- Date you joined the server: 2012
- Jobs:
Deputy Leader of South Ithilien.
100s of jobs when artist and 100s started when staff.
6 houses in Minas Tirith, also ran the sewer jobs.
Built 12 Houses in Edoras whilst.
Camps and terrain in Ithilien.
Ran Osgo jobs.
Supervised the rivendell revamp.
- One or multiple links to screenshots of any builds you made:
Harithilien - I was project leader, did lots and lots of terrain, ran lots and lots of jobs. The area is bigger than the shire.. http://i.imgur.com/rVBvsaE.png
Ive worked on so many different aspects of MCME over 4 years, with my builds here and there.
Built this back in the day with the artists.
(Nostalgia Card) Myself running a river dig back at the 2014 Summer Celebrations. Little cre in the background :')
- Recent Themebuild: Haudh-en-Arwen
- Your interests: I like communities, Minecraft, teamwork, lord of the rings, climbing, music and lists.
- Your motivation: Surprise! Some people may know me, some people don't. I disappeared last year due to work being too much. However on my return, I have felt out of place in the mcme community. By applying for artist I aim to get back involved with jobs and current projects in the greatest server ever.