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Add bigger plots or make community plots in plotsquared

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Moria Hall Professional
Make it so that you can combine plots with someone or make bigger plots in plotsquared for community projects because adventurers can build in plotsquared and you can use world edit and voxel to build things and it can get reviewed easier.
You can add people to you plot, it's /plot invite or /plot trust depending on how much power you want to give
Yeah but what if you want to work on a bigger project than the plot size allows
When Plotsquared officially releases, Adventurers will be able to get 2 plots by default, and Commoners 3.

If you build something interesting on your plot, you can submit it for review, and if it is good enough and earns enough points (similar to Commoner votes) then you will be gain another plot under your belt.

I believe staff have the ability to use the /plot merge command aswell, allowing you to combine two adjacent plots in to a bigger one (provided they have the same Owner). So if you make some cool builds, you will gain access to more land and be able to build bigger and better.
Ok cool so if one of your plots gets accepted will you be able to still use it as well as get another one or will the builders need it
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