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New Height, who dis?


Community Management
Staff member
MCME reaching new Heights?!

I'm sure some of you are already aware of what is going on at the devserver. Eriol I and Daom have been testing a new world height for the last couple days. For the single reason to create a bigger Barad-Dur. And pave the way to combat future height issues. But since this is not a supported method by Mojang and buried deep in their code we have to test it extensively to see if it is possible before we even consider implementing it. Here is a list of things we have and need to be testing kindly stolen from Bart

What does this mean for lag (server and client) in areas where the map does not go above 320
What does this mean for lag (server and client) in areas where portions go above 320
What does this mean for lag (server and client) in areas where the majority/all goes above 320
What if any graphical glitches occur above 320 (chunk flickering, transparency issues, players becoming invisible, lighting glitches...)
What if any issues arise with shader modelsWhat if any issues arise with shaders What if any issues arise with other mods ( minimap mods might glitch, distant horizon or equivalent might not like it either)

What if any issues arise with plugins (world edit, warps, teleport, world guard, architect)

Currently it sits at around 1000 Height limit. Things seem to be working fine so far, some shaders have shadow casting glitches above 320. No significant lag difference measured as of yet on my system. And the reverting of the map to default world height only caused the blocks above to disappear. World edit showed minor bugs but that might be more a world edit thing then a increased height thing. And not all functionality of architect has been tested yet. These are some of the things we have tested.
We would love some help with testing out server stability, stress testing, potato pc test and other client/server related things.

  • Bigger more epic Barad-dur
  • More room for future big mountains
  • Bigger Barad-dur means out of scale with "current" surroundings (wink wink same deal as Minas Tirith)
  • Possibly increasing lag, possible degrading server stability, reliant on Mojang to keep the option available deep in their code.
  • Players with default view distance might not be able to render all.
To summarize, it needs loads of testing before possible implementation. You can help by joining build and warp to a special test world to be set up by Eriol later this evening! Looking to start around 8pm CET If the testing is succesfull it will need to be discussed whether we actually want to implement it. You can join that discussion and voice your opinion in the temporary ⁠height-discussion channel or on this forum post.

Helping out with testing above points is appreciated and feel free to discuss implementation.

Happy testing!!

My main concern is still the bad vanilla client performance. Render distance above 20 chunks gives me very poor frame rates when looking at blocks above y=320. At the top of Barad-dûr I get 4 fps at 24 chunks and 4 fps at 32 chunks (i7-4790 with RTX 3070).

With render distance of 20 I can hardly see the whole tower at once (requires FOP: Quake Pro). With normal FOP is a very poor experience:
Potato PC Test done :D
As the person with probably one of the most trashy PCs on here (proven by the fact Im running even harad on 10fps since the forest update and that is with sodium enabled on 8 chunks render distance) i actually didnt feel a diffrence between barad dur and barad dur top. rendering within my limited chunk distance also works fine. i noticed though, that entering barad dur chunks very slightly decreases my already bad performance from about 10 fps to about 8 fps, but it doesnt crash me, so its a whole lot better than every mayor city on MCME.
That was my original discord message. However, since then ive been flying around the tower a little more and interestingly, after rendering in everything fully, the framerates actually tended to get better. I reached nearly 14 fps at the top of Barad-Dur.
However, Eriol got a good point with players not being able to see the entirety of Barad-Dur. But then again, if you already got a bad PC, you are quite used to not being able to see everything in full. Even before forest update i never saw any of our citys in full, except for on screenshots from other people, so idk how much people would actually even notice this issue with Barad-Dur.