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Resolved About that Commoner

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Dirt Conaisseur
Wow, what's up guys.

Came around checking new stuff out after chatting with Antecedence recently, only to find my Commoner is gone, can I go ahead and get that back? I see poking around that the title was removed/re-added at some point, which wiped it?

Map looks great nowadays, quite a transformation from what was going on last I was a regular around these parts.
Wow, what's up guys.

Came around checking new stuff out after chatting with Antecedence recently, only to find my Commoner is gone, can I go ahead and get that back? I see poking around that the title was removed/re-added at some point, which wiped it?

Map looks great nowadays, quite a transformation from what was going on last I was a regular around these parts.

All players that previously had the commoner will have to earn it again. The new system is with votes, you get these votes by artists+.
The best way to get noticed is by doing themed buikds or by participating in jobs. But also just being active and nice could get you a couple of votes. After you received 10 votes (although staff votes count double) You'll be promoted to commoner and get acces to the freebuild, where you can build whatever you want with little limitations.
I would really prefer not to spend hours bugging people for votes for a rank just to go to the freebuild museum/staff hall thing someone else mentioned to be nostalgic about my time here, especially after thaving been on the staff all way back at the beginning in 2010.

I would really prefer not to spend hours bugging people for votes for a rank just to go to the freebuild museum/staff hall thing someone else mentioned to be nostalgic about my time here, especially after thaving been on the staff all way back at the beginning in 2010.

You can always contact one of the Valar to see if they want to do something for you, but people don't usually get commoner back for being past commoner.
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