• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Accepted FireFuss

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Hardcore MCME-er
I'm not sure if this is official but I thought I'd apply just in case it is!!

Minecraft Username :
Date Joined : Umm, not really sure. Sometime in late 2011
Country: USA

Are you regularly logged on Teamspeak?
Do you actively speak on Teamspeak?
Yes, I do when I'm on
Do you have any particular skills?
Nunchuck skillz, bowstaff skillz.....
Why are you applying for this rank?
As a former STAFF foreman, I was a little overwhelmed. I don't know yet for sure if this rank will be staff or not, but I can tell you, I believe myself to be what the rank between commoners and staffers needs. I'm pretty personable, and I can motivate people without having to be intimidating. I am pretty good at troubleshooting and can handle myself in stressful situations. Me being part of this community for so long I think I've got a gauge on how it flows. There are up and down times. Influxes of new members and stagnant times where we lose some. But overall I believe I could be a good leader for all members who aspire to reach artist and up. And also for those who chose to remain regular members! We need them too and there are some very fine individuals who chose to stay "member" but are great contributors. We need everyone, and everyone needs a confident motivated leader. Again, I believe (if the position is non-staff) I can be a great "low level" leader, taking on what the designers designate I do. I would be honored to again be foreman. I also have 100% confidence that whoever you choose will do great. Good luck in you guys decision, and may the odds be ever in your.... wait. Nevermind! Good luck!
Some screenshots or pictures of your build attached:
I am at work, without access to my builds. Most recently I did the theme build for Bag End. Check that out if you'd like
Hey Firefuss!

We (Dyno and me) would like to invite you to a trial job plus a quick interview as we're considering you as holder of the re-launched Foreman rank. I know you have been Foreman before, and I use to not to go all formal for players who return to their rank, but as this instance of Foreman is kinda a new rank I would like to honor the procedures we decided to put on the rank in these early stages and treat every applicant the same way. I hope we can find a trial job which includes laying hands on some newer server features you may not yet be familiar with, so that there's also a plus for you in this event!

Please enlighten me with your availability (date + time + timezone) in the coming days, and dyno and I will compare with our schedules so we can find a date for the trial.
I will talk back to the Designers to organise a trial job, and I hope I can announce it a few days before the event, so that you know what to expect.

~ Finrod
I'm honored and I'll do whatever you guys need of me. As of this moment, the times I'm SURE I can be on the coming week are Wednesday the 8th and Friday the 10th. Pretty much anytime from 8:45am to 2:30pm EST (USA east coast)

Hopefully that might work out. Otherwise, the next week I'm open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the same time as above. Sorry but my weekends are usually packed with irl family stuff. But hey, way I sees it is maybe you need a foreman there at odd times during the week :D

Hope to hear from you soon
Sorry for the late reply; I asked Dyno whether he could get back to you as there the time difference is significantly smaller, unfortunately this did not seem to have happened.
Therefore I would like to suggest that we have a go at it next Monday, around 2pm EST, which is 8pm for me where I sure am back home and all dined up. Would that work for you?
That should work... I have to leave my place around 2:45 so hopefully I'll be able to show my skillz quickly and efficiently! If we started a little early I wouldnt have a problem with it!

disclaimer! I am at work right now and until 8:00am tomorrow (Monday) morning. I dont know how much sleep I'll get, and at 10am I have my annual Peer Fitness Assessment! Which is like a physical performance evaluation we have to do each year. HOPEFULLY I won't be WREKT tomorrow morning, but if I am, I'll just try and power through it.

See you guys then, and thanks again for the opportunity!

Hey @Finrod_Amandil , a little hick up...

Its Valentines and my wife got called into work for this afternoon. So Im taking her to lunch and a movie before she has to go in. I will still be there for the job, just maybe a few minutes later than when we scheduled.

Sorry about that!
Not trying to pester you @DynoDaring , I know you're busy out there enforcing head and all.... I talked to Finrod today and he said he's waiting on your decision about the foreman rank for me.

I'm sure he has reached out to you, just wanted to put an extra "umph" on it and see what happens. I should be on server quite a bit tomorrow and Friday as I have those two days off. Hopefully I'll run into you then.

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