~:~|~:~ Osgiliath Vegetation Update ~:~|~:~
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Project Leader: @ooitsbirdo
Co-Leader: @dav3ck
Project Staff: All Foreman
Announcements Thread- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Project Leader: @ooitsbirdo
Co-Leader: @dav3ck
Project Staff: All Foreman
Overall Progress and State
Approximate Overall Progress Percentage: 75%
Current Progress State: Building
Current Progress Review: Schedule doesn't even matter at this point
Current Progress Expectation: 100%
Current State Expectation: Finished
Estimated TIme of Finishing: 1-2 months
Current Progress Expectation: 100%
Current State Expectation: Finished
Estimated TIme of Finishing: 1-2 months
Project Discussion Thread
The thread to discuss in general the project, comment on any updates or any other non-announcement topic.
Link: ***Osgiliath Vegetation Upgrade***
Make Osgo Green Planning Post
To Be or Not To Be that is the question. Honestly, its a stupid question and Shakespeare needs to sort himself out. Anyway, Osgiliath is the project, the task will be to add overgrowth and have a more realistic state of ruining for the age of the city. We will also be fixing derps such as some houses defining the laws of gravity, and huge gaps in the wall that haven't been mended making a whole camp section useless, lack of greenery for an abandoned city that's not really being upheld for the last few 100 years. That's to name just a few. So To sum up, make it look nice and pretty and use the new blocks from the texture merge.
Background lore
Osgiliath was the capital city of Gondor. During the War of the Ring, the abandoned city gained strategic importance as a crossing point over the Anduin, both for the Men of Gondor and Orcs of Mordor.

This project will be broken down into sectors to make it easy to work through. This project is a Job Project and so is aimed at allowing for plenty of jobs hopefully.
Detailed Plan
To make coordination easier and allow for greater efficiency the city will be broken up into sections starting off at the eastern part of the city moving across from 1 - 24, that may sound a lot but these sections should be done quickly and each section will have their own instructions that can be quickly followed with job notices for the foreman that can be updated by @dav3ck and I (@ooitsbirdo) and by the foreman if they were not able to finish their last job. (section 11 is a special section if you touch you die)
STEP 1: Terrain, we need to first sort out the foundation of the city that mean the terrain, which will need to be redone to make it look like grass has come back into this city, the eastern part of the city will have more overgrowth as it is next to a forest region while the left side will have less greenery.
(Insert image of terrain concept)
This can be done as jobs by our lovely foreman to make our slave (adventurers and commoners) work.
STEP 2: Adding all the Trees, this will be done by me and Dav where we will add all the trees in their right position, and if needed have quick jobs to fix any roots, this step will be done after all the terrain is done across the city.
STEP 3, vegetation, adding flowers and bushes and all that, the pretty part if you think about it, again this can be run through jobs,
STEP 4: Fixing ruins, adapt ruins to its new surrounding this will be a job for the artist and the commoners and adventurer who have shown talent who I would expect to be going for Artist
STEP 5: Building lumber camps and updating the interior of the camps already existing (mainly section 3, 14, 20 and 21 for this) using the new DA blocks. Adding defenced across the outer wall that has been breached and stuff, etc. Again this is a job for the artist and the talented Adventurers and commoner. Add stone fortifications.
STEP 6: Make sure everything looks good and that we didn't **** up this project <3
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