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Job and plotbuild badge

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Staff member
So I've been thinking recently that access to the job plugin would really help expedite the progress on the Anduin. I just feel like it's one of the bottlenecks of the artist rank and it would be nice if it were a badge. Also jobs would be more frequent than like one or two a month. Could be cool idk lemme know.

- :116_wholesome_seal:
That would take away the whole purpose of jobs.
A job is to give all people of the whole community a change to participate in helping build the world, If we would limit this to only a certain amount of people we would be exluding some people and it would take away help when needed.
Limiting it to one world as you mention is also not really practical, if a job needs to be done on main map you're not gonna copy your whole area to, e.g. plotworld, to copy it back to main after the job. (that could also ruin specific blockvariants, like for slabs and boulders etc.)
Also like Eriol and Drao already explained it's not logical to run your jobs on your own in your trial periode, where you want to have feedback on how you did your job and possible improve for your next one.
So i don't really see the purpose of having a job badge, if you want to run jobs, go for foreman
The badge would only be given to foreman applicants so that they don't have to wait for a foreman or designer to run a job for them. Having it in another world could just make it safer since any rogue people in the job wouldn't be damaging the main world, and there are lots of concept builds in plotworld for practice jobs. However, doing them in a separate world wouldn't even need to be a requirement since the job area could be limited. Y'all make a good point in that applicants should have someone there to give them advice and oversight, but they wouldn't need this for every single limited practice job, so if they wanted to run one but there weren't any people online who could, they would have the option to do a small practice job and do a larger one with the oversight of a designer/foreman when one's available.
Your logical reason has a flaw. :p

I don't think that foreman applicants should run jobs on their own. Once they "reach a point where they can be trusted to run jobs" on their own they should get promoted.
Eriol summed it up perfectly. Also Designers and foreman run the jobs for the applicant so they can see how they do. Beating a dead horse at this point it's an uneeded feature
"Sigh why do these posts keep getting revived."

Don't look at it as being revived. It's another nail in the coffin. My idea would've either been accepted or rejected. Either way made no difference to me. But now that it's been explored and rejected, there's no reason for someone to come up with it in the future thinking that it's a new take on the concept. If anyone does they can just be pointed back here. And yes, I agree with closing this thread.
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