Hey guys! Hereby post I my limited World Edit Application. Have fun with reading 
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions/tips I would love to hear them!

- Be at least Artist or Guide: I am an artist, so check!
- Have an adequate amount of experience in FAWE: I use World Edit for already a long time. I know all the basic commands and I know how to work with it. So yes, I have.
- Is responsible and mature enough to use the tool in an effective manner: I know how powerful Word Edit can be. You can destroy huge things with just a simple command. So I know what I can do and what I can't do with World Edit.
- When did you join? December 2016.
- What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank? I am artist, I was promoted on 7 September 2017.
- How experienced are you in FAWE? So as I already said in this application, I use World Edit for already a long time and I know all the basic commands of World Edit.
- Will you need instruction in using WE once you acquire the badge? No, but I wouldn't be surprised if I forget sometimes a command and that I have to ask that in-game.
- Why do you need this badge? So I can help everyone out with no World Edit badge and of course for me so I can do bigger project and faster progress.
- What to you is a responsible and mature player? Someone who knows how powerful the commands are and knows how to use them. Also someone who is able to help other players with no World Edit badge.
- Where do you think you can help with this badge? I think I can help everywhere, so in the main world and freebuild. But especially in Mordor and Gondor (our main projects).
- Portfolio:
(I am really sorry but Imgur didn't work for me this time
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions/tips I would love to hear them!

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