• Welcome to MCME!

    Minecraft Middle Earth is a Minecraft community that recreates the world described by JRR Tolkien and his writings. Everyone can participate in organized events in which we collaborate to create major landmarks, terrain, caves, castles, towns, farms and more.

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    IP: build.mcmiddleearth.com

Minecraft Middle-earth Quotes Thread

Lol :D, strange questions


the last two pics are the same
Don't want to sound like an ass but I've only had very rare occasions where I felt like the situation was only caused by my gender. People in general aren't "mindless 5 year olds" when they meet a girl online. Having this very attitude is what causes this: Instead of deciding that your gender is something to be put under the spotlight and something that's constantly attacked like you seem to suggest, acting like it isn't something that matters will make people ignore it. You'll be one of the group, that just happens to be a girl, instead of being the girl of the group. "Taking refuge and talk to at least one person" is making it sound like literally everyone who isn't a girl will immediately harass them. I don't know about you but the very few experiences in which that happened were immediately taken care of by other ts users, who made the culprit understand that these kinds of acts weren't very well seen, regardless of gender.
Honestly if we're to try and make the "gaming community" a multi-gendered and tolerant community we should start by assimilating ourselves with them, not distinguishing a certain gender and shaming the other. I feel like you're shoving in the entire MCME community it this image of antisocial and misandrist guys but the fact is, it just isn't true. Yes, that one guy harassed the Sweettails, but is this a reason to create prejudice on the entirety of MCME? I'd say we've filtered out a fairly decent populus through mcme and we're in fact in the better parts of the gaming community. Let's not alienate them by insulting any male who might come our way.
Check your privileges, dev.
Indorilian high as a kite:
"My friend bought oregano once, it was hilarious."
"I'll do what I want Dev, GOSH"
"Just cause I was talking doesn't mean I'm talking to people"
"Has anyone even played the game Bully? Bully is a good game"
"Mute, your girlfriend locked you in a car and raped you"
"I had my free period"
"You know what I watched today? That moon...party...commercial thing"
"There's no stoppin' when the seducin' starts"
"Eggs? Like Gollum..Gollum riddles?"
"Mute, get in your red truck and get the chains ready"
"My English professor is so hood, you have no idea"
"That fork, it looked so painful, you have no idea"