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Finished Moria Western Crossroads

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Staff member
~:~|~:~ Western Crossroads ~:~|~:~

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Project Lead: @Wyattrox03
Co-Lead: @DoctorDaom
Project Staff: @barteldvn


Project Progress:
Project Completion: 100%


Hello and welcome to the western crossroads project post. This project will be the completion of the fellowship’s path between the western rift of the west gate project and the moviecave area. Below the highway will also be a small river system feeding into the bottom of the western rift; there will be a few wells connecting this lower river area to the main path above. Attached is an image of the plan for western crossroads:


The plan with the western crossroads calls for a long connector in the western moria style which has been developed in west gate and great mines. This will be made out of the sandstone block palette to better fit with the west gate. The crossroads will serve as more or less a highway in what is pretty much the most desolate part of the east west Moria road. We have decided against having extensive dwarven construction in this region to highlight how uninhabited the west is meant to be in lore.

I will describe the workflow for this project in the following stages:

  1. Trade/Fellowship Path
  2. River System

As you can tell half of this project comes down to voxelling and cave shaping, so if you are a builder with the voxel badge, reach out to me if you want to help with that.

There are no specific passages that refer to this region as Tolkien regrettably did not describe much of the fellowship’s four day trek through Moria. What is known is that the west is supposed to be uninhabited outside the west gate settlement.


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