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Finished **Dol Amroth**

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One Of Us, One of Us
~:~|~:~ Dol Amroth ~:~|~:~
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Project Leader: @dav3ck
Co-Leader: n/a
Project Staff: n/a


Announcements Thread
*This thread is going to be short due to the state of the project being in the final stages

Overall Progress and State
Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 92%
Current Progress State: Building (Close to Finished)

Current Progress Review: Behind Schedule
Current Progress Expectation: 100%
Current State Expectation: Finished
Estimated TIme of Finishing: 1 month

Project Discussion Thread
The thread to discuss in general the project, comment on any updates or any other non-announcement topic.
Link: In Progress - Dol Amroth

Dol Amroth Planning Post
New one made by @dav3ck

Dol Amroth
Leader: Dav3ck​

Do to the absent of some of the old DA leaders, DA was never fully finished and was left abandend, so I was choicen to lead the finishing of DA.

Currently in DA there are 3 main things left to finish: The palace, the streets and the sewers. I have spent some time organizing a list of the places that stil need doing/ improving. So if you are an artist (or higher) and find yourself with some time on your hands, feel free to claim any of the following tasks by sending me (Dav3ck) a PM in discord or on the forums.

I realise that many people are not really excited to continue working on DA, I must be honest, im not that excited about it aswell. However we are so nearly there it would be a shame to leave it unfinished. So if we all just team up now and work on it togetter, it will be finished in no time. Also, we are not allowed to start on mordor until this project is finished, so yeah.. theres that.

The Palace

Below here is a list of all the unfinished places I found, If I have missed any, please PM me them and I will add them to the list.

-Sept (YourDearKing)

The Streets

I have created a map inwhich I marked all streets that are done (Green) and the once that stil need work (Yellow). I also divided them up in sections any artist can claim and lead (Red). Some people that are paying attention might have also noticed a purple section with a "C" in it. This is a concept sections of how we would like the streets to look. We have tried to not make the sections to big so hopefully there can be as much detailed added as possible.

-Section 1 ()
-Section 2 ()
-Section 3 ()
-Section 4 ()

The sewers

The sewers appear to need alot of planning before hand which I did not have the time for yet (so we dont have to redo them for the 4th time). I will keep everyone up to date with it as soon as this plan is made

The fields

The fields are stil being lead by patrick, and I have currently no clue about the state of it, but I wil leave it to him to finished it if needed.

We would truelly appreciate it if we can finally finish this project asap and move on.

If you have any questions PM me (Dav3ck) in Discord or on the forums.

Yours truelly

The DA team
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Announcements July 21st, 2018:
*We are close to finishing but we need more organization to be able to get everything done.

Current Tasks Left (Overall):
- Palace Interior: @Thijs1801 and @Eriol_Eandur
- Street Detailing: @dav3ck
- Sewers: @Kjolsen and @_Luk
- Mausoleum: @_Luk
- Royal Docks: ?
- Island Vegetation to the West: ?

This is top priority on our server!!! If you cannot complete you task, (1) contact me, (2) delegate it to someone else. If you see a " ? " and you are in charge of the task, contact me. If you are a designer you can claim it as well or if you are not contact me and we will chat.

@Patrick_0901 I figured the state of the fields and places outside the main walls is finished, if not post a reply here with the same format but for your area as we need to get it done.
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Announcements September 27th, 2018:
*We are close to finishing but we need more organization to be able to get everything done.

Current Tasks Left (Overall):
- Palace Interior: @dav3ck
- Street Detailing: @dav3ck
- Sewers: @dav3ck
- Sept: @YourDearKing
- Royal Docks: @dav3ck
- Island Vegetation to the West: @dav3ck

This is top priority on our server!!! If you cannot complete you task, (1) contact me, (2) delegate it to someone else. If you see a " ? " and you are in charge of the task, contact me. If you are a designer you can claim it as well or if you are not contact me and we will chat.

If any Designer is able to take a leadership role in this, please do! There needs to be more builders on this as well.
I merged Dav3ck's thread with this one, so if you want to comment: please do so in the discussion thread.
Announcements September 27th, 2018:
*We are so close to done that I can't sleep at night...

Current Tasks Left (Overall):
- Sewers: @Kjolsen
- Royal Docks: @QuantaCube
- Island Vegetation to the West: @BWOT

This is top priority on our server!!! If you cannot complete your task, (1) contact @BWOT , (2) delegate it to someone else.

There are lots of people lately asking for something to do, so maybe if we can get what's left planned out to the stage where we can give out tasks to artists and commoners we'll finish quicker.
The DA Sewers

The sewers will lead by none other then @Smaug_Niphredil who will be doing it as a trail for the rank of foreman. We understand that the sewers are one of the most difficult areas to do because of its complexity, and smaug is not yet a very experienced project leader. So @TotiGonzales and myself will be helping him as Co-leaders.

The plan

In all the previous itterations of the sewers we always had two different pipe systems: one for clean and another for dirty water. To simplify it a bit we have decided to combine these systems into one.


As can be seen in the picture above one "pipe" wil have 2 streams of water. The one with the highground is the clean water, and the other one the dirty water. (U can check out this concept in full detail floating above DA).

Because Dol Amroth is a layered city (not all areas are the same hight), there wil be two different levels onwhich the sewers wil be build. An upper area for royal town/ the palace, and one lower area for the rest of the city. The houses which are just a couple of blocks above water level aren't going to have sewers.

To do list

-Mark all the areas where clean/dirty water is needed, also where all the entrances into the sewers are
-Dig out big underground tunnels to mark the area where the sewer will be
-Build the sewers themselfs
-Add additional detail
(-Smash some random basements to keep up the tradition)

Underground Tavern

As was planned within the originial sewer system, we believe a small underground town / tavern would make for a cool addition. This area would be in a no longer functional section of the sewers and wil mainly be used by criminals. This is however stil very early in its planning and we would love some more opinions on it.
Announcements January 27th, 2019:
*Good progress, hiring artists (not paying).

Current Tasks Left (Overall):
- Sewers: @TotiGonzales
- Royal Docks: @QuantaCube

This is top priority on our server!!! If you cannot complete your task, (1) contact me or @dav3ck, (2) delegate it to someone else.

So... almost there? The progress has been good though. If you ask me it's almost like putting on the finishing touches.

Islands are done:
Thanks to @Phoenix108 for taking care of that!

Sewers are being haunted tho...

The planning has been finished and the building has started last week. Any building rank holder is urged to come and help! It's well on its way but still a massive task that is a lot of work for only a couple of people. Nevertheless, I would like to thank @Smaug_Niphredil, @Milarwen, and @RVB_Legend for helping.

The Royal Docks:

Looks like @QuantaCube finally decided on a style and with the help of @Volcrest I expect great progress there too.
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