- Credits
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- XP
- 0
Harithilien Parts
2 and 3
/warp Ithilien
Project Leader: Fireinferno13
Reserve Leader: iSMiTHz
Project Staff: SugarKoala , foxyyy1, oth0116
/warp Ithilien
Project Leader: Fireinferno13
Reserve Leader: iSMiTHz
Project Staff: SugarKoala , foxyyy1, oth0116
Ithlien, or "Moon-Land," is the easternmost province of Gondor that is subdivided by the stream of Morgulduin into Northern and Southern Ithilien
In the Second Age and early Third Age, the land was prosperous, filled with many woods and gardens thought it was largely abandon over time with the rise of Mordor and loss of Minas Ithil (Minas Morgul). Since then, the province has been subject to constant raids by both Orcs of Mordor and Haradrim from the South. However, scouts were kept in secret locations throughout such as Henneth Annun.
The land is described as "a fair country of climbing woods and swift-falling streams," with gentle slopes "shielded from the east by Ephel Duath and yet not under the mountain shadow, protected form the north by the Emyn Muil, open to the southern airs and the moist winds from the Sea." It also included "a wealth of sweet-smelling herbs and shrubs" and a vast array of tree species, likely planted by men in earlier days. Despite the desolation, the land "kept still a disheveled dryad loveliness."
Haudh in Gwanur: Tomb of Folcred and Faster, burried side by side on a single mound above the riverbank. The forces of Mordor feared to go near.
There were groves of ash, bay, cedar, cypress, fir, juniper, myrtle, oak, and olive trees. The ground cover included heather, ferns, moss, and briars. Among the many flowers that bloomed in Ithilien were anemones, celandines, hyacinths, irises, lilies, and wild roses. Herbs such as marjoram, parsley, sage, and thyme grew there as well.
- Organize Project Post (done)
- Map Everything (in progress)
- Design Concept (done)
- Section One: (in progress)
Prep Terrain- Execute Concept
- Add Landmarks
- Section One: (in progress)
Prep Terrain- Execute Concept
- Add Landmarks
- Add Finishing Touches (in progress)
- Party (always)
Light Blue - Rivers
Dark Blue - Mountains
Red - Harad Road
Yellow - Large 4 Wide Road
Orange - Normal 3 Wide Road
Pink - Small 2 Wide Road
Green - Forests
Dark Green Dot - Haudh in Gwanur
Dark Purple Dot - Crossing at Poros
White "X" - Watchtower
Haudh in Gwanur:
TO DO LIST:Light Blue - Rivers
Dark Blue - Mountains
Red - Harad Road
Yellow - Large 4 Wide Road
Orange - Normal 3 Wide Road
Pink - Small 2 Wide Road
Green - Forests
Dark Green Dot - Haudh in Gwanur
Dark Purple Dot - Crossing at Poros
White "X" - Watchtower
Haudh in Gwanur:
Harithilien (Part 1):
- The Basics:
- Terrain: Basic Terrain
Map Out- Lowlands
- Mountains
- Rivers and Sources
- Terrain: Basic Terrain
- The Environment:
- Forests
Concept- Map
- Implement
- Vegetation:
- Bushes
- Vegetation
- Flowers
- Forests
- The Details:
- Roads & Ruins
Map- Implement Villages
- Ruin Villages
- Add Connecting Roads
- Ranger Camps
- Map
- Implement
- Finishing Touches
- Roads & Ruins
- Ithilien Concepts (/warp Ithilien Concept)
- Root Fixing
- Ruin Builds
- Village Builds
- Garden Builds
- Ruin Villages
- Road Builds
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