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Resolved can't use chat!

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Is going on an adventure!
I have been off of the server for only a few weeks-maybe a month. I joined again for the first time in a while today, and when I tried to enter chat I got "cannot send chat message." When I tried to message staff, it seemed to go through. However, even though I saw my text go up, no one ever responded to me, making me think that they did not receive the message. Is this a bug or is there something new added that I have not been aware of?

All right, we did some testing. Mzss is not in the new player world, and according to Jord not muted. Sooo, I don't know what is up with that, some bug in the chat plugins?
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I've seen this problem before. It's a problem with your chat settings in your client. Change around some and see if it works.
In case this hasn't been solved, I believe you have your chat settings set to commands only, to fix this go to options, multiplayer settings, then change your chat to shown.
Thanks guys, chat is working fine now. Not sure what it was exactly, but no big deal. It's great that so many people were so eager to help with my stupid problem
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