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"Pardon My French" A cursing thread


Slab Fanatic
This thread is NOT to share new curse words (well maybe it is, i don't know) but that's not what I intended it to be. This thread is to discuss what people think of cursing and then... uh... i don't know. Let's figure this out together, okay?
I was actually considering making a thread for this.
In my opinion, the fact that you can get warnings and get in trouble for swearing in chat is absolute BS when on TS the word "fuck" will be used over and over, even by staff members (not naming any names here)

I have nothing against swearing personally, I do it a lot in real life so Im not really big on not being able to here haha, obviously there is a time and place for it. You dont want to be consistantly swearing during a formal speech, but in everyday chat I see no problem.
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Personally, I have no problem with swearing, being from Northern Ireland, which happens to be one of the most strongest swearing places in the world it is quite normal to myself and I'm sure other people from where I'm from and other such places. I'm not saying all forms of swearing is acceptable, such as when it is directed towards a person in a malicious manner. I really don't have a problem with people letting out the occasional swear.
If it's not aimed at you... swearing isn't offensive. If you think it is, you need to leave your cotton wool world and realise this is the internet. If we don't offend you, someone else will. You might as well get used to it.

Exactly. Most of the time swearing isnt even directed at someone though. You just say "shit" when you fuck up or whatever or when you enjoy somethig "This is fucking awesome!"
There is a lot of hypocrisy when it comes to swearing by some staff. One minute, they are enforcing the supposed "no swearing policy" and the next minute they are cursing away. If an actual written rule is in place preventing us from swearing, then I'd like to see the staff upholding the rule as they are the so called 'role models' of the community.

As for me, I am 100% okay with swearing so long as it isn't in malice to someone who may not take it so well. Example calling a 12 year old a "f***ing c***"
I once started a thread on the old forums where I told my view on censoring and swearing etc. and I can't be arsed to rewrite it all here but I can just give my two cents.


1. Swearing is used to "colour" the language and add the extra punch to a sentence or story.

2. The usage of swearing also differs from country to country, town to town, person to person. In that way swearing is, in itself, a form of culture. Just like dragon said about how the people in Northern Ireland tend to swear more than "other people", you have the English swearing culture (a broad term), the South East English swearing culture (a smaller but still quite large term), the London swearing culture (even smaller but still pretty large) and you can continue like this till you get to every individual person in the world. This means that every single person looks at swearing differently and in the same way as any other culture this should be respected.

For example, a guy who usually swears to "colour" his language is in a TS channel and playing a game, he suddenly blurts out "Oh you useless Re***d" (aimed at an npc in game) but there happens to be a man in the channel with down's syndrome who gets offended. Has he the right to be offended? Yes. Seeing as the swearword is directly describing his handicap which might be a sensitive thing, therefore the man with down syndromes "swearing culture" goes before the gamers.

But now, lets say that the gamer didn't say "Oh you useless Re***d" but he blurted out "Oh for f**k sake" and a atheistic Swedish man (who comes on TS often and knows how the gamer handles swearwords) in his channel gets offended. Has he the right to be offended? No. Seeing as the swearword is not in anyway directed at him or has anything to do with his culture, religion, or his way to act. The gamers just said the word f**k which is a word describing the way that animals as we know it reproduce. Here the gamers "swearing culture" goes before the atheistic Swedish mans "swearing culture".

And this is just two examples of the giga-mega-djilion there is, lets say that for example it's the first time the Swedish man has come on TS and he does not know about the gamers way of handling swearwords. So much comes into play when you're talking about this in the same way as talking about if a Catholic should be allowed to speak his mind about religion when a Muslim or Hindu is in the channel, it's always different situations with different factors.

And what I want to get out of this is that swearing can definitely be used as long as you respect other peoples "swearing culture".

//End rant.

And as I said before, this is only my opinion and I'm not forcing my opinion on anybody! I also don't meant offend anybody with this text and if you do find it offensive you can Pm me and we can discuss it and find a solution to the problem.
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When I was a few years younger (around grade 6), I viewed swearing with much disgust. However, over the last few years, I've been hearing cursing so much around me that I don't care about it anymore.
My mum and dad have been swearing as long as I can remember and I was taught what kind of things I can say and things I should avoid saying to people in public. To this day I have never swore out loud in public because It's pretty obvious that some people won't like it. And it's seen as chavy and stupid to swear all the time out loud. On the internet I think most people know what to expect and we all do it (don't lie). And like bob said as long as you aren't swearing at a 12 year old and little babby kids then who the fuck cares?
Since this thread has become so popular, i'll add to the conversation. The swearing in and of itself is not a major issue as of now on the server. It is a small problem that can be administered to with a few changes to the ToS and stricter rules around offensive content, language, etc. This is not to say that we (the staff/bounders) are going to moderate every channel of teamspeak awaiting someone's 'bad language' but rather that we can keep the channels and server free from people who are overly profane or offensive. Then we could deliver punishments for certain offenses which do not need to be overly harsh, starting with a simple warning, escalating to 1-2 day bans from teamspeak or the minecraft server. This is not something new as we already do this for people that step way out of line on teamspeak and minecraft at the moment, and so is in no way new ground. In short we are looking to punish people who are being offensive, either by constantly swearing, bullying, and just being offensive to others in general. This should not be seen as, and is not power hungry bounders tightening their grip but rather the staff finally addressing a longstanding issue that has not been dealt with.
Yeah like ghundra said, we don't need any emails from overcaring moms, trying to shield their 13 year old from the word poo. Like ghundra said, we try to make sure we have a friendly community here by trying to moderate public channels a bit so things don't get uncomfortable. Like ghundra said, that doesn't mean an brutal hunt for any bad words said on any mcme platform.

Personally I think italians are masters at swearing with all the practice they have with swearing at the maffia.
look i never said i hate cursing, in fact since i go to a school where they don't tolerate swearing at ALL (my teachers go into a rant every day about it) thats obviously our cue to curse as much as we possibly can (muttering and such) but i don't get why u guys r aiming this at me, 'cause i never said i hate it. also theres another reason why people don't say f*** and i trust u can figure it out by yourself (assuming...) ah, whatever
look i never said i hate cursing, in fact since i go to a school where they don't tolerate swearing at ALL (my teachers go into a rant every day about it) thats obviously our cue to curse as much as we possibly can (muttering and such) but i don't get why u guys r aiming this at me, 'cause i never said i hate it. also theres another reason why people don't say f*** and i trust u can figure it out by yourself (assuming...) ah, whatever

What the fuck are you saying? Stop trying to create drama haha you made this thread, people are going to give their opinions on the topic.
look i never said i hate cursing, in fact since i go to a school where they don't tolerate swearing at ALL (my teachers go into a rant every day about it) thats obviously our cue to curse as much as we possibly can (muttering and such) but i don't get why u guys r aiming this at me, 'cause i never said i hate it. also theres another reason why people don't say f*** and i trust u can figure it out by yourself (assuming...) ah, whatever

You created this thread so people would discuss what they think about swearing, well that's what they're doing