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Holidays Tree Mini-Competition


Moria Hall Professional

The holiday season is there!
Finally time for happy moments and lots of joy.
Loads of events and full schedules.
A time when we're busy finishing up the final things before the end of the year.
Decorations and events are all around us.
However, one thing is missing for me, it is a proper tree!

I am looking far and wide for the best tree in all the lands.
I am going on the hunt for the best and most creative festive trees imaginable.
To find these trees, I need you!
Let's step it up a little and see who can build me the best festive tree possible.
That's right! Let's have a mini-competition.

When: from 17-12-2023 to 24-12-2023
How to sign up: Either message me on discord with your team name and who is helping you, or do the same here on the forums.
How many people can I work with: 8 is the maximum group size.
What type of tree are you looking for: A festive one!
But for real, which species: I have no personal preference, if the tree is festive enough, I'll be happy. The holidays are celebrated all over the world.
When will the winning tree be pasted in: The same day the competition ends!
Where will the winning tree be displayed: On our main map, but where, you'll see eventually ;)

Happy Building!

The Results Are In!​

Thank you to everyone who participated in this mini-competition with the busy schedule that is the holiday season.
Not a lot of teams joined, but that's okay! I still got what I wanted; Festive trees to celebrate the Holiday Spirit within the community.
To not further delay, here are the results:

First place: @0odz

Second place: @Apotheosis6669

Third place: The Googlies, with sign-up leader @Greetly

0odz and Apotheosis6669 had very similar trees, it was hard to choose a winner, but 0odz' tree just had this tiny little extra detail as in the garland, which made me decide to go with 0odz being first place.

So with this conclusion, I wish everyone a happy holiday season, and I'll see you again next time!