- When did you join? I joined 30th of march 2021.
- What is your current rank? Currently i am a commoner.
- Do you regularly use our voice communication? I only use voice channels when theres a tour or other event, and when i join i rarely talk.
- Why would you like this badge? When i first joined the server i felt the server was kinda boring because i didnt know anyone. But when a minigame was started i thought it was really fun. But now i feel theres less minigames being started, and i feel like when new players join MCME they dont know anyone and they might feel like i did. But now theres less minigames and they might lose interest in MCME and we maybe lost a member of the community. Thats why i want to have this badge to make the server more interesting to new and old members of MCME.
- If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it? Everytime someone asks for a minigame and when im bored.
- How would you make the minigames fun and enjoyable? I would try to choose fun and interesting maps to play on, aswell as interact with the ones playing and taking suggestions for maps.