- Date:
5 august 2021 - Jobs:
- HHGradiant - HyperNinja - 12-09-2021
- edhellondriver - w0rldunder - 12-10-2021
- w0rldtrees4 - w0rldunder - 13-10-2021
- w0rldtrees6 - w0rldunder - 15-10-2021
- w0rldtrees7 - w0rldunder - 18-10-2021
- themeterrain1 - w0rldunder - 14-10-2021
- osgo-fields-roads-11 - HyperNinja -17-10-2021
- OsgoFieldsroad2 - HyperNinja - 24-10-2021
- Rudo-farm-walls1 - Rudolphius - 27-10-2021
- Rudo'sVeggies - Rudolphius - 16-11-2021
- pellenorplanning - TheSweViking (private job) - 04-11-2021
- pellenorroads - HyperNinja - 11-11-2021
- pelennorroads2 - HyperNinja - 17-11-2021
- w0rldtrees9 - w0rldunder - 19-12-2021
- w0rldtrees10- w0rldunder - 20-12-2021
- w0rldtrees11 - w0rldunder - 24-12-2021
- The_Great_Wall_of_Rudo - Rudolphius - 03-01-2022
- added: Anduinroad2 - w0rldunder - 18-01-2022
- added: AnduinVegetation - w0rldunder - 26-01-2022
- Plotbuilds:
- edhellond erosion - w0rldunder- (2722,66,5018)
- pelennor house1 - Rudolphius/TheSweViking - (7550,26,4629)
- pelennor house2 - Rudolphius/TheSweViking - (7528,29,4586)
- pelennor house3 -Rudolphius/TheSweViking - only interior - (7850,11,4195)
- pelennor tailor - Rudolphius/TheSweViking - only interior - (7548,29,4600)
- pelennor veg garden - Rudolphius/TheSweViking - the apple tree is not mine - (7570,34,4593)
- pelennor veg garden2 - Rudolphius/TheSweViking - (7509,31,4576)
- pelennor lumberhouse - Wyatt - only interior - (7348, 14, 4436)
- Pelennor with Spass - Rudolphius - (7435,26,4549)
- Pelennor kitchen - rudolphius - (7767,25,4571)
- pelennor-deco-lumberhouse - Wyatt/TheSweViking -(7358,15,4441)
- pelennor-deco-courtyard - Rudolphius -(7777,25,4568)
- pelennor lumberhouses int x2 - Wyatt- (7547,12,3744)
- pelennor house and barn - TheSweViking - (7717,28,4656)
- pelennor shed TheSweViking - (7705,19,4526)
- lond daer 1 - Mattlego - (-3317,38,-7)
- lond daer 2 - Mattlego - (-3205,33,40)
- lond daer canal - HyperNinja - (-3529,16,365)
- lond daer canal - HyprNinja - (-3284,24,375) & (-3545,25,348)
- cair andros cliff - Effiefrog - (8189,29,2430)
- Harlond administration together with Mattlego - Rwyland/Mershy - (7990,88,4602)
- Harlond warehouse - Rwyland/Mershy - (8032,14,4628)
- Harlond warehouse-updated+back - Orruss/Mershy - (8035,18,4612)
- harlond-fishstalls - Rwyland/Mershy
- Harlond houses - Mershy/Orruss/Rwyland - (7989,21,4583) & (8003,21,4584)
- Harlond brothel - Rwyland/Orruss/Mershy - (7995,21,4572)
- harlond apothecary Rwyland/Mershy -(7898,25,4597)
- anduin-river/cliff - Wyatt - (8281,20,4010)
- anduin riverbank bushes Wyattrox/ w0rldunder - (8121,16,4002)
- added: harlond-interior -rwyland/mershy - (7946, 18, 4628)
- added: osgofields-barn-interior - aVeryAngryBadger - (7954, 196, 3144)
- Themed-builds:
- FFA ship - a viking longship - 6-9-21 - (568,17,64045)
- Helm's deep - 24-9-21 - (2331,35,61436)
- Halloween - a castle with graveyard and skullcave - 18-10-21 - (422,41,62002)
- FFA Castle - inspired by the Liechtenstein castle - 8-11-21 - (-140,29,62439)
- Gingerbreadtheme - 20-12-21 - (-194,10,63352)
- added: tomb of durin - 8-1-21 - (576, 17, 63486)
- Additional Builds:
- gondolin interior 1 -fb (7110,100,-5016)
- gondolin interior 2 - fb (6934,102,-4959)
- gondolin interior 3 - fb (6777,101,-4960)
- moria-house - fb (4437, 27, 2252)
- tudor style house - fb (4363,4,2177)
- added: moria hall WIP - fb (4305, 37, 2244)
- Your interests:
- So far I really enjoyed building everything I did, especially the terraining -cliff, gardens, trees-, and the pelennor houses. I love doing interiors too. I still have a lot to learn about the different building styles (like dwarven). But like most of you guys say, it's a process of learning. So who knows where my interests will lie in the future.
- Your motivation:
- Before joining this server I never really tried to build something pretty in minecraft but by joining this community and seeing all the amazing builds and the beautiful world of LOTR. it inspired me to be more creative with building and looking at the details and real life references to bring a place to life even without players. By becoming an artist I hope I can contribute more to the server and improve my building skills at the same time.
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