- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 3
- When did you join : a loong time, ago in a year called 2014 on feb the 17th
- What rank are you currently and approximately how long have you had that rank? Im possibly a foreman who has maybe been the rank for a few month (dont know the exact date I got foreman )
- How experienced are you in Voxel and making Terrain? yeahh I fixed a derp once with voxel near aldburg (what ever that place is called I dont actually know)
- Will you need instruction in using Voxel once you acquire the badge? yeahh a few little tips with commands im sure darki can teach me something
- Why do you need this badge? I dont require the badge at this exact moment but ill will require it for my project , voxel is needed for the stensil plugin to paste in trees and edit terrain. (Already marked out some trees I can use). And WE for pasting houses and creating concepts easier without the need to bother a designer.
- What to you is a responsible and mature player? mature player is someone who is honest and knows when something is a joke and when something is serious. ie minecraft is a game its meant to be fun/a joke not serious stuff, working on projects are more serious matters as they require responsibility, skills and communication between different players to get things done well and quickly . Responsibility is being honest and admit in what you have done and work on changing that.