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Cooking for Hobbits! Event!!!


Dirt Conaisseur
Cooking for Hobbits!
By ItsMeJade (And Archimdes)

*But what about second breakfast?* Well, yeah? What about it? Hobbits have always been hungry creatures, from potatoes to cheese, salad or chicken. Hobbits are well known for their big appetite. Hobbits are always hungry and they have asked YOU to make them a luxurious meal! So get your shopping list ready because we’re going to be cooking for hobbits!

Now, some criteria will be needed for you to be judged upon because, at the end of the two weeks, there will be a winner chosen based on your efforts! @Archimdes and me (@ItsMeJade) will be judging you on your presentation, originality, edibility and humour. Two weeks you’ve got to prepare your meal, take a picture of it and put right under this post! Give your meal an (original) name and put the ingredients down to show us what’s in it (in case some things might be mashed ;))

So, to sum it up:

1. Prepare a meal for the Hobbits
2. Take a picture of it
3. Give it an original name + write the ingredients down
4. Put it right under THIS post to submit your meal!

Please hand in your masterpiece before the 25th of July at 12 pm your time. (Two weeks from now)
You are allowed to make either breakfast, luncheon or dinner. A good way to surprise your family too !:)

Good luck, channel your inner Gordon Ramsay and try not to mess it up because we all know Pippin will be asking you for second breakfast!

- ItsMeJade (and Archimdes)
! Dm ItsMeJade on Discord if there are any problems / questions.
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Bindbole Wood Berry Scramble Cake

If you visit by Woodhall or anywhere on the south-western borders of the Brandywine river, you are likely to find somewhere a nice desert of Bindbole Wood Berry Scramble Cake. The berries can be plucked from bushes hiding beneath your very nose in and around the forest. Be wary! Take a friend or two if you venture beyond the path for your berries. Though less scary than the Old Forest on the borders of Buckland, it is still uncertain what creatures and creepy crawlies may be uncovered on your berry-picking escapade. You know what I always say, "Berry picking is worth the strife if afterward you can still grasp a knife." Do notice that the berry bushes have pokies that can pierce ya hands. Can't be too careful!

1/2 stick butter, melted

1 and 1/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar

1 cup flour

1 cup whole milk

2 cups fresh (or frozen) blackberries (Bindbole Wood Berries)

Some type of pan grease or oil or butter.

A few drops of lemon juice for the adventurous!

Whipped cream and/or ice cream, for serving if desired.




Now that you have had your fair share of berries from myself, perhaps it is time for a hobbit like you to go berry picking!
-With berry much love and good-will-cooking, Berryadoc Brandwine
Bindbole Wood Berry Scramble Cake

If you visit by Woodhall or anywhere on the south-western borders of the Brandywine river, you are likely to find somewhere a nice desert of Bindbole Wood Berry Scramble Cake. The berries can be plucked from bushes hiding beneath your very nose in and around the forest. Be wary! Take a friend or two if you venture beyond the path for your berries. Though less scary than the Old Forest on the borders of Buckland, it is still uncertain what creatures and creepy crawlies may be uncovered on your berry-picking escapade. You know what I always say, "Berry picking is worth the strife if afterward you can still grasp a knife." Do notice that the berry bushes have pokies that can pierce ya hands. Can't be too careful!

1/2 stick butter, melted

1 and 1/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons sugar

1 cup flour

1 cup whole milk

2 cups fresh (or frozen) blackberries (Bindbole Wood Berries)

Some type of pan grease or oil or butter.

A few drops of lemon juice for the adventurous!

Whipped cream and/or ice cream, for serving if desired.

Now that you have had your fair share of berries from myself, perhaps it is time for a hobbit like you to go berry picking!
-With berry much love and good-will-cooking, Berryadoc Brandwine
Downvote for paper plates, hobbits save the environment.
King's quiche
Every year in Lamedon during the hot month that follows Midyear's Day, people cooked a pepper quiche, in hope that the king would come back. After Elessar's coronation, this tradition continued but Gondorians added red pepper to picture the renewal of the white tree.
King's quiche.webp

Ingredients :
*Shortcrust Pastry :
200g of flour
-100g of butter
-water and salt
*Filling :
-3 eggs
-25cl of liquide crème fraîche
-salt, pepper and nutmeg
-a clove of garlic
*Main ingredients :
-2 sweet peppers (yellow and red if possible) (reffered in the recipe as peppers)
-2 big tomatoes (rustic if possible, the modern varieties have less flesh)
-12 small sardines
-fresh basil (optional)
*Tools :
-Tarte tin
-Several dishes
-A whisk

Recipe :
*Paste :
-Put together flour salt and diced butter in a dish.
-With the tips of your fingers, mix swiftly the ingredients until a semoulina-like paste is obtained.
-Make a well and add water gradually while still using your hands to mix the whole.
-Stop when a homogenous pastry is obtained.
*Fillings :
-Preheat the oven at 180°C.
-Put in a dish and stir together with a whisk the ingredients for the filling.
-Wash and dry the peppers, wash the sardines.
-Halve the peppers and remove the seeds and the interior membranes.
-Put them in the oven for about 10 minutes, the peppers should be slightly blistered.
-Meanwhile, halve the fishes and remove the bones.
-Cook them for 2 minutes in a dry pan, on the flesh side, and store them in a plate.
-Roll the pastry out, put it in the tarte tin.
-By this time, the peppers should be ready, remove them from the oven and let them cool.
-Put the tarte tin in the oven until the pastry inside is slightly coloured.
-Put in boiling water the tomatoes for one minute, peel them and dice them.
-Cut the peppers in lashes.
-Take the tarte tin out.
-Add some pepper slices on the pastry and 2/3 of the tomatoes.
-Add the sardines on top of it.
-Add the remaining peppers and tomatoes.
-Pour the filling and put everything in the oven for about 30 minutes.
-Once cooked, remove the quiche from the oven and let it cool.
-(optional) Add the basil.

Traveller's biscuits
It is also said that among the people, some baked small sugary biscuits for their meal, and they would offer it to the travellers who went through their village during that month. That's right, Hobbits! Afterlithe is the perfect month for you to visit Gondor!
MCME logo.webp

Ingredients :
-1 egg
-250g of flour
-70g of cane sugar (if possible straight from Umbar)
-125g of butter
-Flavouring ingredient, take something natural : ginger, cinnamon, zeste of lemon/orange, rhum, anise...

Recipe :
-Stir with a wood spatula the sugar, the egg and the flavouring ingredient. The mixing should be twice as big as it was originally.
-Add the flour in one go and mix with the tip of your fingers.
-Add the diced butter and mix with your fingers until a homogenous pastry is obtained.
-Roll the pastry out and cut whatever shapes you want for you biscuits.
-Put the pieces on a floured plate and put in a 180°C hot oven for about 20 minutes.
-You can add some icing (a drop of white egg, icing sugar and colouring) when the biscuits are cooked.

Here, now you can enjoy your second breakfast Pippin! But do not forget that if you act nastily, you will only get that apple of yours. :)

Traveller's meal.webp
My 2nd breakfast is called "Norirs 2nd breakfast" and is a real-existing one, that is traditionally eaten around 9pm.
The basic ingredients are:
-cornflakes (a stable basement)
-oats (to have a nice mix with the cornflakes
yjoghurt (in different flavours for different taste or natural)

and then you can add some other things for Variation like:
-banana pieces
-many other, copped fruits, just try out what is the best taste!
-coconut flakes
-chocolate chips (if you want it candy-sweet

There is no exact scale how to combine it, just add enough yoghurt that you don't end up with a dry porrige and don't add too much that you end up not finding the ingredients anymore. This breakfast is not a high-level cooking, but i posted it in here, because it is existing in real life and i think its a funny idea to upload it to this post.
Basically it is just cereal in the evening, that gives you enough energy to stay online till 3 in the morning.


  • 2nd breakfast.webp
    2nd breakfast.webp
    6.1 KB · Views: 298
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This is my hobbit diet dinner, it is hasselback chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, sunstroked tomatoe, spinach. With a side of potatoe fondant , asparagus and a creamy mushroom. To finish of pesto is added onto the chicken to add the acidity needed for the dish.

This was the main of a 3 course meal , starter was a strawberry spinach salad and as desert eaten mess.
Presenting, "Summer Hospitality" (feat. This-Took-Way-Too-Long-My-Legs-Hurt) a three course luncheon made by yours truly and with help from my best friend (who refuses to join the server but we won't go there)

Opening with the appetizer
Stuffed Mushrooms! A bite-sized delight.


  • 24 agaricus mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1/2 cup grape tomatoes diced
  • 1//3 cup fresh mozzarella cheese diced
  • 8-10 leaves fresh basil chopped
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar

Continuing with the main course
Chicken with Sweet Potatoes and Rice. Including undertones of coconut milk, lime and the beloved ginger root.



  • 1 1/2 pounds boneless chicken breasts
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated
  • 1 inch fresh ginger, grated
  • 1/4-1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into 2.5cm chunks (thicc)
  • 1-2 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups canned coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • juice of 2 limes
  • kosher salt
  • 2 cups cooked rice

Can't forget dessert of course!
Apricot Mini Pies! With homemade apricot jam from our own apricot trees I may add!


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 12 tablespoons cold salted butter
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh apricots
  • 1-3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup (homemade) apricot jam
  • 60gr cream cheese
  • 1 egg, beaten
And that's all! This meal was a joy to make, and was completed despite the hot weather, fueled by LOTR and Disney soundtracks.
Not all those who wander are lost, but the tired and hungry after a hard day's work sure were fed well today!

Do I have too make some food
that already exist in Middle-earth or can I do own Middle-earth food?
Make something that you think the hobbits would love to eat but ofcourse you can make things that already exist nowadays. Just try to make something original :)
Green Dragon Belly-filler, the best second breakfast you'll get

the Green Dragon's breakfast speciality! especially during the fall, this second breakfast is served alot and hobbits all over the shire come to get a taste of it!
goeie chap.webp

I finally finished :)

So this is an amazing high-proteine breakfast, really useful for when you are going for a long trek (to Rivendell, for instance). Also really, really fills your belly. and it has tons of biological products, and natural stuff and all that jazz, right from farmer Maggot's farm. It's too bad you can't actually taste it because it was kinda amazing (you can go to my parents for reference if you'd like). Now, here's the recipe:

Ingredients for the pancakes (for 4 people, or 4 hobbits):
  • 100g oats
  • 1 banana
  • 100g of cottage cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • a pinch of baking powder
  • a splash of almond milk
  • arachid oil
Ingredients for the topping:
  • an apple
  • a pear
  • pomgrenate seeds (at least a handful)
  • almond butter (good lord this is expensive)
  • 4 figs (dried or fresh)
  • 4 spoons of greek yoghurt
  • honey

  1. mix all the ingredients for the pancakes together except for the arachid oil, until you have a smooth batter. Make sure you cut the banana first. If it's too thick, add another splash of almond milk.
  2. prepare the toppings. slice the figs in parts, and core and grate the apple and pear. mix the grated pear and apple with each other and a handful of pomgrenate seeds.
  3. heat a frying pan on a medium heat, about 5 on induction cooking (idk with gas I have induction). brush it with the arachid oil, and get rid of any excess oil (otherwise they get all oily and moist).
  4. put 3 big tablespoons of batter in the pan, one for each pancake. Let it lie until little bubbles form on the surface. When that happens, keep flipping them until they have a nice golden look on both sides (it could take a while, be patient).
  5. When the pancakes are finished, put one on the plate. cover it in almond butter, the apple-pear-pomgrenateseed mix and put 2/3 fig slices on. put the second pancake on top, and repeat the process. Put the 3rd pancake on that, and repeat again. Then add one tablespoon of greek yoghurt on top, and finish it off with some poured honey over the creation.
  6. DONE!!! You made one heavenly portion of food! :) you can add some extra pomgrenate seeds around the structure as seen in the picture, because that's nice for photo's. there's enough batter for 4 people, so go ham! Make some for your hobbit friends [SUP]you do need fire so don't make it right up at weathertop or you will be haunted by wraiths [/SUP]

Tip: drink some (Almond)milk with it, great combination!

This recipe is:

  • gluten-free!
  • Vegetarian!
  • Can be made with all biological, natural products!
it's fun to note, the pomgrenate seeds are considered extremely healthy. there's tons of Vitamin C in them, and they work anti-inflammatory. They also have strong antioxidants, which helps with a good blood pressure and protects against cardiovascular diseases. Keep them in mind ;).

So that's it for mine. maybe not as much as many other creations I've seen here, but I think it's pulled off really well. I don't do alot of experimenting in the kitchen, so I'm glad this worked out so well.
They say it was August the third, in a stormy night, when rain fell as if the skies were cascading and when the sky was torn apart by a thousend thunders, that an young easterling entered Hard bottle in Shire.
'And he saw a shadowy figure in the distance, walking in pain, covered with blood mixed with water' they say.
He stayed in a hobbit hole in Hard bottle for about a month and then headed towards the West. When he was in the Shire he tought many things to the Hobbits. He spoke of distant lands in the East, with mountains high, forests wide and to much astonishment of the local Hobbits of deserts. And he told to them of a meal, they ate in warm summers in his homeland.

In my trip to Shire last Summer, I could get the recepie of this mysterious meal called 'A midnight suprise', eaten usually before or after lunch in Eastern lands of Middle Earth but at midnight in Shire from an old woman.
She told me I have to first get a bowl for each person who wants to eat, but I had to choose wisely because when the meal was ready it would end up being about twice the amount that the bowl could hold. So I first had to cut a cucumber to small pieces and fill two third of the bowl with it. Then I had to cut some complete dry walnuts to eight peices, I asked why not to squish it, but she said no you have to cut it with a knife. Then you have to cover most of the cucumbers surface with a rather thin layer of walnuts. After that you have to fill the rest of the bowl to the brim with yoghurt. Here you cast some dry mint and basil which has been crushed to small peices before to the mix. Also you have to add a bit of salt. After you did that you must empty the bowl to another one, which is about twice the size. Then you will fill the bowl with cold water and mix everything. Now, you have to also add some raisin too, but because the Hobbits dont like it we wont. The Easterling it is said told Hobbits about ice, ice which had been crushed into small peices and then added to the meal, but because there is no mountain close to the Shire they couldnt get the ice they needed and thats why they eat the meal without it. I didnt add the ice too!
Now when you want to eat it, you have to grind some dry bread to small pieces of about a centimeter by a centimeter and then mix it with the other parts!
Now your midnight suprise is ready to be eaten by you!

Hobbits only eat this at midnight in August the third to remember the Easterling who came to their land, many years ago, and those pictures you saw were taken in my trip to Shire in August the third last year.
(Btw, English isnt my mother language, sorry for any mistakes!)
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They say it was August the third, in a stormy night, when rain fell as if the skies were cascading and when the sky was torn apart by a thousend thunders, that an young easterling enetred Hard bottle in Shire.
'And he saw a shadowy figure in the distance, walking in pain, covered with blood mixed with water' they say.
He stayed in a hobbit hole in Hard bottle for about a month and then headed towards the West. When he was in the Shire he tought many things to the Hobbits. He spoke of distant lands in the East, with mountains high, forests wide and to much astonishment of the local Hobbits of deserts. And he told to them of a meal, they ate in warm summers in his homeland.
View attachment 18601
In my trip to Shire last Summer, I could get the recepie of this mysterious meal called 'A midnight suprise', eaten usually before or after lunch in Eastern lands of Middle Earth but at midnight in Shire from an old woman.
She told me I have to first get a bowl for each person who wants to eat, but I had to choose wisely because when the meal was ready it would end up being about twice the amount that the bowl could hold. So I first had to cut a cucumber to small pieces and fill two third of the bowl with it. Then I had to cut some complete dry walnuts to eight peices, I asked why not to squish it, but she said no you have to cut it with a knife. Then you have to cover most of the cucumbers surface with a rather thin layer of walnuts. After that you have to fill the rest of the bowl to the brim with yoghurt. Here you cast some dry mint and basil which has been crushed to small peices before to the mix. After you did that you must empty the bowl to another one, which is about twice the size. Then you will fill the bowl with cold water and mix everything. Now, you have to also add some raisin too, but because the Hobbits dont like it we wont. The Easterling it is said told Hobbits about ice, ice which had been crushed into small peices and then added to the meal, but because there is no mountain close to the Shire they couldnt get the ice they needed and thats why they eat the meal without it. I didnt add the ice too!
Now when you want to eat it, you have to grind some dry bread to small pieces of about a centimeter by a centimeter and then mix it with the other parts!
Now your midnight suprise is ready to be eaten by you!
View attachment 18603
Hobbits only eat this at midnight in August the third to remember the Easterling who came to their land, many years ago, and those pictures you saw were taken in my trip to Shire in August the third last year.
(Btw, English isnt my mother language, sorry for any mistakes!)
sectretly this “woman” was just your mother :p