Ima be honest fellas, I'm surprised we've lasted this long to say that it is time for...
Minecraft Middle Earth's 13th Anniversary Events!
*play song for vibing effect*
Hot damn, we're getting old! That means its time to party down in style with some fun events over the coming week!
~Awards Ceremony~
Hosted by: @mapthor
October 10th - 7pm UTC
The annual "Fishie Awards" are upon us once again! Taking place in a nice undisclosed location, we will be celebrating the best of the best! The ones who have put in all the effort of the past 365 days. Hope to see you there!
~Video Game Tournament~
Hosted by: @Stoog_Gaming
October 11th - 13th
Take some R&R from MCME with some other free games across the internet.
For more info, check out Stoog's forum post!
~Arena Gladiator Competition~
Hosted by: @WieldableMars
October 15th - 4pm UTC
Gladiators will be sorted into a simple single-elimination bracket with them facing off against their set opponents. The winners of each match will move up the bracket until they reach the finals.
Each match will have five 1v1 rounds with the winner of the match being whoever wins the majority of the five rounds. The winner will then move up the bracket and continue to play these five-round matches with set opponents until there is a set winner of the tournament.
The competition will be hosted at the Pelargir Arena (/warp Arena) and will make use of the new cycle-able Arena maps that have been created and put on mainworld.
~Build Battles~
Hosted by @Greetly
October 16th - 6pm UTC
Join me once again for another round of build battles! Our theme will be “Mini-MCME”, and you will be given 40 minutes to build. To join, please DM Greetly on discord. Looking forward to seeing everyone there..
~Hobbit Film Marathon~
Hosted by: @Chipped_Cherry
October 14th - 10am UTC
Welcome back to another magical movie marathon! Join me on a wonderful journey through Middle-earth with "The Hobbit" trilogy, from the cozy Shire, to the towering Misty Mountains, and to the dragon's treasure inside the Lonely Mountain. So grab your favorite cloak, sharpen your swords, and gather your fellow travelers, for "the Hobbit" movie marathon is about to begin!
And, as always, seasonal events aren't complete without a few posters. Massive kudos to @aylalya, @Easy_Silas, @Pausi, and the entire group chat that handles that stuff for making some wonderful stuff!
And with that, the events are now official! Big thank you to everyone helping out in any regards so making this all happen. Managing is harder than you think kids and these guys make it much easier. Once again, thank you

Hope to see you all there!
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