• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Accepted Cheezypuff_'s Guide Application

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Expert Stream Digger
Minecraft Username: Cheezypuff2016
Date Joined: 06. Oct 2024

Do you meet the minimum requirements to apply? Yes

Why would you like to become a Guide?
when i first joined, a guide (i think it was artale? honestly can't remember) helped me out a lot, showing me around, and showing me what's "on offer", and in doing so changed my entire view of the server from a "oh cool world i can wander around in a bit" into "oh this server has so much going on", since then it's pretty much become the only world/server i'm on in minecraft; when i open minecraft, it's to go on the server, and it's basically thanks to the start i had.

along with this, although i suck at pvp, im a big fan of minigames, so would like to learn how to host/run those too!

guides made me want to stick around as an adventurer, and i want to help more adventurers want to stick around and become commoners too

What experience have you had on MCME?

i'm still relatively new, but ive picked up on the majority of commands, features like the dynmap, etc and i think i've met the majority of people on here too?
i've also done a good few mines in moria and been on a couple of jobs

i'm also very often just chilling in voicechat pretty much the entire time that i'm online, even when it's just me, it's no big deal

Is there anything else you would like to say in support of your application?

As i say i'm very often in voice chat, so i feel if anyone had questions and i was online, they would almost certainly be able to jump in and ask, and get screen sharing help or just a walkthrough, without having to spam general chat with messages for clarification or potentially "embarrassing" newbie questions.

i'm british, but can speak german so i'm capable of answering questions there too, just probably not confident enough to give a tour or lore specific answers in german!
Hello Cheezypuff

Thanks for your Guide application! We have discussed your application and we would like to progress you to the next stage where you have to meet the 6 criteria. You have been given the ability to do tours and minigames in-game, and you will be added to some discord chats to help with these. @MrAnimator0208 has volunteered to help mentor you throughout the application. Remember to keep your application updated and let us know if you have any questions. Good luck!
today i learned the minigames commands and ran a couple of minigames; a race in dol amroth and a hide and seek in isengard, (big thanks to reavan for putting himself through that)
turns out i need to get better at parcour
MrAnimator also took me on a mini tour of guide HQ, here's him being a statue


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so this week i ran a few quizzes to get used to the quiz commands, they're hard to take screenshots of but i tried :')
i also helped reavan out with gamenight with the scribl.io, i did a list of custom words for it but for some reason scribl decided to not use them at all -_-

today MrAnimator and i spent a few hours giving a new commoner who was lost an impromptu tour over redhorn pass and through the whole of the fellowship path through moria (which, as said in the chat in the corner, was "noice")


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mini update because i was quite busy today
q220 and smaug both graced my quizzes with their presence <3
i then ran multiple hide and seeks in great mines, mirrormere and the christmas village
i've also started on making my own race:)
alongside that Greetly came on for a bit and kindly stood in as a dummy so i could work out and practice the manhunt commands:)

planning on finishing the race in about an hour, so i'll find someone to help test it afer that i guess

update: i finished the race thanks to the video smaug gave me earlier!
it's a loadable file as "FlyYouFools",
as the name suggests, it's from khazad to just short of the east gate warp,
and i ran it with Mith and Kaupaloki to test, it's about a 1 minute long sprint, nothing too complicated but with a bit of climbing so your route will make a big difference to your time

then Toti and Eriol joined because they wanted to reset the server :D


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so today i gave a tutorial on how to make, save and use custom race markers, as i struggled with it myself for a good few hours before figuring it out and i didnt want people to also be stuck and/or to not know that it was possible
i've also created a google doc with screenshots of every currently created marker in the game, so feel free to refer to it when making races! (i just need to neaten it up)

some of the marker files definitely need deleting as theyre mistakenly saved parts of races, but these are marked on the google doc:) i don't have accesss to that command

if anyone wants a quick rundown on how to do it let me know!

i managed to lose the screenshot of the event, but here's the build site and a snip of the event announcement!


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today i ran a few games of geoguessr (in moria o.O) and alf got 15/15 to not many people's surprise :P
i then ran randorace3 to yeet myself off minas tirith, where LaMoria and Luke joined me

i also created a race for christmas called XMASCHEEZ from a random ice shore to the christmas village, this is intended to start with ice boating, land in the water, continue with normal boating, then jump out and continue on land, but it can also be ran on foot, it's longer but still a short race at about 5 minutes, the race uses my custom markers for christmas including start and finish markers, i've updated the marker list to include these and also the markers we made in the tutorial on friday

this race will probably need fixing when/if the christmas village gets changed for 2024

i've taken it upon myself to read about a random location in middle earth a day on tolkien gateway, so i hopefully know a bit more about everywhere:)


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ran my first tour today, boating down the Anduin from the falls of Rauros to Osgiliath, i learned a lot about the area in the preparation for it, and there was some helpful feedback from the guide team as well afterwards, certainly areas to improve moving between locations of actual interest, and i guess no amount of prep can prepare for the random bout of nerves i got actually running it

already planning a palantir tour for post christmas:)

after the tour i ran a fair few minigames: a post-job quiz , geoguessr and manhunt

starting to think geoguessr in moria is becoming Alf's new favourite minigame, probably still a close second to PVP though

huge thanks to everyone for coming, and as usual i got so caught up in games and stuff that i forgot to take screenshots in most of them -_- but here's a geoguessr and a the quiz


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hey! sorry for the late update, some random bloke had a birthday on the 25th,
i was a part of the commoner tour last sunday, covering (in my part) the "richer" area of Dol Amroth and the palace, i'd say it went significantly better than my first one :P mainly due to a lack of nerves and stuff

after the tour i ran a quick race using @MrAnimator0208 's DA parkour map, as it kinda fit in the theme of the tour, i then ran my updated winter one to test that it was still doable after the christmas village update:)
(big thanks to @LordReavanPlays and @Alfonios for the help with fixing the race too!)

anyways, onto 2025:)


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not too sure whether this is worth an update or not-
i spent the past few weeks on and off trying to make a race including a floor that would be fully loadable using nothing but race markers, the idea being that any guide could load the race in without having to ask someone for world edit.

this started very promisingly, but ran into a problem- checkpoints save a 20x20 cube, but can only be placed a minimum of 22 blocks apart
- this lead to the idea of staggering checkpoints to get them to connect with each other, which worked well, but also birthed the issue that led to the downfall of this idea

the race was plotted into mainworld as "full size" tiles of ice, with the idea being to build on them, then simply copy the markers back into main once finished- a simple idea but this brought issues.

having built and decorated the race, and scrupulously documented what direction to face, where to stand and so on for the saved markers to work, i started pasting the markers into mainworld to make sure the circuit was covered, with a total of 21 custom made markers

the circuit pasted into mainworld, also without issue, until the game was ended, where the issue was then apparent.

where markers overlap, rather than just touch, blocks present in both markers will load twice. when the game is then ended, these blocks can only be removed once. This leads to blocks that were shared between 2 markers hanging in mainworld, with no race active, and so no way to delete them apart from physically bashing them.

after nearly 20 hours of bug fixing, the vast majority of the circuit was sorted, but there was still a strip of around 10 blocks that didnt vanish when /game end was ran. at this point the race has been saved as DAGPTEST but further progress won't really be made on it

the idea of creating a loadable race with connecting tiles is theoretically possible, however the time and effort involved to ensure bugs dont occur, or afterwards to remove them, is pretty insane

in better news:
tour tomorrow on Palantiri yay!


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sooo this week's update!

on Sunday 5th (just after last week's one) I ran a tour on the history, usage and server lore of the palantiri, lots of TPing involved but on the whole I feel it went really well

thanks to everyone for showing up:)

and through the rest of the week in the spare time I've had, I've basically finished the location for my trial event, being ran this Friday at 18:00 GMT (*miiight* be later but I really hope not)

and there's hopefully a nice surprise planned there if @TotiGonzales has the time to help (no pressure mate ;) ❤️ )

I've got a lot of shoutouts for the help I had on making that, but I'll cover that in the next update.

snowfox and I also discovered that currently, externally placed boats can't be used in a race if the person who placed them later joined the race

also a shoutout to Bart for testing the track, though in vanish leading to hilarity when a driverless boat flew past me (Hard to see but boats don't go up water columns on their own)

there's a planned joint tour with Reavan tomorrow so I'll add another short update after that


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trial event today! went really well, congrats to sab, @Dahlfc and Piman for their 1st 2nd and 3rd finishes!

huge thanks to the following for the help on the map!
_theLuke for detailing everything! huge thanks there
@Alfonios for bearing with me for worldedit stuff
@slaMoria for the help with corners and stuff
@Wyattrox03 for laying the first squares of ice and accidentally giving me the idea in the first place!
@Topcatflap for testing stuff
@Easy_Silas for the poster
@TotiGonzales for letting me use custom boat textures
and many more who've helped me out with various things, Worldedit, designs, ideas etc

and ofc @MrAnimator0208 for the playlist support and everything throughout the app <3

and a huge thank you to everyone who came, keep your eyes peeled for race #2

if anyone wants to practice or go on the track again, boats are available and the race is in plotworld at /warp cheezyiceboat


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