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Accepted HenryD17 (Henryoly) Application

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Slab Fanatic
HenryD17 (I just changed from Henryoly)

Date Joined : End of April 2016

Country: United States, California

Are you regularly logged on our voice communication?

Do you actively speak on our voice communication?


Do you have any particular skills?

I really enjoy communicating with other players through discord. Discord is something which I open immediately as I turn on my computer, so I can find someone to play games with. I think everything is better when it is done as a team. Because of this, my "social skills" have become pretty good when using discord. I feel very comfortable communicating with other players.

Why are you applying for this rank?

I have tended to spend much of my time on this server jumping around and trying to help adventurers with builds they are creating. I have always had more fun helping someone else create a build rather than do it all by myself. I enjoy watching people grow and get better at building. I think that the importance of a job is not to complete large build areas, but to help the adventurers grow as builders. I have a large amount of patience with helping people if the design is complicated, and I always try my best to make them understand. BWOT recently let me be in charge of managing the adventurers while they did a job, and I would hope to say that I did well. Later there was some confusion and some of the things built were changed, but that was likely due to my original design not being "Up to par" though I felt it was. When I was helping in that job I had a lot of fun helping the adventurers (and one commoner) to understand what they were doing. I found it very rewarding to watch them be able to do it by themselves without much input from me.

Some screenshots or pictures of your build attached:

I didn't take screenshots at the time but the usernames of the people participating in the job were:
_titanit_ / AlexProspero / SharpshotL . Dav3ck did record that they did the job and how well I said they did in the jobs spreadsheet.
Hello, your application has been reviewed and we are moving this application to the Trial Stage! Congratulations, this is one step closer to the Foreman rank.

What does this mean?
The Trial Stage is where you will be overseen by a player who already holds the Foreman Rank or Instructor. They will run trial jobs for you and you will lead them but with their supervision. They will give you tips on what you should improve and work on. They will be with you until they think you are ready to fulfill the rank. When this happens; they will contact me and we will have you Final Trial Job. This will be a lot more strict than previous trial jobs.

What I want you to work on:
-Realism in Building
-Bigger Builds

In order to work on Realism in building: I would suggest, doing a building at /warp Architecture and also researching about Realism in Medieval Structures (Might even be an idea to create a realism guide with your findings). I would also like to see you do a bigger build: that garrison which has been untouched for a while in New Town, Dol Amroth is a good example of something you can choose.

Foreman Instructor: @QuantaCube

Good luck!
Alright, I'll finish up that garrison in New Town and I think I will make a small realism guide about medieval castles. Hopefully Quanta will be on to help me out with running a job or two.
Remember he also has to approve that you are good enough before moving you on to me, so you will have to work with him.
Your guide feels a bit short and doesn't really include that many tips in regards to building imo but I don't know what they're looking for in these guides so maybe I should juat stay quiet? Also you maybe should add that hoardings were only temporary additional defences put atop the walls during times of war in the early medieval period before they figured out how to build permanent defences into the wall itself in the form of machicolations.
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Hey Henry, your realism guide is a great start to what can be a very detailed and useful guide on castle battlements/walls. As ryt mentioned it is short but you demonstrate the understanding and idea I am looking for when people create these. If you can give me editing perms I can make it the right format and also put in the proper folder. Thank you for your work on that.

I like your ingenuity in the compromise and Quanta does have a point. However I have not tried it myself, but would want to as yes, one of the main features is the roof and how it comes like a pyramid and then flat fascias (the wooden board covering the rafters) and eaves (the part of the roof which meets or overhangs the walls of a building).

But in retrospect of all you have done, it is looking really good and hope to see more from you soon. Just remember to get some trial jobs in there so that Quanta can go over the basics and make sure you have all the skills needed to run jobs.
I have quite some feedback for your guides @henryoly . Firstly for the battlements guide. It says hoardings (not hourdings) are an integral part of the castle wall. This is not true, hoardings were rarely permanent, but rather temporary extensions during war times. Gondor happens to be in a pretty troubled time, so it is likely that some castles have hoardings. By exception however, hoardings were permanent parts of the wall and sometimes the hoardings would even be partly stone. Also small correction: the holes under the hoardings are not called murderholes, you mostly refer with that name to the holes in a gatehouse, trapped between the gates.
For the machicolations (yes, absurd spelling, but important to get it right) I also have some corrections. I'm fairly sure you've watched Shadiversity. He has put a large misconception in the minds of his viewers about machicolations, even though he corrected himself in a later video. () Overhangs on castle walls started out as machicolations, but later in time machicolations became a decoration, mostly used in internal towers, so they usually no longer had holes. So they're not really the most important part of a castle wall's defensive layout. It's safest to just build a plain flat wall without an overhang at the battlements. To solve the problem of attackers getting out of range for the defenders on the wall, castle builders had another solution. They built the castle wall on a slight slant.

The green circle is the range of fire available for the defender.
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