Forum Title: Half Slab Dirt
Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sandstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom
Resource Pack: Could be used in any
Texture description: Basicly the Normal Dirt Texture.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used?
Can be used in any Road/Terrain to make it more appealing.
Texture image:
You all know the texture, but here is it
Ingame Image:
I think this would enhance the pack, thoughts?
Filename: red_sandstone_normal, red_sandstone_top, red_sandstone_bottom
Resource Pack: Could be used in any
Texture description: Basicly the Normal Dirt Texture.
Has this texture already been used? If not, where will it be used?
Can be used in any Road/Terrain to make it more appealing.
Texture image:
You all know the texture, but here is it
Ingame Image:
I think this would enhance the pack, thoughts?
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