for blockstate in random entities
- added NBT match "exists:"
- added random entity check for shulker box color
- added random entity models and animation parameter rule_index
- added random entities digit separator "."
- added random entities check for bed color
- added NBT checks "raw:" and "range:"
- fixed random and emissive textures for beds, paintings, signs and chests
- fixed shaders map background rendering to use normals
- fixed shaders option "rain.depth" (#4611)
- updated to 1.19.2
- compatible with Forge 43.1.52

OptiFine 1.19.1_HD_U_H9
- fixed Forge vertex format with shaders
- updated to 1.19.1
- compatible with Forge 42.0.9

OptiFine 1.19_HD_U_H9
- fixed crash when modded block entity has no blockstate
- clear CEM entity variables on resources reload
- fixed CIT broken by Forge compatibility (#7035)
- fixed Forge crash when breaking blocks (#7024)
- fixed shaders map rendering to use correct normals
- fixed Forge invisible blocks (#7025)
- fixed fishing line with shaders
- fixed shaders final program when loading from dimension folder
- fixed CEM model slime_outer
- fixed CEM parameter angry_time, added angry_time_start
- added CEM boolean entity variables "varb.xyz" and function printb()
- added CEM variables "visible" and "visible_boxes"
- fixed CEM animations for parrot on shoulder
- added CEM models: slime_outer, stray_outer, strider_saddle, wither_armor
- added CEM models: creeper_charge, drowned_outer, horse_armor, pig_saddle
- added CEM render variables and function lerp()
- added CEM parameters is_tamed, is_sitting and is_on_shoulder
- added CEM parameters is_aggressive, anger_time, frame_time, dimension
- added CEM entity variables
- added CEM support for chest boat
- fixed CEM partial ticks
- compatible with Forge 41.1.0

OptiFine 1.19_HD_U_H8
- fixed end portal with Fast Render (#6955)
- fixed CEM tick values to use partial_ticks, fixed revenge_time
- added CEM parameters player_pos_x/y/z and player_rot_x/y (#6771)
- added CEM parameters rot_x/y, id and death_time (#6770, #6746)
- added CEM functions print() and random(seed) (#6750)
- added CEM support for allay, frog, tadpole and warden
- fixed CEM parameter limb_swing for boat and minecart (#5659)
- fixed darkness effect with custom lightmaps (#6949)
- fixed Warden's emissive layer to render on program "gbuffers_spidereyes"
- fixed custom lightmaps to apply darkness effect (#6873)
- added shader uniforms darknessFactor and darknessLightFactor (#6627)
- fixed crash onPlayerSoundEntity
- fixed emissive textures and CTM overlays
- fixed option VSync
- fixed render regions
- fixed crash "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads"
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shaders
- updated to 1.19
- compatible with Forge 41.0.63

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H7
- fixed CEM for parrot on shoulder (#2295)
- fixed random entities for parrot on shoulder (#6223)
- fixed boss battle fog distance (#6710)
- fixed shaders fog (#6714)
- fixed banner patterns with emissive textures (#6719)
- fixed CEM animation dependencies (#6713)
- fixed horse random entities in GUI (#1371)
- fixed crash with Tinkers Construct (#6607)
- added error handling for scaled screenshots (#6707)
- optimized shaders loading time (#6701)
- fixed shaders attribute at_MidBlock for fluids
- added CEM parameters is_in_item_frame and is_on_head (#6699)
- added random entities check for size (#6523)
- changed random entities "collarColors" to "colors", added sheep and llama colors (#4436)
- added shader uniforms fogStart, fogEnd and fogShape (#6577)
- added option to disable telemetry (#6694)
- compatible with Forge 40.0.24

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H6
- fixed waterlogged blocks with shaders (#6672)
- fixed color of waterlogged blocks (#6646)
- updated to 1.18.2
- compatible with Forge 40.0.12

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H5
- fixed CEM model scaling (#4166)
- fixed shaders matrix uniforms
- changed custom sky times to be optional
- fixed lodestone compass glint (#6097)
- fixed custom sky with shaders (#6532)
- extended shaders composite programs to 99 (#6530)
- added shaders property "particles.before.deferred" (#5027)
- added CEM for wolf/cat_collar and tropical fish patterns (#6481)
- added CEM support for axolotl, glow squid and goat (#6481)
- added better grass support for crimson and warped nylium (#6481)
- fixed custom end sky with shaders (#6480)
- fixed culling of sculk vibration particle (#6483)
- fixed attaching multiple CEM parts to one bone (#5793)
- fixed grass and sugar cane custom colors (#6480)
- fixed lavadrop colormap (#6480)
- fixed option clouds in color.properties (#6480)
- fixed potion color names (#6480)
- fixed custom lilypad color in GUI (#6480)
- fixed custom colors for block breaking particles (#6480)
- removed CEM creeper armor and minecart dirt (#6480)
- fixed chunk border rendering with shaders (#6271)
- fixed shaders property "frustum.culling" (#6410)
- extended colormap height for 1.18 (#6445)
- added support for negative height ranges
- fixed CTM min/maxHeight to accept negative values (#6475)
- fixed Forge keybind modifiers (#6383, #6477)
- updated CTM textures for red and blue stained glass (#6465)
- compatible with Forge 39.0.66

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H4
- fixed transition between sky and horizon with render distance above 32
- fixed 1.18.1 fog render distance
- updated to 1.18.1
- compatible with Forge 39.0.0

OptiFine 1.18_HD_U_H3
- updated tooltips for 1.18 options
- fixed screenshot with AA (#5770)
- fixed dynamic lights lag with blocking updates (#6420)
- fixed flickering entity shadows on chunk borders
- fixed placing block in an empty chunk (#6415)
- fixed "shadow.culling" priority
- added shadow debug screen information
- added system property "chunk.debug.keys"
- combined shadow culling with shadow render distance
- added shaders property "shadow.culling" and check for PT shaders
- optimized shadow entity rendering
- fixed lagometer to show shadows, entities and block entities
- optimized shaders shadow culling
- fixed chunk cache and biome temperature
- updated to 1.18
- fixed shaders macro MC_VERSION for preview versions
- chunk culling bugfixes
- optimized chunk culling
- updated to 1.18-pre1
- compatible with Forge 38.0.14

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H2
- fixed block breaking particles with Forge (#6349)
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H1
- added support for the microsoft store launcher (#6355)
- more smooth lighting fixes (#1287)
- fixed crash with shaders velocity and disabled random entities (#6307)
- fixed water smooth lighting (#1551)
- fixed smooth lighting (#1287)
- updated ChunkLayerSet to implement Set interface
- separated memory allocation and GC rate
- optimized render states
- restored Forge particle culling, disabled for guardian effect (#4994)
- fixed breaking animation with shaders uniform renderStage
- fix mipmaps for glass pane top (#6282)
- fixed resizing of animated sprites with fixed height (#5918)
- fixed water cauldron legacy alias
- renamed grass path to dirt path (#6259)
- fixed crash with different normal/specular texture animations (#6029)
- fixed Custom GUIs (#6094)
- fixed black entities on Intel with render regions
- optimized chunk culling
- fixed chunk loading for singleplayer/multiplayer
- fixed shaders programs gbuffers_beacon_beam and gbuffers_entity_glowing
- fixed OpenGL error on reloading resources
- fixed black entities with anisotropic filtering
- updated native memory monitor to work with Java 16
- updated SRG mappings
- fixed glow squid dynamic light on damage (#5741)
- fixed compute shader validation on AMD
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_G9
- fixed custom loading screens (#6128)
- fixed player armor with arabic locale (#5806)
- fixed crash with VoxelMap
- fixed integrated server lag when leveling up a cartographer (#6044)
- removed fallback to OpenGL compatibility profile
- fixed render regions to work in core profile
- fixed splash text for 1.17
- updated Forge patches 37.0.25
- fixed OpenGL error 1282 when activating AF
- fixed shaders crash on AMD
- added custom sky for the end dimension
- fixed AA/AF to work in core profile
- fixed spyglass when Dynamic FOV is off
- fixed shaders compatibility to move #extension lines to header
- fixed sorting of compatibility header lines
- fixed black items/entities on Mac with shaders
- fixed FXAA to use core profile
- fixed shaders startup on Mac
- fixed shaders compatibility: texelFetch2D, #version XYZ compatibility, texture2DGrad
- fixed shaders inverse matrices
- added modelViewMatrixInverse and projectionMatrixInverse
- insert shaders compatibility lines after last "#extension"
- fixed compatibility mode for shaders using reserved keywords
- fixed compatibility mode for geometry shaders
- updated shaders to use core profile functions
- fixed shaders composite matrices
- renamed shaders sampler "texture" to "gtexture" (#5537)
- fixed shaders compatibility to work in core profile (MacOS)
- fixed shaders rendering of boat in water
- fixed shader loading performance
- added prefix "va" to vanilla attribute names
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- fixed chest texture in GUI with shaders
- added powder snow support for isEyeInWater uniform (#5993)
- fixed enchanted glint with shaders
- fixed entity normal textures with shaders
- fixed shaders sky color (#5960)
- updated to 1.17.1
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.17_HD_U_G9_pre26
- fixed shaders compatibility preprocessor
- fixed various bugs in shaders compatibility mode
- fixed spam in log when checking for cape (#5899)
- fixed entities missing in screenshot (#5734)
- fixed shaders entity shadows (#5883)
- fixed shaders block selection and fishing rod line
- fixed shaders particles visible through blocks
- fixed shaders particle and sun solor
- fixed shaders water fog
- fixed shaders lightmap coordinates
- added shaders compatibility mode
- fixed chunks not loading when changing dimension (#5757)
- fixed emissive textures for entities
- fixed custom sky
- added dynamic lights for glow squid, glow berries and glow item frame (#5724)
- added default CTM for tinted glass (#5702)
- optimized startup performance
- fixed smart animations and render regions for translucent blocks
- fixed alpha check for cutout textures (leaves, glass)
- fixed dynamic lights
- updated to 1.17
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G8
- fixed shaders macro for Mesa drivers (#5515)
- added CEM for llama decor
- fixed enchantment screen to use CEM book model
- fixed top-level CEM texture for non-living entities
- added CEM for conduit, lectern_book and llama spit
- fixed conduit wind animation with smart animations
- fixed CEM documentation for husk and illagers
- disable selection outline for CEM block entities
- fixed CEM for enchanted trident
- added CEM for bell and trident
- added CEM for all minecarts (chest, command block, furnace and hopper)
- added CEM for wandering_trader and trader_llama
- added CEM for bee, elder_guardian, hoglin, zoglin and strider
- fixed emissive enchanted items, emissive bed (#4222)
- fixed custom colors: map, dye, banners, cat collar (#2777)
- fixed shaders transform matrices lagging one frame in prepared pass
- fixed shaders projection matrix lagging in shadow pass (#5134)
- fixed shaders velocity map crash
- fixed custom colors: water particle, potion, spawn egg, boss (#4173)
- fixed CIT name matching (#4909)
- fixed geometry shaders for Mac M1 (#5442)
- fixed stained glass with anisotropic filtering (#5181)
- fixed shaders with Forge (#5433)
- fixed dragging of option sliders (#5423)
- fixed input lag with lazy chunk loading (#5348)
- added shaders attribute at_midBlock
- added relative shaders buffer size
- added shaders options shadowTerrain, shadowEntities and shadowBlockEntities
- added shaders velocity map
- fixed shaders vertex format switching
- added entity vertex format for shaders
- added option macros when parsing shaders.properties
- fixed integer texture types
- added mipmap generation for compute shaders
- updated shaders layout parsing
- compatible with Forge 36.1.0

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G7
- added shaders render stages
- fixed underwater overlay with shaders
- changed shaders buffer numbering from hex to decimal
- added draw buffers configuration /* RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */
- added shader compute programs and imageLoad/Store (#791)
- fixed memory allocation on chunk borders
- added Lazy Chunk Loading for 1.16
- fixed invisible mobs (#5016)
- fixed Forge particle culling (#4994)
- fixed TAA with Sildurs shaders (#5294)
- fixed shaders normal/specular animation with AF (#5279)
- fixed crash on circular reference in shaders options
- added shaders blend mode per buffer (#5263)
- fixed shaders custom textures breaking on resources reloaded
- added shaders macro MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING and uniform spriteBounds
- fixed crash when reloading shaders
- fixed modded blocks, items and entities mapping with shaders (#3816)
- added shaders buffers with fixed size
- reorganized shaders framebuffers
- added shaders prepare programs
- added shadow composite programs
- added 8 and 16 bit integer texture types
- fixed screenshot with antialiasing (#5228)
- added shaders macro MC_GL_VENDOR_AMD
- added OpenGL debug groups and ignored errors
- added clear color and skip clear for shadow color buffers (#2780)
- added configurable shadow buffer format (#5221)
- fixed antialiasing with Forge
- increased shaders color buffers to 16, added draw buffers mapping (#2103)
- updated to 1.16.5
- compatible with Forge 36.0.42

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G6
- added system property "frame.time" to show frame time instead of FPS
- fixed cape downloads blocking skin and terrain downloads (#4976)
- added support for shaders texture format LabPBR (#5182)
- fixed custom uniforms using biomes
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (prepare)
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (multidraw)
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures with anisotropic filtering
- fixed item rendering with shaders and anisotropic filtering
- fixed banners, enchanted items, fire and hand outline with AA/AF
- disabled antialiasing with fabulous graphics
- enabled anisotropic filtering with shaders
- fixed item frames with AA/AF
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (#5153)
- fixed crash when when swamp biome isn't registered (#5088)
- fixed player items (santa hat) showing on invisible players (#5150)
- fixed shaders breaking biome mods (#4880)
- fixed custom gui chest type (#5100)
- compatible with Forge 35.1.36

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G5
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed chunk forced loading (#4832)
- updated to 1.16.4
- compatible with Forge 35.0.1

OptiFine 1.16.3_HD_U_G4
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shadow bug with sildurs shaders and campfire (#4372)
- added support for Forge modlauncher Target.PRE_CLASS (#4515)
- fixed MineColonies GUI, fixed AT invokespecial/virtual (#4582)
- added particle culling
- updated to 1.16.3
- compatible with Forge 34.0.0

OptiFine 1.16.2_HD_U_G3
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed smart animations with glowing entities on fire
- fixed glowing entities with shaders (#4700)
- added loading screen blend mode (#4712)
- fixed custom mooshroom mushrooms (#3481)
- right click selects previous value in shader options (#4706)
- fixed Mojang logo smoothing (#4337)
- fixed banner with emissive textures (#4707)
- added CEM for piglin, piglin_brute and zombified_piglin (#4600)
- fixed chunks not loading with render distance > 36 (#4261)
- added more steps for shaders render quality (#4556)
- fixed dolphin CEM (#3051)
- fixed server connection with java 9+ (#3773, #3959, #4656, #4667)
- added Forge license (#4654)
- fixed biome handling with shaders (#4687)
- fixed biome handling (#4681, #4658, #4668)
- fixed leaking resource on startup (#4678)
- fixed option VSync (#4680)
- fixed soul flame particles (#4642)
- added shaders uniform playerMood (#4650)
- fixed white/black screen with shaders (#4640)
- updated to 1.16.2
- compatible with Forge 33.0.20

OptiFine 1.16.1_HD_U_G2
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed OpenGL errors with Render Regions
- removed inactive option Use VBOs, reorganized performance settings
- updated Forge compatibility 32.0.98 (#4515)
- fixed missing fullscreen resolutions (#4510)
- fixed enchanted items with shaders (#4512)
- fixed broken textures with some shaders
- added wrap and filter modes for raw shader textures (#2905)
- fixed translucent blocks with Render Regions (#4504)
- fixed CEM with custom emissive textures (#4467)
- fixed shaders and custom sky in custom server dimensions (#4287)
- fixed CIT custom models (#4223)
- optimized chunk rendering when player is above Y=128
- fixed Fast Render with shaders (#4442)
- optimized Render Regions grouping
- fixed zoom to not reset cinematic camera
- reimplemented Fast Render, compatible with shaders
- fixed Fabulous warning (#4367)
- fixed CEM with spider eyes
- fixed emissive textures (#4404)
- fixed invisible entities on respawn (#4414)
- fixed Render Regions
- fixed geometry shaders with AMD (#4250)
- optimized text rendering
- optimized chunk loading
- optimized chunk rendering
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed debug info chunk updates
- fixed soul fire and soul campfire animation option (#4328)
- fixed CTM for logs (#4320)
- fixed clouds with fabulous graphics (#4251)
- fixed crimson forest and warped forest particles (#4253)
- fixed fast render with fabulous graphics (#4289)
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#4274)
- fixed crash when killing parrot (#4214)
- added Entity Distance in performance options (#4206)
- fixed white hotbar with shaders and FXAA (#4201)
- updated to 1.16.1
- compatible with Forge 32.0.98

OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed shaders to render world border with program textured_lit (#3979)
- fixed shaders rendering of hurt mobs and flashing creepers (#3598)
- fixed CIT relative texture paths (#4046)
- fixed alpha for CUTOUT rendering (#4120)
- fixed custom player models
- optimized underwater particles
- fixed block selection with chunk borders visible (#4119)
- fixed lag spikes when breaking blocks near water (#3912)
- fixed emissive textures for rails and brewing stand (#4094)
- fixed CEM animations (#4093)
- fixed emissive crash with enchanted trident (#4092)
- fixed emissive textures (#3437)
- fixed shaders programs and extended attributes for block breaking animation (#3600)
- fixed shaders entity and block entity programs
- fixed shaders block selection, hitboxes and chunk borders (#3601, #3818)
- fixed shaders block breaking texture (#3880)
- fixed shaders option separateAO (#4047)
- fixed rescaling of shaders normal/specular textures (#3761)
- fixed void rendering with shaders (#3673)
- fixed shaders light shining in caves (#3593)
- fixed shaders rendering of invisible glowing entities (#3996)
- fixed cape stuttering when flying around (#3384)
- fixed player shadow with shaders in spectator mode (#4022)
- fixed CEM bed model (#4035)
- fixed Random Entities with CEM (#4025)
- fixed CEM animation parameters pos_y, pos_z (#4033)
- fixed CIT handheld items and armor (#3276, #3318)
- fixed CEM custom texture (#4010)
- added CEM donkey and mule chest models
- fixed CEM model textures
- added CEM for head_creeper, head_wither_skeleton and head_zombie
- fixed resetting CEM for heads when changing resource pack
- fixed CEM for banner, bed, chests, ender crystal, ghast, illagers, phantom, dragon
- fixed CEM for sheep, wolf, dolphin, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish, boat
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#3965)
- fixed rain rendering over blocks when picking items (#3956)
- fixed shaders rendering of banners, spider eyes and enchantment glint
- fixed shaders depthtex2 (#3646)
- fixed profiler smoothing
- fixed dark GUI items when running with Forge (#3830)
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.2.21

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F6
- fixed flickering of min. FPS
- fixed debug profiler sections in 1.14.4 (MC-158870)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F5
- fixed crash when reloading textures (#3125)
- fixed invisible mobs around the player
- fixed shaders integer texture formats (#3109)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F4
- fixed crash with Java 9+ (#2964)
- fixed shaders to stop chunk updates on shader pack reload (#3001)
- added CEM for cat, fox, panda, phantom, pillager, ravager, turtle and giant (#1822)
- fixed Emissive Textures with Astral Sorcery (#1581)
- added loading screen bar outline color (#2558)
- fixed clock in quick bar not animated with Forge (#2889)
- added CEM for fish (cod, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish)
- fixed CEM for witch
- fixed CTM corners with innerSeams
- updated installer to set OptiFine profile logo
- added Random Entities check for moon phase, day time and weather (#2931)
- added Random Entities check for health (#2958)
- fixed Cape Editor screen to allow copy link to clipboard on error
- fixed Forge access transformers for inner classes
- fixed Forge access transformers removing final
- added Random Entities check for baby mobs (#2832)
- fixed Smart Animations for blocks in minecarts (#2731)
- fixed Forge access transformers (#2737)
- added shaders program "gbuffers_entities_glowing" (#2328)
- added compatibility with Forge ModLauncher (#2148)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F3
- fixed CEM handling of attached models (#2323)
- fixed slider options tooltips (#2718)
- added connected textures for resource pack "Programmer Art"
- fixed renderType for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- added shaders instancing for composite programs
- added shaders instancing as alternative to geometry shaders
- fixed shaders #include on first line
- internally compatible with Forge 28.0.23 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F2
- updated to 1.14.4
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F2
- fixed crash in CIT (#2624)
- added support for raw shader textures (#2631)
- fixed geometry shaders on Intel/AMD (#2359)
- updated Forge patches
- fixed leashed horse GUI with shaders (#2545)
- internally compatible with Forge 27.0.51 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F1
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- restored void rendering, needed by shaders sky (#2522)
- fixed launchwrapper to allow patching of "com.mojang.blaze3d"
- updated to 1.14.3
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.2_HD_U_F1_pre15
- fixed compatibility with Java 9+
- catch exceptions while generating a crash report
- fixed crash when reloading resources (missing texture sprite)
- fixed mipmap levels and mipmap type
- fixed block aliases without shader pack
- fixed crash in ItemRenderer
- fixed flickering chests (#2467)
- fixed sign edit screen in multiplayer (#2422, #2091)
- fixed crash in sprite resize (#2481)
- fixed crash when reloading resources
- fixed maximum mipmap level detection
- fixed villager CEM
- fixed tile entity names (#2472)
- fixed custom GUI names
- fixed villager professions
- fixed load visible chunks
- fixed particle collision (#2408)
- added Random Entities check for wolf/cat collar colors (#2447)
- fixed Emissive Textures on blocks/items (#2461)
- fixed Custom Fonts crash (#2443)
- fixed CTM compact to use vanilla UV corrections (#2460)
- fixed Mipmap Levels to reload resources
- fixed titles of settings screens
- fixed CTM overlay crash (#2436)
- fixed crossbow CIT models (#2404)
- fixed CTM compact for glass panes (#2423)
- added custom loading screen colors
- fixed double click sound on Video Settings
- disabled void rendering when the player is above Y=64
- fixed sky fog
- fixed shader option sliders
- added compatibility block mapping for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- updated to 1.14.2
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14_HD_U_F1_pre6
- not all features working, not all optimizations added, may crash
- fixed crash with animated paintings (#2393)
- fixed mooshroom, parrot on shoulder, smooth world, save/load VBOS
- fixed CIT armor
- fixed lagometer and profiler
- fixed cape and player items position
- fixed shaders camera position to include eye height (#2390)
- fixed parsing of shaders macro: #if 0
- fixed font memory allocation
- fixed player shadow in first-person view
- fixed shaders entity shadows and isEyeInWater
- fixed Max Framerate: VSync
- fixed configurable animations
- fixed ghost dynamic lights from dead mobs
- fixed slab model rendering
- optimized memory allocation
- enabled server lagometer
- fixed default CTM to use 1.14 textures
- fixed texture atlas sprite loading
- fixed double click sound in options
- fixed main menu panorama
- fixed mojang logo
- fixed option tooltips
- fixed option GUI Scale
- fixed crash in shaders options
- updated to 1.14
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H7
- fixed boss battle fog distance (#6710)
- fixed shaders fog (#6714)
- fixed banner patterns with emissive textures (#6719)
- fixed CEM animation dependencies (#6713)
- fixed horse random entities in GUI (#1371)
- fixed crash with Tinkers Construct (#6607)
- added error handling for scaled screenshots (#6707)
- optimized shaders loading time (#6701)
- fixed shaders attribute at_MidBlock for fluids
- added CEM parameters is_in_item_frame and is_on_head (#6699)
- added random entities check for size (#6523)
- changed random entities "collarColors" to "colors", added sheep and llama colors (#4436)
- added shader uniforms fogStart, fogEnd and fogShape (#6577)
- added option to disable telemetry (#6694)
- compatible with Forge 40.0.24

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H6
- fixed waterlogged blocks with shaders (#6672)
- fixed color of waterlogged blocks (#6646)
- updated to 1.18.2
- compatible with Forge 40.0.12

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H5
- fixed CEM model scaling (#4166)
- fixed shaders matrix uniforms
- changed custom sky times to be optional
- fixed lodestone compass glint (#6097)
- fixed custom sky with shaders (#6532)
- extended shaders composite programs to 99 (#6530)
- added shaders property "particles.before.deferred" (#5027)
- added CEM for wolf/cat_collar and tropical fish patterns (#6481)
- added CEM support for axolotl, glow squid and goat (#6481)
- added better grass support for crimson and warped nylium (#6481)
- fixed custom end sky with shaders (#6480)
- fixed culling of sculk vibration particle (#6483)
- fixed attaching multiple CEM parts to one bone (#5793)
- fixed grass and sugar cane custom colors (#6480)
- fixed lavadrop colormap (#6480)
- fixed option clouds in color.properties (#6480)
- fixed potion color names (#6480)
- fixed custom lilypad color in GUI (#6480)
- fixed custom colors for block breaking particles (#6480)
- removed CEM creeper armor and minecart dirt (#6480)
- fixed chunk border rendering with shaders (#6271)
- fixed shaders property "frustum.culling" (#6410)
- extended colormap height for 1.18 (#6445)
- added support for negative height ranges
- fixed CTM min/maxHeight to accept negative values (#6475)
- fixed Forge keybind modifiers (#6383, #6477)
- updated CTM textures for red and blue stained glass (#6465)
- compatible with Forge 39.0.66

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H4
- fixed transition between sky and horizon with render distance above 32
- fixed 1.18.1 fog render distance
- updated to 1.18.1
- compatible with Forge 39.0.0

OptiFine 1.18_HD_U_H3
- updated tooltips for 1.18 options
- fixed screenshot with AA (#5770)
- fixed dynamic lights lag with blocking updates (#6420)
- fixed flickering entity shadows on chunk borders
- fixed placing block in an empty chunk (#6415)
- fixed "shadow.culling" priority
- added shadow debug screen information
- added system property "chunk.debug.keys"
- combined shadow culling with shadow render distance
- added shaders property "shadow.culling" and check for PT shaders
- optimized shadow entity rendering
- fixed lagometer to show shadows, entities and block entities
- optimized shaders shadow culling
- fixed chunk cache and biome temperature
- updated to 1.18
- fixed shaders macro MC_VERSION for preview versions
- chunk culling bugfixes
- optimized chunk culling
- updated to 1.18-pre1
- compatible with Forge 38.0.14

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H2
- fixed block breaking particles with Forge (#6349)
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H1
- added support for the microsoft store launcher (#6355)
- more smooth lighting fixes (#1287)
- fixed crash with shaders velocity and disabled random entities (#6307)
- fixed water smooth lighting (#1551)
- fixed smooth lighting (#1287)
- updated ChunkLayerSet to implement Set interface
- separated memory allocation and GC rate
- optimized render states
- restored Forge particle culling, disabled for guardian effect (#4994)
- fixed breaking animation with shaders uniform renderStage
- fix mipmaps for glass pane top (#6282)
- fixed resizing of animated sprites with fixed height (#5918)
- fixed water cauldron legacy alias
- renamed grass path to dirt path (#6259)
- fixed crash with different normal/specular texture animations (#6029)
- fixed Custom GUIs (#6094)
- fixed black entities on Intel with render regions
- optimized chunk culling
- fixed chunk loading for singleplayer/multiplayer
- fixed shaders programs gbuffers_beacon_beam and gbuffers_entity_glowing
- fixed OpenGL error on reloading resources
- fixed black entities with anisotropic filtering
- updated native memory monitor to work with Java 16
- updated SRG mappings
- fixed glow squid dynamic light on damage (#5741)
- fixed compute shader validation on AMD
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_G9
- fixed custom loading screens (#6128)
- fixed player armor with arabic locale (#5806)
- fixed crash with VoxelMap
- fixed integrated server lag when leveling up a cartographer (#6044)
- removed fallback to OpenGL compatibility profile
- fixed render regions to work in core profile
- fixed splash text for 1.17
- updated Forge patches 37.0.25
- fixed OpenGL error 1282 when activating AF
- fixed shaders crash on AMD
- added custom sky for the end dimension
- fixed AA/AF to work in core profile
- fixed spyglass when Dynamic FOV is off
- fixed shaders compatibility to move #extension lines to header
- fixed sorting of compatibility header lines
- fixed black items/entities on Mac with shaders
- fixed FXAA to use core profile
- fixed shaders startup on Mac
- fixed shaders compatibility: texelFetch2D, #version XYZ compatibility, texture2DGrad
- fixed shaders inverse matrices
- added modelViewMatrixInverse and projectionMatrixInverse
- insert shaders compatibility lines after last "#extension"
- fixed compatibility mode for shaders using reserved keywords
- fixed compatibility mode for geometry shaders
- updated shaders to use core profile functions
- fixed shaders composite matrices
- renamed shaders sampler "texture" to "gtexture" (#5537)
- fixed shaders compatibility to work in core profile (MacOS)
- fixed shaders rendering of boat in water
- fixed shader loading performance
- added prefix "va" to vanilla attribute names
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- fixed chest texture in GUI with shaders
- added powder snow support for isEyeInWater uniform (#5993)
- fixed enchanted glint with shaders
- fixed entity normal textures with shaders
- fixed shaders sky color (#5960)
- updated to 1.17.1
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.17_HD_U_G9_pre26
- fixed shaders compatibility preprocessor
- fixed various bugs in shaders compatibility mode
- fixed spam in log when checking for cape (#5899)
- fixed entities missing in screenshot (#5734)
- fixed shaders entity shadows (#5883)
- fixed shaders block selection and fishing rod line
- fixed shaders particles visible through blocks
- fixed shaders particle and sun solor
- fixed shaders water fog
- fixed shaders lightmap coordinates
- added shaders compatibility mode
- fixed chunks not loading when changing dimension (#5757)
- fixed emissive textures for entities
- fixed custom sky
- added dynamic lights for glow squid, glow berries and glow item frame (#5724)
- added default CTM for tinted glass (#5702)
- optimized startup performance
- fixed smart animations and render regions for translucent blocks
- fixed alpha check for cutout textures (leaves, glass)
- fixed dynamic lights
- updated to 1.17
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G8
- fixed shaders macro for Mesa drivers (#5515)
- added CEM for llama decor
- fixed enchantment screen to use CEM book model
- fixed top-level CEM texture for non-living entities
- added CEM for conduit, lectern_book and llama spit
- fixed conduit wind animation with smart animations
- fixed CEM documentation for husk and illagers
- disable selection outline for CEM block entities
- fixed CEM for enchanted trident
- added CEM for bell and trident
- added CEM for all minecarts (chest, command block, furnace and hopper)
- added CEM for wandering_trader and trader_llama
- added CEM for bee, elder_guardian, hoglin, zoglin and strider
- fixed emissive enchanted items, emissive bed (#4222)
- fixed custom colors: map, dye, banners, cat collar (#2777)
- fixed shaders transform matrices lagging one frame in prepared pass
- fixed shaders projection matrix lagging in shadow pass (#5134)
- fixed shaders velocity map crash
- fixed custom colors: water particle, potion, spawn egg, boss (#4173)
- fixed CIT name matching (#4909)
- fixed geometry shaders for Mac M1 (#5442)
- fixed stained glass with anisotropic filtering (#5181)
- fixed shaders with Forge (#5433)
- fixed dragging of option sliders (#5423)
- fixed input lag with lazy chunk loading (#5348)
- added shaders attribute at_midBlock
- added relative shaders buffer size
- added shaders options shadowTerrain, shadowEntities and shadowBlockEntities
- added shaders velocity map
- fixed shaders vertex format switching
- added entity vertex format for shaders
- added option macros when parsing shaders.properties
- fixed integer texture types
- added mipmap generation for compute shaders
- updated shaders layout parsing
- compatible with Forge 36.1.0

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G7
- added shaders render stages
- fixed underwater overlay with shaders
- changed shaders buffer numbering from hex to decimal
- added draw buffers configuration /* RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */
- added shader compute programs and imageLoad/Store (#791)
- fixed memory allocation on chunk borders
- added Lazy Chunk Loading for 1.16
- fixed invisible mobs (#5016)
- fixed Forge particle culling (#4994)
- fixed TAA with Sildurs shaders (#5294)
- fixed shaders normal/specular animation with AF (#5279)
- fixed crash on circular reference in shaders options
- added shaders blend mode per buffer (#5263)
- fixed shaders custom textures breaking on resources reloaded
- added shaders macro MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING and uniform spriteBounds
- fixed crash when reloading shaders
- fixed modded blocks, items and entities mapping with shaders (#3816)
- added shaders buffers with fixed size
- reorganized shaders framebuffers
- added shaders prepare programs
- added shadow composite programs
- added 8 and 16 bit integer texture types
- fixed screenshot with antialiasing (#5228)
- added shaders macro MC_GL_VENDOR_AMD
- added OpenGL debug groups and ignored errors
- added clear color and skip clear for shadow color buffers (#2780)
- added configurable shadow buffer format (#5221)
- fixed antialiasing with Forge
- increased shaders color buffers to 16, added draw buffers mapping (#2103)
- updated to 1.16.5
- compatible with Forge 36.0.42

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G6
- added system property "frame.time" to show frame time instead of FPS
- fixed cape downloads blocking skin and terrain downloads (#4976)
- added support for shaders texture format LabPBR (#5182)
- fixed custom uniforms using biomes
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (prepare)
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (multidraw)
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures with anisotropic filtering
- fixed item rendering with shaders and anisotropic filtering
- fixed banners, enchanted items, fire and hand outline with AA/AF
- disabled antialiasing with fabulous graphics
- enabled anisotropic filtering with shaders
- fixed item frames with AA/AF
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (#5153)
- fixed crash when when swamp biome isn't registered (#5088)
- fixed player items (santa hat) showing on invisible players (#5150)
- fixed shaders breaking biome mods (#4880)
- fixed custom gui chest type (#5100)
- compatible with Forge 35.1.36

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G5
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed chunk forced loading (#4832)
- updated to 1.16.4
- compatible with Forge 35.0.1

OptiFine 1.16.3_HD_U_G4
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shadow bug with sildurs shaders and campfire (#4372)
- added support for Forge modlauncher Target.PRE_CLASS (#4515)
- fixed MineColonies GUI, fixed AT invokespecial/virtual (#4582)
- added particle culling
- updated to 1.16.3
- compatible with Forge 34.0.0

OptiFine 1.16.2_HD_U_G3
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed smart animations with glowing entities on fire
- fixed glowing entities with shaders (#4700)
- added loading screen blend mode (#4712)
- fixed custom mooshroom mushrooms (#3481)
- right click selects previous value in shader options (#4706)
- fixed Mojang logo smoothing (#4337)
- fixed banner with emissive textures (#4707)
- added CEM for piglin, piglin_brute and zombified_piglin (#4600)
- fixed chunks not loading with render distance > 36 (#4261)
- added more steps for shaders render quality (#4556)
- fixed dolphin CEM (#3051)
- fixed server connection with java 9+ (#3773, #3959, #4656, #4667)
- added Forge license (#4654)
- fixed biome handling with shaders (#4687)
- fixed biome handling (#4681, #4658, #4668)
- fixed leaking resource on startup (#4678)
- fixed option VSync (#4680)
- fixed soul flame particles (#4642)
- added shaders uniform playerMood (#4650)
- fixed white/black screen with shaders (#4640)
- updated to 1.16.2
- compatible with Forge 33.0.20

OptiFine 1.16.1_HD_U_G2
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed OpenGL errors with Render Regions
- removed inactive option Use VBOs, reorganized performance settings
- updated Forge compatibility 32.0.98 (#4515)
- fixed missing fullscreen resolutions (#4510)
- fixed enchanted items with shaders (#4512)
- fixed broken textures with some shaders
- added wrap and filter modes for raw shader textures (#2905)
- fixed translucent blocks with Render Regions (#4504)
- fixed CEM with custom emissive textures (#4467)
- fixed shaders and custom sky in custom server dimensions (#4287)
- fixed CIT custom models (#4223)
- optimized chunk rendering when player is above Y=128
- fixed Fast Render with shaders (#4442)
- optimized Render Regions grouping
- fixed zoom to not reset cinematic camera
- reimplemented Fast Render, compatible with shaders
- fixed Fabulous warning (#4367)
- fixed CEM with spider eyes
- fixed emissive textures (#4404)
- fixed invisible entities on respawn (#4414)
- fixed Render Regions
- fixed geometry shaders with AMD (#4250)
- optimized text rendering
- optimized chunk loading
- optimized chunk rendering
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed debug info chunk updates
- fixed soul fire and soul campfire animation option (#4328)
- fixed CTM for logs (#4320)
- fixed clouds with fabulous graphics (#4251)
- fixed crimson forest and warped forest particles (#4253)
- fixed fast render with fabulous graphics (#4289)
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#4274)
- fixed crash when killing parrot (#4214)
- added Entity Distance in performance options (#4206)
- fixed white hotbar with shaders and FXAA (#4201)
- updated to 1.16.1
- compatible with Forge 32.0.98

OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed shaders to render world border with program textured_lit (#3979)
- fixed shaders rendering of hurt mobs and flashing creepers (#3598)
- fixed CIT relative texture paths (#4046)
- fixed alpha for CUTOUT rendering (#4120)
- fixed custom player models
- optimized underwater particles
- fixed block selection with chunk borders visible (#4119)
- fixed lag spikes when breaking blocks near water (#3912)
- fixed emissive textures for rails and brewing stand (#4094)
- fixed CEM animations (#4093)
- fixed emissive crash with enchanted trident (#4092)
- fixed emissive textures (#3437)
- fixed shaders programs and extended attributes for block breaking animation (#3600)
- fixed shaders entity and block entity programs
- fixed shaders block selection, hitboxes and chunk borders (#3601, #3818)
- fixed shaders block breaking texture (#3880)
- fixed shaders option separateAO (#4047)
- fixed rescaling of shaders normal/specular textures (#3761)
- fixed void rendering with shaders (#3673)
- fixed shaders light shining in caves (#3593)
- fixed shaders rendering of invisible glowing entities (#3996)
- fixed cape stuttering when flying around (#3384)
- fixed player shadow with shaders in spectator mode (#4022)
- fixed CEM bed model (#4035)
- fixed Random Entities with CEM (#4025)
- fixed CEM animation parameters pos_y, pos_z (#4033)
- fixed CIT handheld items and armor (#3276, #3318)
- fixed CEM custom texture (#4010)
- added CEM donkey and mule chest models
- fixed CEM model textures
- added CEM for head_creeper, head_wither_skeleton and head_zombie
- fixed resetting CEM for heads when changing resource pack
- fixed CEM for banner, bed, chests, ender crystal, ghast, illagers, phantom, dragon
- fixed CEM for sheep, wolf, dolphin, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish, boat
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#3965)
- fixed rain rendering over blocks when picking items (#3956)
- fixed shaders rendering of banners, spider eyes and enchantment glint
- fixed shaders depthtex2 (#3646)
- fixed profiler smoothing
- fixed dark GUI items when running with Forge (#3830)
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.2.21

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F6
- fixed flickering of min. FPS
- fixed debug profiler sections in 1.14.4 (MC-158870)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F5
- fixed crash when reloading textures (#3125)
- fixed invisible mobs around the player
- fixed shaders integer texture formats (#3109)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F4
- fixed crash with Java 9+ (#2964)
- fixed shaders to stop chunk updates on shader pack reload (#3001)
- added CEM for cat, fox, panda, phantom, pillager, ravager, turtle and giant (#1822)
- fixed Emissive Textures with Astral Sorcery (#1581)
- added loading screen bar outline color (#2558)
- fixed clock in quick bar not animated with Forge (#2889)
- added CEM for fish (cod, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish)
- fixed CEM for witch
- fixed CTM corners with innerSeams
- updated installer to set OptiFine profile logo
- added Random Entities check for moon phase, day time and weather (#2931)
- added Random Entities check for health (#2958)
- fixed Cape Editor screen to allow copy link to clipboard on error
- fixed Forge access transformers for inner classes
- fixed Forge access transformers removing final
- added Random Entities check for baby mobs (#2832)
- fixed Smart Animations for blocks in minecarts (#2731)
- fixed Forge access transformers (#2737)
- added shaders program "gbuffers_entities_glowing" (#2328)
- added compatibility with Forge ModLauncher (#2148)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F3
- fixed CEM handling of attached models (#2323)
- fixed slider options tooltips (#2718)
- added connected textures for resource pack "Programmer Art"
- fixed renderType for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- added shaders instancing for composite programs
- added shaders instancing as alternative to geometry shaders
- fixed shaders #include on first line
- internally compatible with Forge 28.0.23 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F2
- updated to 1.14.4
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F2
- fixed crash in CIT (#2624)
- added support for raw shader textures (#2631)
- fixed geometry shaders on Intel/AMD (#2359)
- updated Forge patches
- fixed leashed horse GUI with shaders (#2545)
- internally compatible with Forge 27.0.51 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F1
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- restored void rendering, needed by shaders sky (#2522)
- fixed launchwrapper to allow patching of "com.mojang.blaze3d"
- updated to 1.14.3
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.2_HD_U_F1_pre15
- fixed compatibility with Java 9+
- catch exceptions while generating a crash report
- fixed crash when reloading resources (missing texture sprite)
- fixed mipmap levels and mipmap type
- fixed block aliases without shader pack
- fixed crash in ItemRenderer
- fixed flickering chests (#2467)
- fixed sign edit screen in multiplayer (#2422, #2091)
- fixed crash in sprite resize (#2481)
- fixed crash when reloading resources
- fixed maximum mipmap level detection
- fixed villager CEM
- fixed tile entity names (#2472)
- fixed custom GUI names
- fixed villager professions
- fixed load visible chunks
- fixed particle collision (#2408)
- added Random Entities check for wolf/cat collar colors (#2447)
- fixed Emissive Textures on blocks/items (#2461)
- fixed Custom Fonts crash (#2443)
- fixed CTM compact to use vanilla UV corrections (#2460)
- fixed Mipmap Levels to reload resources
- fixed titles of settings screens
- fixed CTM overlay crash (#2436)
- fixed crossbow CIT models (#2404)
- fixed CTM compact for glass panes (#2423)
- added custom loading screen colors
- fixed double click sound on Video Settings
- disabled void rendering when the player is above Y=64
- fixed sky fog
- fixed shader option sliders
- added compatibility block mapping for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- updated to 1.14.2
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14_HD_U_F1_pre6
- not all features working, not all optimizations added, may crash
- fixed crash with animated paintings (#2393)
- fixed mooshroom, parrot on shoulder, smooth world, save/load VBOS
- fixed CIT armor
- fixed lagometer and profiler
- fixed cape and player items position
- fixed shaders camera position to include eye height (#2390)
- fixed parsing of shaders macro: #if 0
- fixed font memory allocation
- fixed player shadow in first-person view
- fixed shaders entity shadows and isEyeInWater
- fixed Max Framerate: VSync
- fixed configurable animations
- fixed ghost dynamic lights from dead mobs
- fixed slab model rendering
- optimized memory allocation
- enabled server lagometer
- fixed default CTM to use 1.14 textures
- fixed texture atlas sprite loading
- fixed double click sound in options
- fixed main menu panorama
- fixed mojang logo
- fixed option tooltips
- fixed option GUI Scale
- fixed crash in shaders options
- updated to 1.14
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.19.2_HD_U_H9
- updated to 1.19.2
- compatible with Forge 43.1.1

OptiFine 1.19.1_HD_U_H9
- fixed Forge vertex format with shaders
- updated to 1.19.1
- compatible with Forge 42.0.9

OptiFine 1.19_HD_U_H9
- fixed crash when modded block entity has no blockstate
- clear CEM entity variables on resources reload
- fixed CIT broken by Forge compatibility (#7035)
- fixed Forge crash when breaking blocks (#7024)
- fixed shaders map rendering to use correct normals
- fixed Forge invisible blocks (#7025)
- fixed fishing line with shaders
- fixed shaders final program when loading from dimension folder
- fixed CEM model slime_outer
- fixed CEM parameter angry_time, added angry_time_start
- added CEM boolean entity variables "varb.xyz" and function printb()
- added CEM variables "visible" and "visible_boxes"
- fixed CEM animations for parrot on shoulder
- added CEM models: slime_outer, stray_outer, strider_saddle, wither_armor
- added CEM models: creeper_charge, drowned_outer, horse_armor, pig_saddle
- added CEM render variables and function lerp()
- added CEM parameters is_tamed, is_sitting and is_on_shoulder
- added CEM parameters is_aggressive, anger_time, frame_time, dimension
- added CEM entity variables
- added CEM support for chest boat
- fixed CEM partial ticks
- compatible with Forge 41.1.0

OptiFine 1.19_HD_U_H8
- fixed end portal with Fast Render (#6955)
- fixed CEM tick values to use partial_ticks, fixed revenge_time
- added CEM parameters player_pos_x/y/z and player_rot_x/y (#6771)
- added CEM parameters rot_x/y, id and death_time (#6770, #6746)
- added CEM functions print() and random(seed) (#6750)
- added CEM support for allay, frog, tadpole and warden
- fixed CEM parameter limb_swing for boat and minecart (#5659)
- fixed darkness effect with custom lightmaps (#6949)
- fixed Warden's emissive layer to render on program "gbuffers_spidereyes"
- fixed custom lightmaps to apply darkness effect (#6873)
- added shader uniforms darknessFactor and darknessLightFactor (#6627)
- fixed crash onPlayerSoundEntity
- fixed emissive textures and CTM overlays
- fixed option VSync
- fixed render regions
- fixed crash "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads"
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shaders
- updated to 1.19
- compatible with Forge 41.0.63

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H7
- fixed CEM for parrot on shoulder (#2295)
- fixed random entities for parrot on shoulder (#6223)
- fixed boss battle fog distance (#6710)
- fixed shaders fog (#6714)
- fixed banner patterns with emissive textures (#6719)
- fixed CEM animation dependencies (#6713)
- fixed horse random entities in GUI (#1371)
- fixed crash with Tinkers Construct (#6607)
- added error handling for scaled screenshots (#6707)
- optimized shaders loading time (#6701)
- fixed shaders attribute at_MidBlock for fluids
- added CEM parameters is_in_item_frame and is_on_head (#6699)
- added random entities check for size (#6523)
- changed random entities "collarColors" to "colors", added sheep and llama colors (#4436)
- added shader uniforms fogStart, fogEnd and fogShape (#6577)
- added option to disable telemetry (#6694)
- compatible with Forge 40.0.24

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H6
- fixed waterlogged blocks with shaders (#6672)
- fixed color of waterlogged blocks (#6646)
- updated to 1.18.2
- compatible with Forge 40.0.12

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H5
- fixed CEM model scaling (#4166)
- fixed shaders matrix uniforms
- changed custom sky times to be optional
- fixed lodestone compass glint (#6097)
- fixed custom sky with shaders (#6532)
- extended shaders composite programs to 99 (#6530)
- added shaders property "particles.before.deferred" (#5027)
- added CEM for wolf/cat_collar and tropical fish patterns (#6481)
- added CEM support for axolotl, glow squid and goat (#6481)
- added better grass support for crimson and warped nylium (#6481)
- fixed custom end sky with shaders (#6480)
- fixed culling of sculk vibration particle (#6483)
- fixed attaching multiple CEM parts to one bone (#5793)
- fixed grass and sugar cane custom colors (#6480)
- fixed lavadrop colormap (#6480)
- fixed option clouds in color.properties (#6480)
- fixed potion color names (#6480)
- fixed custom lilypad color in GUI (#6480)
- fixed custom colors for block breaking particles (#6480)
- removed CEM creeper armor and minecart dirt (#6480)
- fixed chunk border rendering with shaders (#6271)
- fixed shaders property "frustum.culling" (#6410)
- extended colormap height for 1.18 (#6445)
- added support for negative height ranges
- fixed CTM min/maxHeight to accept negative values (#6475)
- fixed Forge keybind modifiers (#6383, #6477)
- updated CTM textures for red and blue stained glass (#6465)
- compatible with Forge 39.0.66

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H4
- fixed transition between sky and horizon with render distance above 32
- fixed 1.18.1 fog render distance
- updated to 1.18.1
- compatible with Forge 39.0.0

OptiFine 1.18_HD_U_H3
- updated tooltips for 1.18 options
- fixed screenshot with AA (#5770)
- fixed dynamic lights lag with blocking updates (#6420)
- fixed flickering entity shadows on chunk borders
- fixed placing block in an empty chunk (#6415)
- fixed "shadow.culling" priority
- added shadow debug screen information
- added system property "chunk.debug.keys"
- combined shadow culling with shadow render distance
- added shaders property "shadow.culling" and check for PT shaders
- optimized shadow entity rendering
- fixed lagometer to show shadows, entities and block entities
- optimized shaders shadow culling
- fixed chunk cache and biome temperature
- updated to 1.18
- fixed shaders macro MC_VERSION for preview versions
- chunk culling bugfixes
- optimized chunk culling
- updated to 1.18-pre1
- compatible with Forge 38.0.14

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H2
- fixed block breaking particles with Forge (#6349)
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H1
- added support for the microsoft store launcher (#6355)
- more smooth lighting fixes (#1287)
- fixed crash with shaders velocity and disabled random entities (#6307)
- fixed water smooth lighting (#1551)
- fixed smooth lighting (#1287)
- updated ChunkLayerSet to implement Set interface
- separated memory allocation and GC rate
- optimized render states
- restored Forge particle culling, disabled for guardian effect (#4994)
- fixed breaking animation with shaders uniform renderStage
- fix mipmaps for glass pane top (#6282)
- fixed resizing of animated sprites with fixed height (#5918)
- fixed water cauldron legacy alias
- renamed grass path to dirt path (#6259)
- fixed crash with different normal/specular texture animations (#6029)
- fixed Custom GUIs (#6094)
- fixed black entities on Intel with render regions
- optimized chunk culling
- fixed chunk loading for singleplayer/multiplayer
- fixed shaders programs gbuffers_beacon_beam and gbuffers_entity_glowing
- fixed OpenGL error on reloading resources
- fixed black entities with anisotropic filtering
- updated native memory monitor to work with Java 16
- updated SRG mappings
- fixed glow squid dynamic light on damage (#5741)
- fixed compute shader validation on AMD
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_G9
- fixed custom loading screens (#6128)
- fixed player armor with arabic locale (#5806)
- fixed crash with VoxelMap
- fixed integrated server lag when leveling up a cartographer (#6044)
- removed fallback to OpenGL compatibility profile
- fixed render regions to work in core profile
- fixed splash text for 1.17
- updated Forge patches 37.0.25
- fixed OpenGL error 1282 when activating AF
- fixed shaders crash on AMD
- added custom sky for the end dimension
- fixed AA/AF to work in core profile
- fixed spyglass when Dynamic FOV is off
- fixed shaders compatibility to move #extension lines to header
- fixed sorting of compatibility header lines
- fixed black items/entities on Mac with shaders
- fixed FXAA to use core profile
- fixed shaders startup on Mac
- fixed shaders compatibility: texelFetch2D, #version XYZ compatibility, texture2DGrad
- fixed shaders inverse matrices
- added modelViewMatrixInverse and projectionMatrixInverse
- insert shaders compatibility lines after last "#extension"
- fixed compatibility mode for shaders using reserved keywords
- fixed compatibility mode for geometry shaders
- updated shaders to use core profile functions
- fixed shaders composite matrices
- renamed shaders sampler "texture" to "gtexture" (#5537)
- fixed shaders compatibility to work in core profile (MacOS)
- fixed shaders rendering of boat in water
- fixed shader loading performance
- added prefix "va" to vanilla attribute names
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- fixed chest texture in GUI with shaders
- added powder snow support for isEyeInWater uniform (#5993)
- fixed enchanted glint with shaders
- fixed entity normal textures with shaders
- fixed shaders sky color (#5960)
- updated to 1.17.1
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.17_HD_U_G9_pre26
- fixed shaders compatibility preprocessor
- fixed various bugs in shaders compatibility mode
- fixed spam in log when checking for cape (#5899)
- fixed entities missing in screenshot (#5734)
- fixed shaders entity shadows (#5883)
- fixed shaders block selection and fishing rod line
- fixed shaders particles visible through blocks
- fixed shaders particle and sun solor
- fixed shaders water fog
- fixed shaders lightmap coordinates
- added shaders compatibility mode
- fixed chunks not loading when changing dimension (#5757)
- fixed emissive textures for entities
- fixed custom sky
- added dynamic lights for glow squid, glow berries and glow item frame (#5724)
- added default CTM for tinted glass (#5702)
- optimized startup performance
- fixed smart animations and render regions for translucent blocks
- fixed alpha check for cutout textures (leaves, glass)
- fixed dynamic lights
- updated to 1.17
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G8
- fixed shaders macro for Mesa drivers (#5515)
- added CEM for llama decor
- fixed enchantment screen to use CEM book model
- fixed top-level CEM texture for non-living entities
- added CEM for conduit, lectern_book and llama spit
- fixed conduit wind animation with smart animations
- fixed CEM documentation for husk and illagers
- disable selection outline for CEM block entities
- fixed CEM for enchanted trident
- added CEM for bell and trident
- added CEM for all minecarts (chest, command block, furnace and hopper)
- added CEM for wandering_trader and trader_llama
- added CEM for bee, elder_guardian, hoglin, zoglin and strider
- fixed emissive enchanted items, emissive bed (#4222)
- fixed custom colors: map, dye, banners, cat collar (#2777)
- fixed shaders transform matrices lagging one frame in prepared pass
- fixed shaders projection matrix lagging in shadow pass (#5134)
- fixed shaders velocity map crash
- fixed custom colors: water particle, potion, spawn egg, boss (#4173)
- fixed CIT name matching (#4909)
- fixed geometry shaders for Mac M1 (#5442)
- fixed stained glass with anisotropic filtering (#5181)
- fixed shaders with Forge (#5433)
- fixed dragging of option sliders (#5423)
- fixed input lag with lazy chunk loading (#5348)
- added shaders attribute at_midBlock
- added relative shaders buffer size
- added shaders options shadowTerrain, shadowEntities and shadowBlockEntities
- added shaders velocity map
- fixed shaders vertex format switching
- added entity vertex format for shaders
- added option macros when parsing shaders.properties
- fixed integer texture types
- added mipmap generation for compute shaders
- updated shaders layout parsing
- compatible with Forge 36.1.0

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G7
- added shaders render stages
- fixed underwater overlay with shaders
- changed shaders buffer numbering from hex to decimal
- added draw buffers configuration /* RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */
- added shader compute programs and imageLoad/Store (#791)
- fixed memory allocation on chunk borders
- added Lazy Chunk Loading for 1.16
- fixed invisible mobs (#5016)
- fixed Forge particle culling (#4994)
- fixed TAA with Sildurs shaders (#5294)
- fixed shaders normal/specular animation with AF (#5279)
- fixed crash on circular reference in shaders options
- added shaders blend mode per buffer (#5263)
- fixed shaders custom textures breaking on resources reloaded
- added shaders macro MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING and uniform spriteBounds
- fixed crash when reloading shaders
- fixed modded blocks, items and entities mapping with shaders (#3816)
- added shaders buffers with fixed size
- reorganized shaders framebuffers
- added shaders prepare programs
- added shadow composite programs
- added 8 and 16 bit integer texture types
- fixed screenshot with antialiasing (#5228)
- added shaders macro MC_GL_VENDOR_AMD
- added OpenGL debug groups and ignored errors
- added clear color and skip clear for shadow color buffers (#2780)
- added configurable shadow buffer format (#5221)
- fixed antialiasing with Forge
- increased shaders color buffers to 16, added draw buffers mapping (#2103)
- updated to 1.16.5
- compatible with Forge 36.0.42

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G6
- added system property "frame.time" to show frame time instead of FPS
- fixed cape downloads blocking skin and terrain downloads (#4976)
- added support for shaders texture format LabPBR (#5182)
- fixed custom uniforms using biomes
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (prepare)
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (multidraw)
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures with anisotropic filtering
- fixed item rendering with shaders and anisotropic filtering
- fixed banners, enchanted items, fire and hand outline with AA/AF
- disabled antialiasing with fabulous graphics
- enabled anisotropic filtering with shaders
- fixed item frames with AA/AF
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (#5153)
- fixed crash when when swamp biome isn't registered (#5088)
- fixed player items (santa hat) showing on invisible players (#5150)
- fixed shaders breaking biome mods (#4880)
- fixed custom gui chest type (#5100)
- compatible with Forge 35.1.36

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G5
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed chunk forced loading (#4832)
- updated to 1.16.4
- compatible with Forge 35.0.1

OptiFine 1.16.3_HD_U_G4
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shadow bug with sildurs shaders and campfire (#4372)
- added support for Forge modlauncher Target.PRE_CLASS (#4515)
- fixed MineColonies GUI, fixed AT invokespecial/virtual (#4582)
- added particle culling
- updated to 1.16.3
- compatible with Forge 34.0.0

OptiFine 1.16.2_HD_U_G3
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed smart animations with glowing entities on fire
- fixed glowing entities with shaders (#4700)
- added loading screen blend mode (#4712)
- fixed custom mooshroom mushrooms (#3481)
- right click selects previous value in shader options (#4706)
- fixed Mojang logo smoothing (#4337)
- fixed banner with emissive textures (#4707)
- added CEM for piglin, piglin_brute and zombified_piglin (#4600)
- fixed chunks not loading with render distance > 36 (#4261)
- added more steps for shaders render quality (#4556)
- fixed dolphin CEM (#3051)
- fixed server connection with java 9+ (#3773, #3959, #4656, #4667)
- added Forge license (#4654)
- fixed biome handling with shaders (#4687)
- fixed biome handling (#4681, #4658, #4668)
- fixed leaking resource on startup (#4678)
- fixed option VSync (#4680)
- fixed soul flame particles (#4642)
- added shaders uniform playerMood (#4650)
- fixed white/black screen with shaders (#4640)
- updated to 1.16.2
- compatible with Forge 33.0.20

OptiFine 1.16.1_HD_U_G2
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed OpenGL errors with Render Regions
- removed inactive option Use VBOs, reorganized performance settings
- updated Forge compatibility 32.0.98 (#4515)
- fixed missing fullscreen resolutions (#4510)
- fixed enchanted items with shaders (#4512)
- fixed broken textures with some shaders
- added wrap and filter modes for raw shader textures (#2905)
- fixed translucent blocks with Render Regions (#4504)
- fixed CEM with custom emissive textures (#4467)
- fixed shaders and custom sky in custom server dimensions (#4287)
- fixed CIT custom models (#4223)
- optimized chunk rendering when player is above Y=128
- fixed Fast Render with shaders (#4442)
- optimized Render Regions grouping
- fixed zoom to not reset cinematic camera
- reimplemented Fast Render, compatible with shaders
- fixed Fabulous warning (#4367)
- fixed CEM with spider eyes
- fixed emissive textures (#4404)
- fixed invisible entities on respawn (#4414)
- fixed Render Regions
- fixed geometry shaders with AMD (#4250)
- optimized text rendering
- optimized chunk loading
- optimized chunk rendering
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed debug info chunk updates
- fixed soul fire and soul campfire animation option (#4328)
- fixed CTM for logs (#4320)
- fixed clouds with fabulous graphics (#4251)
- fixed crimson forest and warped forest particles (#4253)
- fixed fast render with fabulous graphics (#4289)
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#4274)
- fixed crash when killing parrot (#4214)
- added Entity Distance in performance options (#4206)
- fixed white hotbar with shaders and FXAA (#4201)
- updated to 1.16.1
- compatible with Forge 32.0.98

OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed shaders to render world border with program textured_lit (#3979)
- fixed shaders rendering of hurt mobs and flashing creepers (#3598)
- fixed CIT relative texture paths (#4046)
- fixed alpha for CUTOUT rendering (#4120)
- fixed custom player models
- optimized underwater particles
- fixed block selection with chunk borders visible (#4119)
- fixed lag spikes when breaking blocks near water (#3912)
- fixed emissive textures for rails and brewing stand (#4094)
- fixed CEM animations (#4093)
- fixed emissive crash with enchanted trident (#4092)
- fixed emissive textures (#3437)
- fixed shaders programs and extended attributes for block breaking animation (#3600)
- fixed shaders entity and block entity programs
- fixed shaders block selection, hitboxes and chunk borders (#3601, #3818)
- fixed shaders block breaking texture (#3880)
- fixed shaders option separateAO (#4047)
- fixed rescaling of shaders normal/specular textures (#3761)
- fixed void rendering with shaders (#3673)
- fixed shaders light shining in caves (#3593)
- fixed shaders rendering of invisible glowing entities (#3996)
- fixed cape stuttering when flying around (#3384)
- fixed player shadow with shaders in spectator mode (#4022)
- fixed CEM bed model (#4035)
- fixed Random Entities with CEM (#4025)
- fixed CEM animation parameters pos_y, pos_z (#4033)
- fixed CIT handheld items and armor (#3276, #3318)
- fixed CEM custom texture (#4010)
- added CEM donkey and mule chest models
- fixed CEM model textures
- added CEM for head_creeper, head_wither_skeleton and head_zombie
- fixed resetting CEM for heads when changing resource pack
- fixed CEM for banner, bed, chests, ender crystal, ghast, illagers, phantom, dragon
- fixed CEM for sheep, wolf, dolphin, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish, boat
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#3965)
- fixed rain rendering over blocks when picking items (#3956)
- fixed shaders rendering of banners, spider eyes and enchantment glint
- fixed shaders depthtex2 (#3646)
- fixed profiler smoothing
- fixed dark GUI items when running with Forge (#3830)
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.2.21

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F6
- fixed flickering of min. FPS
- fixed debug profiler sections in 1.14.4 (MC-158870)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F5
- fixed crash when reloading textures (#3125)
- fixed invisible mobs around the player
- fixed shaders integer texture formats (#3109)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F4
- fixed crash with Java 9+ (#2964)
- fixed shaders to stop chunk updates on shader pack reload (#3001)
- added CEM for cat, fox, panda, phantom, pillager, ravager, turtle and giant (#1822)
- fixed Emissive Textures with Astral Sorcery (#1581)
- added loading screen bar outline color (#2558)
- fixed clock in quick bar not animated with Forge (#2889)
- added CEM for fish (cod, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish)
- fixed CEM for witch
- fixed CTM corners with innerSeams
- updated installer to set OptiFine profile logo
- added Random Entities check for moon phase, day time and weather (#2931)
- added Random Entities check for health (#2958)
- fixed Cape Editor screen to allow copy link to clipboard on error
- fixed Forge access transformers for inner classes
- fixed Forge access transformers removing final
- added Random Entities check for baby mobs (#2832)
- fixed Smart Animations for blocks in minecarts (#2731)
- fixed Forge access transformers (#2737)
- added shaders program "gbuffers_entities_glowing" (#2328)
- added compatibility with Forge ModLauncher (#2148)
- compatible with Forge 28.1.56

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F3
- fixed CEM handling of attached models (#2323)
- fixed slider options tooltips (#2718)
- added connected textures for resource pack "Programmer Art"
- fixed renderType for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- added shaders instancing for composite programs
- added shaders instancing as alternative to geometry shaders
- fixed shaders #include on first line
- internally compatible with Forge 28.0.23 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.4_HD_U_F2
- updated to 1.14.4
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F2
- fixed crash in CIT (#2624)
- added support for raw shader textures (#2631)
- fixed geometry shaders on Intel/AMD (#2359)
- updated Forge patches
- fixed leashed horse GUI with shaders (#2545)
- internally compatible with Forge 27.0.51 (can't be installed yet)

OptiFine 1.14.3_HD_U_F1
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- restored void rendering, needed by shaders sky (#2522)
- fixed launchwrapper to allow patching of "com.mojang.blaze3d"
- updated to 1.14.3
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14.2_HD_U_F1_pre15
- fixed compatibility with Java 9+
- catch exceptions while generating a crash report
- fixed crash when reloading resources (missing texture sprite)
- fixed mipmap levels and mipmap type
- fixed block aliases without shader pack
- fixed crash in ItemRenderer
- fixed flickering chests (#2467)
- fixed sign edit screen in multiplayer (#2422, #2091)
- fixed crash in sprite resize (#2481)
- fixed crash when reloading resources
- fixed maximum mipmap level detection
- fixed villager CEM
- fixed tile entity names (#2472)
- fixed custom GUI names
- fixed villager professions
- fixed load visible chunks
- fixed particle collision (#2408)
- added Random Entities check for wolf/cat collar colors (#2447)
- fixed Emissive Textures on blocks/items (#2461)
- fixed Custom Fonts crash (#2443)
- fixed CTM compact to use vanilla UV corrections (#2460)
- fixed Mipmap Levels to reload resources
- fixed titles of settings screens
- fixed CTM overlay crash (#2436)
- fixed crossbow CIT models (#2404)
- fixed CTM compact for glass panes (#2423)
- added custom loading screen colors
- fixed double click sound on Video Settings
- disabled void rendering when the player is above Y=64
- fixed sky fog
- fixed shader option sliders
- added compatibility block mapping for legacy (pre-1.13) shaders
- updated to 1.14.2
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.14_HD_U_F1_pre6
- not all features working, not all optimizations added, may crash
- fixed crash with animated paintings (#2393)
- fixed mooshroom, parrot on shoulder, smooth world, save/load VBOS
- fixed CIT armor
- fixed lagometer and profiler
- fixed cape and player items position
- fixed shaders camera position to include eye height (#2390)
- fixed parsing of shaders macro: #if 0
- fixed font memory allocation
- fixed player shadow in first-person view
- fixed shaders entity shadows and isEyeInWater
- fixed Max Framerate: VSync
- fixed configurable animations
- fixed ghost dynamic lights from dead mobs
- fixed slab model rendering
- optimized memory allocation
- enabled server lagometer
- fixed default CTM to use 1.14 textures
- fixed texture atlas sprite loading
- fixed double click sound in options
- fixed main menu panorama
- fixed mojang logo
- fixed option tooltips
- fixed option GUI Scale
- fixed crash in shaders options
- updated to 1.14
- not compatible with Forge
OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H7
- fixed boss battle fog distance (#6710)
- fixed shaders fog (#6714)
- fixed banner patterns with emissive textures (#6719)
- fixed CEM animation dependencies (#6713)
- fixed horse random entities in GUI (#1371)
- fixed crash with Tinkers Construct (#6607)
- added error handling for scaled screenshots (#6707)
- optimized shaders loading time (#6701)
- fixed shaders attribute at_MidBlock for fluids
- added CEM parameters is_in_item_frame and is_on_head (#6699)
- added random entities check for size (#6523)
- changed random entities "collarColors" to "colors", added sheep and llama colors (#4436)
- added shader uniforms fogStart, fogEnd and fogShape (#6577)
- added option to disable telemetry (#6694)
- compatible with Forge 40.0.24

OptiFine 1.18.2_HD_U_H6
- fixed waterlogged blocks with shaders (#6672)
- fixed color of waterlogged blocks (#6646)
- updated to 1.18.2
- compatible with Forge 40.0.12

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H5
- fixed CEM model scaling (#4166)
- fixed shaders matrix uniforms
- changed custom sky times to be optional
- fixed lodestone compass glint (#6097)
- fixed custom sky with shaders (#6532)
- extended shaders composite programs to 99 (#6530)
- added shaders property "particles.before.deferred" (#5027)
- added CEM for wolf/cat_collar and tropical fish patterns (#6481)
- added CEM support for axolotl, glow squid and goat (#6481)
- added better grass support for crimson and warped nylium (#6481)
- fixed custom end sky with shaders (#6480)
- fixed culling of sculk vibration particle (#6483)
- fixed attaching multiple CEM parts to one bone (#5793)
- fixed grass and sugar cane custom colors (#6480)
- fixed lavadrop colormap (#6480)
- fixed option clouds in color.properties (#6480)
- fixed potion color names (#6480)
- fixed custom lilypad color in GUI (#6480)
- fixed custom colors for block breaking particles (#6480)
- removed CEM creeper armor and minecart dirt (#6480)
- fixed chunk border rendering with shaders (#6271)
- fixed shaders property "frustum.culling" (#6410)
- extended colormap height for 1.18 (#6445)
- added support for negative height ranges
- fixed CTM min/maxHeight to accept negative values (#6475)
- fixed Forge keybind modifiers (#6383, #6477)
- updated CTM textures for red and blue stained glass (#6465)
- compatible with Forge 39.0.66

OptiFine 1.18.1_HD_U_H4
- fixed transition between sky and horizon with render distance above 32
- fixed 1.18.1 fog render distance
- updated to 1.18.1
- compatible with Forge 39.0.0

OptiFine 1.18_HD_U_H3
- updated tooltips for 1.18 options
- fixed screenshot with AA (#5770)
- fixed dynamic lights lag with blocking updates (#6420)
- fixed flickering entity shadows on chunk borders
- fixed placing block in an empty chunk (#6415)
- fixed "shadow.culling" priority
- added shadow debug screen information
- added system property "chunk.debug.keys"
- combined shadow culling with shadow render distance
- added shaders property "shadow.culling" and check for PT shaders
- optimized shadow entity rendering
- fixed lagometer to show shadows, entities and block entities
- optimized shaders shadow culling
- fixed chunk cache and biome temperature
- updated to 1.18
- fixed shaders macro MC_VERSION for preview versions
- chunk culling bugfixes
- optimized chunk culling
- updated to 1.18-pre1
- compatible with Forge 38.0.14

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H2
- fixed block breaking particles with Forge (#6349)
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_H1
- added support for the microsoft store launcher (#6355)
- more smooth lighting fixes (#1287)
- fixed crash with shaders velocity and disabled random entities (#6307)
- fixed water smooth lighting (#1551)
- fixed smooth lighting (#1287)
- updated ChunkLayerSet to implement Set interface
- separated memory allocation and GC rate
- optimized render states
- restored Forge particle culling, disabled for guardian effect (#4994)
- fixed breaking animation with shaders uniform renderStage
- fix mipmaps for glass pane top (#6282)
- fixed resizing of animated sprites with fixed height (#5918)
- fixed water cauldron legacy alias
- renamed grass path to dirt path (#6259)
- fixed crash with different normal/specular texture animations (#6029)
- fixed Custom GUIs (#6094)
- fixed black entities on Intel with render regions
- optimized chunk culling
- fixed chunk loading for singleplayer/multiplayer
- fixed shaders programs gbuffers_beacon_beam and gbuffers_entity_glowing
- fixed OpenGL error on reloading resources
- fixed black entities with anisotropic filtering
- updated native memory monitor to work with Java 16
- updated SRG mappings
- fixed glow squid dynamic light on damage (#5741)
- fixed compute shader validation on AMD
- compatible with Forge 37.0.103

OptiFine 1.17.1_HD_U_G9
- fixed custom loading screens (#6128)
- fixed player armor with arabic locale (#5806)
- fixed crash with VoxelMap
- fixed integrated server lag when leveling up a cartographer (#6044)
- removed fallback to OpenGL compatibility profile
- fixed render regions to work in core profile
- fixed splash text for 1.17
- updated Forge patches 37.0.25
- fixed OpenGL error 1282 when activating AF
- fixed shaders crash on AMD
- added custom sky for the end dimension
- fixed AA/AF to work in core profile
- fixed spyglass when Dynamic FOV is off
- fixed shaders compatibility to move #extension lines to header
- fixed sorting of compatibility header lines
- fixed black items/entities on Mac with shaders
- fixed FXAA to use core profile
- fixed shaders startup on Mac
- fixed shaders compatibility: texelFetch2D, #version XYZ compatibility, texture2DGrad
- fixed shaders inverse matrices
- added modelViewMatrixInverse and projectionMatrixInverse
- insert shaders compatibility lines after last "#extension"
- fixed compatibility mode for shaders using reserved keywords
- fixed compatibility mode for geometry shaders
- updated shaders to use core profile functions
- fixed shaders composite matrices
- renamed shaders sampler "texture" to "gtexture" (#5537)
- fixed shaders compatibility to work in core profile (MacOS)
- fixed shaders rendering of boat in water
- fixed shader loading performance
- added prefix "va" to vanilla attribute names
- fixed shaders horizon rendering
- fixed chest texture in GUI with shaders
- added powder snow support for isEyeInWater uniform (#5993)
- fixed enchanted glint with shaders
- fixed entity normal textures with shaders
- fixed shaders sky color (#5960)
- updated to 1.17.1
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.17_HD_U_G9_pre26
- fixed shaders compatibility preprocessor
- fixed various bugs in shaders compatibility mode
- fixed spam in log when checking for cape (#5899)
- fixed entities missing in screenshot (#5734)
- fixed shaders entity shadows (#5883)
- fixed shaders block selection and fishing rod line
- fixed shaders particles visible through blocks
- fixed shaders particle and sun solor
- fixed shaders water fog
- fixed shaders lightmap coordinates
- added shaders compatibility mode
- fixed chunks not loading when changing dimension (#5757)
- fixed emissive textures for entities
- fixed custom sky
- added dynamic lights for glow squid, glow berries and glow item frame (#5724)
- added default CTM for tinted glass (#5702)
- optimized startup performance
- fixed smart animations and render regions for translucent blocks
- fixed alpha check for cutout textures (leaves, glass)
- fixed dynamic lights
- updated to 1.17
- not compatible with Forge

OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G8
- fixed shaders macro for Mesa drivers (#5515)
- added CEM for llama decor
- fixed enchantment screen to use CEM book model
- fixed top-level CEM texture for non-living entities
- added CEM for conduit, lectern_book and llama spit
- fixed conduit wind animation with smart animations
- fixed CEM documentation for husk and illagers
- disable selection outline for CEM block entities
- fixed CEM for enchanted trident
- added CEM for bell and trident
- added CEM for all minecarts (chest, command block, furnace and hopper)
- added CEM for wandering_trader and trader_llama
- added CEM for bee, elder_guardian, hoglin, zoglin and strider
- fixed emissive enchanted items, emissive bed (#4222)
- fixed custom colors: map, dye, banners, cat collar (#2777)
- fixed shaders transform matrices lagging one frame in prepared pass
- fixed shaders projection matrix lagging in shadow pass (#5134)
- fixed shaders velocity map crash
- fixed custom colors: water particle, potion, spawn egg, boss (#4173)
- fixed CIT name matching (#4909)
- fixed geometry shaders for Mac M1 (#5442)
- fixed stained glass with anisotropic filtering (#5181)
- fixed shaders with Forge (#5433)
- fixed dragging of option sliders (#5423)
- fixed input lag with lazy chunk loading (#5348)
- added shaders attribute at_midBlock
- added relative shaders buffer size
- added shaders options shadowTerrain, shadowEntities and shadowBlockEntities
- added shaders velocity map
- fixed shaders vertex format switching
- added entity vertex format for shaders
- added option macros when parsing shaders.properties
- fixed integer texture types
- added mipmap generation for compute shaders
- updated shaders layout parsing
- compatible with Forge 36.1.0
OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G7
- added shaders render stages
- fixed underwater overlay with shaders
- changed shaders buffer numbering from hex to decimal
- added draw buffers configuration /* RENDERTARGETS: X,Y,Z */
- added shader compute programs and imageLoad/Store (#791)
- fixed memory allocation on chunk borders
- added Lazy Chunk Loading for 1.16
- fixed invisible mobs (#5016)
- fixed Forge particle culling (#4994)
- fixed TAA with Sildurs shaders (#5294)
- fixed shaders normal/specular animation with AF (#5279)
- fixed crash on circular reference in shaders options
- added shaders blend mode per buffer (#5263)
- fixed shaders custom textures breaking on resources reloaded
- added shaders macro MC_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING and uniform spriteBounds
- fixed crash when reloading shaders
- fixed modded blocks, items and entities mapping with shaders (#3816)
- added shaders buffers with fixed size
- reorganized shaders framebuffers
- added shaders prepare programs
- added shadow composite programs
- added 8 and 16 bit integer texture types
- fixed screenshot with antialiasing (#5228)
- added shaders macro MC_GL_VENDOR_AMD
- added OpenGL debug groups and ignored errors
- added clear color and skip clear for shadow color buffers (#2780)
- added configurable shadow buffer format (#5221)
- fixed antialiasing with Forge
- increased shaders color buffers to 16, added draw buffers mapping (#2103)
- updated to 1.16.5
- compatible with Forge 36.0.42
OptiFine 1.16.5_HD_U_G6
- updated to 1.16.5
- compatible with Forge 36.0.0

OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G6
- added system property "frame.time" to show frame time instead of FPS
- fixed cape downloads blocking skin and terrain downloads (#4976)
- added support for shaders texture format LabPBR (#5182)
- fixed custom uniforms using biomes
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (prepare)
- optimized antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (multidraw)
- fixed shaders normal/specular textures with anisotropic filtering
- fixed item rendering with shaders and anisotropic filtering
- fixed banners, enchanted items, fire and hand outline with AA/AF
- disabled antialiasing with fabulous graphics
- enabled anisotropic filtering with shaders
- fixed item frames with AA/AF
- fixed antialiasing and anisotropic filtering (#5153)
- fixed crash when when swamp biome isn't registered (#5088)
- fixed player items (santa hat) showing on invisible players (#5150)
- fixed shaders breaking biome mods (#4880)
- fixed custom gui chest type (#5100)
- compatible with Forge 35.1.36
OptiFine 1.16.4_HD_U_G5
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed chunk forced loading (#4832)
- updated to 1.16.4
- compatible with Forge 35.0.1

OptiFine 1.16.3_HD_U_G4
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed shadow bug with sildurs shaders and campfire (#4372)
- added support for Forge modlauncher Target.PRE_CLASS (#4515)
- fixed MineColonies GUI, fixed AT invokespecial/virtual (#4582)
- added particle culling
- updated to 1.16.3
- compatible with Forge 34.0.0
OptiFine 1.16.3_HD_U_G3
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- added particle culling
- updated to 1.16.3
- compatible with Forge 34.0.0

OptiFine 1.16.2_HD_U_G3
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed smart animations with glowing entities on fire
- fixed glowing entities with shaders (#4700)
- added loading screen blend mode (#4712)
- fixed custom mooshroom mushrooms (#3481)
- right click selects previous value in shader options (#4706)
- fixed Mojang logo smoothing (#4337)
- fixed banner with emissive textures (#4707)
- added CEM for piglin, piglin_brute and zombified_piglin (#4600)
- fixed chunks not loading with render distance > 36 (#4261)
- added more steps for shaders render quality (#4556)
- fixed dolphin CEM (#3051)
- fixed server connection with java 9+ (#3773, #3959, #4656, #4667)
- added Forge license (#4654)
- fixed biome handling with shaders (#4687)
- fixed biome handling (#4681, #4658, #4668)
- fixed leaking resource on startup (#4678)
- fixed option VSync (#4680)
- fixed soul flame particles (#4642)
- added shaders uniform playerMood (#4650)
- fixed white/black screen with shaders (#4640)
- updated to 1.16.2
- compatible with Forge 33.0.20

OptiFine 1.16.1_HD_U_G2
- not working: antialiasing and anisotropic filtering
- fixed OpenGL errors with Render Regions
- removed inactive option Use VBOs, reorganized performance settings
- updated Forge compatibility 32.0.98 (#4515)
- fixed missing fullscreen resolutions (#4510)
- fixed enchanted items with shaders (#4512)
- fixed broken textures with some shaders
- added wrap and filter modes for raw shader textures (#2905)
- fixed translucent blocks with Render Regions (#4504)
- fixed CEM with custom emissive textures (#4467)
- fixed shaders and custom sky in custom server dimensions (#4287)
- fixed CIT custom models (#4223)
- optimized chunk rendering when player is above Y=128
- fixed Fast Render with shaders (#4442)
- optimized Render Regions grouping
- fixed zoom to not reset cinematic camera
- reimplemented Fast Render, compatible with shaders
- fixed Fabulous warning (#4367)
- fixed CEM with spider eyes
- fixed emissive textures (#4404)
- fixed invisible entities on respawn (#4414)
- fixed Render Regions
- fixed geometry shaders with AMD (#4250)
- optimized text rendering
- optimized chunk loading
- optimized chunk rendering
- optimized entity rendering
- fixed debug info chunk updates
- fixed soul fire and soul campfire animation option (#4328)
- fixed CTM for logs (#4320)
- fixed clouds with fabulous graphics (#4251)
- fixed crimson forest and warped forest particles (#4253)
- fixed fast render with fabulous graphics (#4289)
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#4274)
- fixed crash when killing parrot (#4214)
- added Entity Distance in performance options (#4206)
- fixed white hotbar with shaders and FXAA (#4201)
- updated to 1.16.1
- compatible with Forge 32.0.98
OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1_pre19
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed CEM model textures
- added CEM for head_creeper, head_wither_skeleton and head_zombie
- fixed resetting CEM for heads when changing resource pack
- fixed CEM for banner, bed, chests, ender crystal, ghast, illagers, phantom, dragon
- fixed CEM for sheep, wolf, dolphin, salmon, puffer fish, tropical fish, boat
- fixed CEM for skeleton horse and zombie horse (#3965)
- fixed rain rendering over blocks when picking items (#3956)
- fixed shaders rendering of banners, spider eyes and enchantment glint
- fixed shaders depthtex2 (#3646)
- fixed profiler smoothing
- fixed dark GUI items when running with Forge (#3830)
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.1.63
OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1_pre15
- not working: antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed resizing of texture atlas sprites
- fixed loading of custom normal/specular textures
- fixed smart animations
- added support for shaders
- added shortcut key for shader options "F3+O"
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON
- fixed custom sky and fog colormaps
- fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player
- fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF
- fixed connected glass panes
- fixed CTM overlays
- fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- compatible with Forge 31.1.63