Project Umbar
What is Umbar?
Umbar was a realm to the far south of Gondor in Middle-earth where Men lived, and in during the Great Years was known for the sea-faring Corsairs who reigned there in the havens that were built during the reign of the Kings in Gondor. Like the earlier New Haven in Enedwaith, and the later Pelargir on the Anduin, Umbar became a base from which Númenórean influence spread over Middle-earth. It was at Umbar that the last King of Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, landed in SA 3261, to challenge Sauron.
Staff Members
@aaldim - Head planner
@Ivan1pl - Head of Building
@bender400 - Head of concept
@mattlego - Assistant Planner
@Georget1011 - Assistant of Concept and Building
Why Should you join and how?
We want to allow anyone who joined the project to build.
Thus, we give users the Supervisors these are trusted artist which will watch the members while they build. As Artist+ you can always build in marked areas, when they mark their build correctly. To join you just simply apply at /warp Umbar Project, make sure you read all the signs!
Project Progress
1. [In progress] PlanningWhat is Umbar?
Umbar was a realm to the far south of Gondor in Middle-earth where Men lived, and in during the Great Years was known for the sea-faring Corsairs who reigned there in the havens that were built during the reign of the Kings in Gondor. Like the earlier New Haven in Enedwaith, and the later Pelargir on the Anduin, Umbar became a base from which Númenórean influence spread over Middle-earth. It was at Umbar that the last King of Númenor, Ar-Pharazôn the Golden, landed in SA 3261, to challenge Sauron.
Staff Members
@aaldim - Head planner
@Ivan1pl - Head of Building
@bender400 - Head of concept
@mattlego - Assistant Planner
@Georget1011 - Assistant of Concept and Building
Why Should you join and how?
We want to allow anyone who joined the project to build.
Thus, we give users the Supervisors these are trusted artist which will watch the members while they build. As Artist+ you can always build in marked areas, when they mark their build correctly. To join you just simply apply at /warp Umbar Project, make sure you read all the signs!
Project Progress
1. [In progress] Streets
2. [In progress] Districts
3. [In progress] Terrain
4. [Hold] Harbours
5. [Hold] Buildings
2. [In progress] Preparing terrain2. [In progress] Districts
3. [In progress] Terrain
4. [Hold] Harbours
5. [Hold] Buildings
1. [Done] Flat terrain marking land
2. [In progress] Raising terrain
3. [Hold] Detailing terrain (small hills, height variations)
4. [Hold] Changing sand to grass, stone, dirt, ...
5. [Hold] Grassing area
3. [In progress] Districts2. [In progress] Raising terrain
3. [Hold] Detailing terrain (small hills, height variations)
4. [Hold] Changing sand to grass, stone, dirt, ...
5. [Hold] Grassing area
1. [In progress] Poor district
3. [Hold] Medium district #1
4. [Hold] Medium district #2
5. [Hold] Harbour district
6. [Hold] Rich district
7. [Hold] Military district
8. [Hold] Walls and towers
1. [In progress] House freebuild
2. [Hold] Roads
3. [Hold] Pasting houses
4. [Hold] Other buildings
2. [Hold] Trading district2. [Hold] Roads
3. [Hold] Pasting houses
4. [Hold] Other buildings
3. [Hold] Medium district #1
4. [Hold] Medium district #2
5. [Hold] Harbour district
6. [Hold] Rich district
7. [Hold] Military district
8. [Hold] Walls and towers
Additional Information
Curent Stage(s): making concepts/terraforming/planning
Dynmap: Link
Warp: /warp Umbar project
the non-staff ranks are written underneath,
Artist = make stuff the head-assistant builders/planners planned.
Supervisor = same as artist, but has permission to allow members to build.
Member = make stuff the head-assistant builders/planners planned when they have permission of a Supervisor or above.
Trusted = same as member, but chance gets increased to get artist and to more trusted with building.
kicked = members that are kicked from the project because they broke rules.
In-Active = they have done nothing wrong, but they get this rank because they are in-active. they receive their old rank when back.
Underneath there is a map of Umbar. This is what we are aiming for!
The project is on-scale, but not 1:1.
1. If you aren't artist+ only build when a Supervisor+ watches you (if you want to build, you can always pick a plot and it will be copied if good).
2. All the server rules apply!
3. This isn't a Themed-Build, you can use anything you build for artist+ applications, If you marked your build correctly.
4. Never use wool markings when you are not allowed to, if any staff member will notice he can't remember placing this wool, he will ask a bounder to check.
5. Always put your name, or a short of your name on any signs you place. We want to be sure we can contact you if something went wrong, or thank you when the build is good. (Used for rank demotions/promotions)
Hope to see you soon on the project!
~The Umbar Project staff~
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