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Finished **Movie Cave**

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Worthy of Mordor

~:~|~:~ Movie Cave ~:~|~:~​

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Project Leader: @aVeryAngryBadger

Co-Leader: @Smaug_Niphredil
(Previously @Dav3ck )

Project Staff: @DoctorDaom

"A project post... on MCME?"


Overall Progress and State

Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 0%
Current Progress State: planning


This is the project post / project discussion post for the Movie Cave in moria. It is located near the West gate, next to the chamber of light and attached to the great Mines.
The warp is /warp moviecave. This cave can be seen in the movies, its the first big open cave shown inside of moria to portray the grant scale. Within the movie old mining structures can be seen in the background, leading us to believe it is an old mining cave. The cave itself is absolutely massive, containing a big chunck of the fellowships path.

For the style we decided to go with many old mining paths and bridges crisscrossing the lowersection of the cave, combined with few very large impressive structures off in the distanc. So while walking the fellowships path you only get glimpses of the old big dwarven mines; we believe this will better portray the scale.

The project will mainly consist out of many jobs for: 1) Terrain smoothing 2) Pathways 3) bridges
There will also be multiple tasks for builders: 1) The Big structures 2) Mining sections

We are still looking for foreman and artist to help out, if you like working in moria & have experience with mining in moria (For example the Upper Mines) or want to learn the style, feel free to message us.

Movie Scenes​






Yours truelly,
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~:~|~:~ Movie Cave ~:~|~:~​

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Project Leader: @aVeryAngryBadger

Co-Leader: @Smaug_Niphredil

Project Staff: @DoctorDaom

Overall Progress and State

Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 10%
Current Progress State: Building


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Here comes the first update for this project. Leadership changed the past week multiple times (Need to hold up Moria traditions here), I will lead it on the paper and build with you in the mine trenches, forcing you multiple times to redo something you did good the first time (Need to hold up that one too).


Coming back to the general Idea, the big cave will be devided into 3 smaller sections, (coming from the westside), first we have the right side, then the actual fellowship path in the main cave, including the dried out river area on the left and the third section is the big sidecave you reach, when you follow the fellowship path and go left at the entrance to the CoL.

After Dave informed you so well about our plans for the cave in the last post, we decided that sleep was overrated and just pretty much planned out a lot of stuff in the first area (Entering from westside). The paths are marked and already smoothed, besides Daves big boi structure, we also planned out medium mining structures aswell and now there are also a lot of bridges in that area too. The whole cave got a basic planning regarding paths and bridges, we planned that to keep the movie look, big and medium mining structures will be rather rare to not go away too hard from the movie scene (5 second in the extended cut, but okay). When you enter and look to the left, you can see a rather unvoxeled area, this will be maybe done by bart (hype!) and we will add a broken dam with a abandoned goblin village near a now dried out lake/river.


What can I say, sometimes things just go easy af and I'm happy to say, that @Dav3ck is still the master of the mines and helps a lot with the unique mining planning we saw and enjoyed in the great mines. The big boi structure was done by the god himself @2nah, who went crazy and made that big boi in like 3 or 4 days, which is just insane. We also have the other people who are making my life so easy, @Itai007 and @TheSweViking with making mining structures left and right, aswell as @aVeryAngryBadger and her knowledge from mershy mine, being used perfectly in her own bigger mining structure. @Thamso_ was too fast and is now chained in the mining tunnels, but I fear for not too long. Dave is not only doing planning but also fighting with me over useless bridges (Just saying, my version was better), besides that he gives out plots to every commoner out there. We even got a guide to help with important questions regarding the path block mixing and oh lore too, thx @givet10, I still have more buddy ;). @Mershy saved my ass in the mining tunnels and just created a nice little system in like 5 minutes and then went back to texturing nice new blocks for moria. Also a big thanks to all the commoners helping with stone structures, bridges or in future pathmixing jobs, there will be more to come once Ooits is back!

All in all, this was fast, I couldn't be more happy with what we are achieving rn, including the rate and quality. Normally I'm concerned with the quality when we do stuff this fast but they don't dissapoint me one bit, this team is unbeatable atm and I see this project being done rather sooner than later. We are still looking for foreman and artist to help out, if you like working in moria & have experience with mining in moria (For example the Upper Mines) or want to learn the style, feel free to message us. Dav3ck and DoctorDaom

So let's hope next time the first area will be already done.

Yours truelly,

Daom and Dave

The Big Boi Structure


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~:~|~:~ Movie Cave ~:~|~:~​

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Project Leader: @aVeryAngryBadger

Co-Leader: @Smaug_Niphredil

Project Staff: @DoctorDaom

Overall Progress and State

Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 60%
Current Progress State: Building

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Movie Cave update.

Southern Section - Right of the Fellowship Path
This first section of movie cave is pretty much complete! All that is left to do is come cave terrain work. Following the planning left by Dav3ck and Birdo, the mining areas has been completed with the help of an army of hard working artist applicants and commoners. Thanks for your help guys! Biscuits are on the house. We now have more winding pathways and rickety bridges than you can shake a stick at.

In addition to the previous planning, we have added few small mines off the main cave to flesh out certain areas and linked up mining areas with main pathways and storage. We’ve also added goblin structures and tunnels to the south wall of the cave which will one day lead to a ‘Goblin Cave’.

This section marks the end of the main mining area in Movie Cave and represents a huge chunk of the project.
Now we will be moving on to….

Northern Section - Left of the Fellowship Path
A smaller but very important section as it’s here that we have the most references from the movie! The new high definition edition of LoTR has given us some beautifully crisp screenshots of Movie Cave - revealing new details, solving some mysteries, creating new ones also…
To keep it true to the film, this section is going to have just a few structures and mining areas compared to the southern section. A small open mine/quarry has been planned out at the eastern end in addition to the structures seen in the film.

All the paths and bridges for this section have already been finished so I hope this section will be completed relatively swiftly.

There are will be plenty of small mining plot available in this section - perfect for those wanting to give the style a try and learn some detail work and scene setting. Give me a shout if you’re interested - plots go fast! (Honestly they do T_T )

Coming soon to a cave near you: a Broken Dam, a Path to Goblin Village, a Collapsed Mine, my oh my!

Mine and Storage Hall- Eastern end of the cave
Still be done is the medium sized mine behind 2nah’s structure - sometimes called 2nah’s Mine?? (congrats 2nah!).
This mine will make use of our shiny new mine cart textures! Many plots will be available here in the future.

If there are any artists or foremen are interested in helping out in this mine please let me know.

North-Eastern Section - Continuing the Fellowship Path
This section continues the fellowship path towards the direction of the Great Mines.
Basic planning done - paths and bridges to be built and a few abandoned mines, etc. I think a lot of this could be done in jobs.

The dried up riverbed leading into Movie Cave has been separated into a secondary project, given the scale, but here’s a little update.
It’s being led by Birdo and Effie, and it’s progressing nicely. Birdo has been voxeling the cave walls and Effie is working on the riverbed, running several jobs in the last month.

In the main cave @EffieFrag is now running plots for cave terrain work - give her a shout if you’d like a plot! She pays in biscuits.

Next update due when we've finished the Northern Section.

Fare ye well, may your halls be pillared and efficiently planned o/
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