Builder Feedback
For the many people struggling with their builds, their rank application for artist or with architecture in general, here is your solution. I'm starting the feedback thread up again but for those of you who don't know how this goes, a short description.
If you want to get some feedback from either me or another staff, you can post your artist application or the imgur/minus/whatever album of your build(s). We'll check out the pictures and if necessary check out the build ingame and then post some tips/tricks here for everyone to see and learn from it. These things will not be tips that are set in stone but rather guidelines from experienced people. I would also ask to everyone to not post confusing or contradictory things because it can get confusing pretty fast. The feedback is also honest and maybe a bit harsh if you can't take a lot of critique (not that we rant the people into the ground).
Please also try to read the tips intended for other persons because they can hold great tips or tricks that you might not have thought about in your building.
A while back, I also made a builderschool on the freebuild server of mcme. Warp builderschool to check it out. DON'T BREAK ANYTHING THERE. Type /gm 0 to go into another gamemode where you can't break stuff that easily. If you do break stuff, tell a staff or pm me on the forums.
Together with this post I'll give updates on the builderschool on freebuild. Anyone can give suggestions on here for the builderschool and discuss it in general.
TIP Number 1:
For your imgur album for your artist application, you should try to make different sub-folders for each theme build or regular build. That way it is more organized to check out, read and evaluate the person on their skills. I say regular builds because it is a nice extra if the staff can check out other cool builds to further see what the person is good at. The extra sub-folders are really useful to distinguish what the different theme builds are and what is an extra build.
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