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Resolved Optifine for 1.10.2

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One Of Us, One of Us
I downloaded optifine from the optifine website, and much to my dismay there was no automatic installer. I tried to make a folder named "1.10.2-OptiFine_HD_U_C2" in the versions folder of the minecraft folder, which contained the optifine .jar file, and I put the optifine .jar file in the versions folder by itself. However, when I tried to make a profile in the launcher, that version didn't show up. How can I get optifine? Btw, mac.
I installed forge 1.10.2 and put optifine 1.10.2 in its own folder (1.10.2) in the mods folder and I launched Minecraft with the forge version, that worked for me
I am on windows (this may be different to Mac, not sure). First you need to download optifine and forge both of the same versions of minecraft.

Then drag both downloads onto your homepage and double click on forge. A thing will open and press 'ok'. This will automatically make forge a version in your .minecraft, versions folder. Then open up the mods folder in .minecraft (if you don't have one then make one) and drag optifine 1.10...... In to it.

Finally to make optifine run when you open minecraft to the starter page click 'edit profile' (bottom left) and change the version you are playing on to forge 1.10.... (This is at the bottom of the pull down thing, which is in the middle of that edit profile page.)

Then hopefully you can use optifine
I unziped the file or extracted it to my versions file. The .jar and .json must be in the folder together.
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