~:~|~:~ LOND DAER ENEDH ~:~|~:~
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Co-Leaders: mattlego _Luk
(Previously Ivan1pl)
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Co-Leaders: mattlego _Luk
(Previously Ivan1pl)
(...) it came therefore into Aldarion's mind that he would find timber in Middle-earth, and seek there for a haven for the repair of his ships. In his voyages down the coasts he looked with wonder on the great forests; and at the mouth of the river that the Númenóreans called Gwathir, River of Shadow, he established Vinyalondë, the New Haven.
Announcements Thread
Overall Progress and State
Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 10%
Current Progress State: Building
Project Discussion Thread
The thread to discuss in general the project, comment on any updates or any other non-announcement topic.
Link: Lond Daer Enedh
Background lore
Lond Daer Enedh (at first named Vinyalondë, then Lond Daer before finally being renamed to Lond Daer Enedh) was one of the great harbours and the first permanent settlement of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth. After the Downfall of Númenor, the harbour became redundant and fell into ruin.
- Full file of our lore:
Lond Daer - Google Drive - Other Links:
Lond Daer - Tolkien Gateway
Lond Daer Enedh is going to be a side project. It will be the second attempt to bring this place to our new map (it was built in the old world but it is very outdated). The terrain around the place is World Painter terrain that needs redoing. A new style needs to be developed for buildings, ruins and vegetation. Along with the project itself, the outdated Eriador resource pack will also receive many updates.

Black - walls
Brown - main roads
Cyan - less important roads
Blue - water
Light gray - breakwater/harbor/coast
Purple - barracks
Yellow - main shipyard
Light blue - industry
Light green - other important buildings
Gray - housing
Pink - rich housing
Orange - main squares
Stage 1: Terrain
1: Terrain, Finished, Leader: Fireinferno13, Link: Lond Daer Terrain
Stage 2: Concepts
2A: Develop a building style, Finished
2B: Develop ruining style, Finished
2C: Develop vegetation style, WIP
Stage 3: Building
3A: Prepare city layout, Finished
3B: Prepare building guide, WIP
3C: Houses, WIP
3D: Grand buildings, Not started
3E: Palace, Not started
3F: Main harbour and shipyards, Not started
3G: Barracks, Not started
3H: Old town, Not started
Stage 4: Ruining
4A: Grand buildings, Not started
4B: Harbours and shipyards, Not started
Stage 5: Vegetation
5A: Moss on the ruins, Not started
5B: Plant some trees and bushes in the city area, Not started

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