Minecraft Username : MITHLONDEL (Moose-londel)
Date Joined : July something, 2019
What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Murica. I dont usually play at any time my work and sleep schedule are as unhinged as my humor or lacketherof depending on your taste is.
Are you regularly on our voice communication? I used to not be but im getting more and more into it
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes
Why would you like to be a Guide?
Iv'e been here for a long time and it could be funni
What makes a great Guide according to you?
I think a good guide is many things. First, but not necessarily foremost, a guide recognizes their mistakes and limitations, such as how my jest response to the prompts above may not appear to have been made of the utmost sincerity. However, a guide also, I think, can have a bit of their personality shine through during the events they run. Although everyone's experience in life is different, showing a sense of identity to the people you are guiding can be beneficial in connecting with audiences new and old. Furthermore, guides need to have a sense of what they are doing. Although some may confuse the name of one place for another, they might know where each one is; and vice-a-verse-ly, one that might not know where things might be but might know a lot about them as to educate people on what those places are. Every guide has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, but I think a great guide embraces both as does the best they can with what they have and learn to do and be better as they go along.
What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Guide role?
Possibly my greatest weakness is that I sometimes have no filter, as perhaps some of my temporary mutings or bans may suggest. Also I live in a very hot climate with fairly cold winters, and sometimes a bit of background noise to ensure I do not sweat like a wet mop or freeze like the very few glaciers that survive anywhere near where I live. Furthermore my schedule shifts, so sometimes I may be more active and other times I may not. However, I try to keep an established connection with the community. Furthermore I do enjoy helping people, so when people ask for help walking from place to place or with lore that I know I can answer (maybe not to a degree as some but reasonably so nonetheless; I have performed relatively well in lore quizzes) or even a basic question about how the server works up to my own capabilities, I am able to respond hopefully not only swiftly but also accurately.
What experience have you had on MCME?
I have been on MCME since mid 2019, so almost 4 years now. Iv'e had a few rocky roads and bad moments, as many of us long time members have had. However, with all the downs I have had many ups as well. I have seen many great builds and even helped on a few here and there. I have become well adversed with the lingo and culture the server has created stemming from the wonderful worlds of lord of the rings and minecraft. However, above all, I think I have established a reasonable sense of community here. Many people come and go but many stay also, and all good and things of not a terrible degree of bad, I have met some great people. I used to think I would not be able to be involved enough, but I feel like I have, I have finally reached that point. So regardless if I am accepted or not, it is something I am excited to pursue.
Oh and uh

Date Joined : July something, 2019
What country are from / What time do you usually play online: Murica. I dont usually play at any time my work and sleep schedule are as unhinged as my humor or lacketherof depending on your taste is.
Are you regularly on our voice communication? I used to not be but im getting more and more into it
Do you talk on our voice communication? Yes
Why would you like to be a Guide?
Iv'e been here for a long time and it could be funni
What makes a great Guide according to you?
I think a good guide is many things. First, but not necessarily foremost, a guide recognizes their mistakes and limitations, such as how my jest response to the prompts above may not appear to have been made of the utmost sincerity. However, a guide also, I think, can have a bit of their personality shine through during the events they run. Although everyone's experience in life is different, showing a sense of identity to the people you are guiding can be beneficial in connecting with audiences new and old. Furthermore, guides need to have a sense of what they are doing. Although some may confuse the name of one place for another, they might know where each one is; and vice-a-verse-ly, one that might not know where things might be but might know a lot about them as to educate people on what those places are. Every guide has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses, but I think a great guide embraces both as does the best they can with what they have and learn to do and be better as they go along.
What are your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the Guide role?
Possibly my greatest weakness is that I sometimes have no filter, as perhaps some of my temporary mutings or bans may suggest. Also I live in a very hot climate with fairly cold winters, and sometimes a bit of background noise to ensure I do not sweat like a wet mop or freeze like the very few glaciers that survive anywhere near where I live. Furthermore my schedule shifts, so sometimes I may be more active and other times I may not. However, I try to keep an established connection with the community. Furthermore I do enjoy helping people, so when people ask for help walking from place to place or with lore that I know I can answer (maybe not to a degree as some but reasonably so nonetheless; I have performed relatively well in lore quizzes) or even a basic question about how the server works up to my own capabilities, I am able to respond hopefully not only swiftly but also accurately.
What experience have you had on MCME?
I have been on MCME since mid 2019, so almost 4 years now. Iv'e had a few rocky roads and bad moments, as many of us long time members have had. However, with all the downs I have had many ups as well. I have seen many great builds and even helped on a few here and there. I have become well adversed with the lingo and culture the server has created stemming from the wonderful worlds of lord of the rings and minecraft. However, above all, I think I have established a reasonable sense of community here. Many people come and go but many stay also, and all good and things of not a terrible degree of bad, I have met some great people. I used to think I would not be able to be involved enough, but I feel like I have, I have finally reached that point. So regardless if I am accepted or not, it is something I am excited to pursue.
Oh and uh