• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

    To get started, visit The New Player Guide

    Joining the server

    Joining the server can be done straight away, but you will have to pass the New Player Quiz. Use the The New Player Guide to get acquainted with our community.

    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Contest Freebuild Spawn Build Competition


Yellow Flower Puncher
~ Freebuild Spawn Build Competition~

Build me a spawn worthy of Freebuild!
That's right folks, it's competition time! As Freebuild has been extended, and the spawn point has been moved, we'd like a new spawn area that's impressive, helpful and encourages new commoners to stick with our community in the long term.

The Task
Build a good-looking, functional structure for the Freebuild spawn. That's it. The style, inspiration and composition of the build is up to you. It can be LotR/MCME related, or completely different.

- Team of up to 5 people
- One building entry per team
- You can only be in one team
- Plot size of 150 by 150
- Must include: rules for freebuild, directions on how to join commoner projects,
- Voxel/WE may be used: if you're using either of these on your build, you're obliged to help other teams who do not have someone with WE/Voxel.

Who can take part?
Everyone! Yes that includes you adventurers: freebuild is your future, so you may as well start help shaping it now.

Where will this be?
Plotworld in the "Events" box at the bottom left on dynmap. Get there with /warp freebuildcontest

You will have 3* months to build your proposal.
Start: 00:00 UTC 1st May
Finish: 23:59 UTC 6th August

Sign up
To sign up, post a comment below with the following info: Team name, Team Participants

GreenGiant & Norir, Greetly, Topcat, Mapthor, Smaug. In the event of a tie, TheStephen will have the deciding vote.

Any questions? Just message TheStephen
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Team Name: Ultimate Chads
Participants: greencaver, NelmanBlack, Madrias, Thalydon, _mapthor
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Team Name: Mega-Based Gamers
Participants: greencaver, ARockClimber, BorgMC, Larry881a, RedHMP
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Team Name: Group 2
Participants: NelmanBlack, LoveSushi, psynexus, WeildableMars0
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Slight update to the rules: you can only be in one team, as otherwise it gives some individuals an unfair advantage. If you've not already spoken to me about which team you want to be in (if in multiple), please come find me.

Some people have been added to the plots, but I can't add others, so you'll need to come online to try get added. There are some tech issues that are currently meaning we can't add some people, but we'll try get those resolved ASAP.

Otherwise the contest is now open! Good luck folks, may the best dwarf win!
I believe I've worked out the issue: if you've not been added to your plot, do /warp freebuildcontest then log off and back on, then I should be able to add you to your team's plot
Team name: Dahl Goodman
Participants: Dahlfc
Im not on the other team they trynna drag me in i don't want that shit y' feel me?
Plots should now be re-created, so you should all be able to build if you were previously on a plot.

The following people need to log off and back on in plotworld at /warp freebuildcontest for me to be able to add them to their plots.

Once you've done that please react on here, so that I know I can add you (or message me ingame)
If you have any more problems, just dm me or message here. Thanks!
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Plots should now be re-created, so you should all be able to build if you were previously on a plot.

The following people need to log off and back on in plotworld at /warp freebuildcontest for me to be able to add them to their plots.

Once you've done that please react on here, so that I know I can add you (or message me ingame)
If you have any more problems, just dm me or message here. Thanks!
could you add me to nelsonblacks plot? my in game username is Lovesushi
Small update folks: Given a lot of people have had exams the past few weeks, and will continue to for at least a few more, I've extended the deadline for this contest to 3rd August to give everyone enough time to do their building. If people still want to enter teams, they can :)
Competition is now closed, judges will be reviewing your submissions soon. Results will be announced in due course. Thank you to all of those of you who did participate in the contest, I hope you had some fun building!