Worthy of Mordor
Filename: log_acacia.png
Resource Pack: Gondor
Texture description: My modified Acacia log texture, the original was rejected.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? The texture is already used in builds.
Texture image:
This texture has already been accepted for inclusion into the pack. Here is the pull-request.
MattTheLegoman's Update by MattTheLegoman Pull Request #40 MCME/RP-Gondor GitHub
Included in this pull-request is a minor update of the lavendula texture, it had a transparency bug.
Resource Pack: Gondor
Texture description: My modified Acacia log texture, the original was rejected.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used? The texture is already used in builds.
Texture image:
This texture has already been accepted for inclusion into the pack. Here is the pull-request.
MattTheLegoman's Update by MattTheLegoman Pull Request #40 MCME/RP-Gondor GitHub
Included in this pull-request is a minor update of the lavendula texture, it had a transparency bug.