Is going on an adventure!
April 30 2021 was the date that I joined the server.
Jobs and Plot builds:
I. Job for block mixing the roads run by Maski98
Will add a screenshot if requested.
II. Job for block mixing roads in run by EffieFrag.
Will add a screenshot if requested.
III. Plot build in the Mines that will replace the southern Gondor Mines Maski98 is in charge or the project.
Both Worldunder and Maski98 edited the plot because it was not properly smoothed in that it was too wide. Interiors were made by myself as to the two sections depicted with exclusion of the net section in the secondary picture and the secondary wooden walled off section which I did not do.
I. Ruined Village
Interiors have been completed. I placed second in this theme build.
II. FFA Lumber Camp
Please ignore the horrible bridge I made on the plot, I made it as a meme to further the stereotype that I am bad at bridges to Worldunder. I was mainly testing out different styles before I had access to free build. Interiors have not been completed as I was only testing to see if I could build in different styles.
III. Orc Camp
Interiors have been completed. I placed first in this theme build.
IV. FFA Egyptian
Interiors are completed. I was an honorable mention in this theme build.
V. Great Eagles
Some armor stand work is still needed around the fall beast and am debating on rebuilding the eagle to make it better based on what I learned.
Additional builds:
I. Gondolin Builds in freebuildinterior not completed, as I am waiting on the style for the district and may need to completely rebuild the house.
Interior Completed
Interior Completed.
Interior Completed.
Interior Completed.
II. Artist School Concept building run by Maski98, in freebuild
Interior not completed as they are only concept builds and also I would need to rebuild the two towers based on the feedback I received as one of them being too small and the other being to big.
III. Artist School Concept Goblin Camp Moria, in plot build
Will supplement this with screenshot at another date when I have more time. The interiors are completed.
Your interests:
Of all the styles I cannot pick which one is my favorite. From my experience on the server I have largely built only in the Gondor texture pack. However, the style closest to my heart is thee dwarvin style. While I have no experience with the pack I remember countless single player worlds I started where I always dug a hole and made a dwarves palace. One may ask themselves, why have I not added any screenshots from outside of MCME to this application if that fact is true. There is a simple answer to that. Most of those builds were on Xbox or were deleted years ago. Although I originally bought Minecraft in 2009-2010 in the pre alpha days my family never had a computer powerful enough to play the game in anything but the most basic graphic with horrible framerate Since that time many of the world I have delated myself or were accidently delated in upgrading my Xbox from one generation to the next. Furthermore, the only way I have found to force myself to build efficiently and effectively is when other are involved in the building or can hold me accountable hence me getting involved with the MCME server. I simply enjoy building in any style where in the end my work is recognized as that of a quality builder.Your motivation:
What motivates me is when someone looks at what I built and is inspired to try to emulate what I have done. It deeply affects me whenever someone acknowledges the work I have done because I personally do not think of myself as that good of a builder. So whenever someone’s skill at building improves because of what I have built I am satisfied. This is why in most of my theme builds you always see an acknowledgement to those other builds I saw and was inspired by and took inspiration from. I do not like taking credit for others work especially when that work is artistic in any way. Secondly, I love any francize that has in depth Lore which LotR defiantly falls into. Up until five years ago I did not know the Lore of LotR was so in depth but since that time I have attempted to dive into it and learn as much as I can. It is a honor to be able to try to recreate Tolkien’s vision and doing so is also something that deeply motivates me.Extra:
My Application will be supplemented with edits as to the language and format of the application sometime this weekend as well as adding whatever builds are finished this weekend. I will make additional posts once every weekend with the new builds or as they are finished.