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Meat textures


Yellow Flower Puncher
I was bored, and just sort of experimented with some textures. Since Matt abstained from meat textures, I felt that these would be worth posting. First beef.




and cooked:


this I feel less happy with, but the main element added would be grill marks, which are not lore accurate, roasted beef is pretty much a brown slab, as portrayed here.


Any feedback or suggestions are most welcome
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well, this was my 'research'
The only thing I could add would be the fat, and the yellow doesn't translate very well into minecraft. Also I am becoming more and more content with the cooked as I play with it ingame.
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Ah, I am only joking around. ;p Thank you for making this texture for MCME! =D

Some general pointers that I think will help:
  • Having an outline is good.
  • Contrast in colour and shade is good. I think that you should make the spots a darker shade (use a 1x1 burn brush) and have some yellow or red blended in on the side (one dab of a 2x2 colour overlay brush).
This is the updated cooked beef texture. Thanks for all the feedback!

This is looking better! It lacks the depth that you pulled off in the raw one, though. Is there a reason it's shape differs so much from the raw version?

Also, its corners are pretty hard and obtuse. I might try helping the curves be a bit more organic by taking away a few corner pixels here and there.

Just a few thoughts. :)
I have been busy recently, but I was wondering first whether I should submit these on github, and also the way one does that, as my attempt failed pitifully.
Something must have went wrong on GitHub's side then. =p It was showing me that some of your textures were 160x160, obviously a glitch as I see them properly now.
submitted for Eriador, I am not sure if I should have changed the ones in the UI, given that the most recent UI no longer has the meat textures, but the UI in Eriador does.
It was removed from the UI in the latest commit, q told me to input it separately, but the UI hadn't been updated, which is why I asked my question (the UI folder in the Eriador pack), it has been now, so all is good.
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