Is going on an adventure!
- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 0
- Date:
- Jobs and Plotbuilds:
but the most recent one is: Stalactites in moria with Barteldvn.
- Themed-Builds:
Forest (18,5,31432; updated September 2017) A liitle forest with a farm next to a stream.
The Forsaken Inn (-470,5,31274; updated September 2017) an abandoned inn in the lands of bree.
Dale (1717, 9, 50785; updated September 2020) A town of men next to Erebor, inspired by The Hobbit movies. WIP
- Additional buids:
imade these builds on a minecraft adventure map that I made based on the Oddworld video game saga.
- My interests:
- My motivation:
some theme-builds are on behalf of ikerpro4, which was my old nickname.
I had already tried to apply before.