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Accepted Pyro6's Artist Application


Sneaky Anvil Dropper
Pyro6's artist application
(the underlined words are links)
  • Date I joined
    • Jan 9, 2022
  • Jobs and Plotbuilds
    • (I did 3 jobs but I can't remember when or the names of the first 2. I can only remember what I did in those first 2 jobs)
    • Texturing ruined walls alongside a river in Lond Daer
    • texturing a path
    • AnduinBuildDay - w0rldunder - 20-04-2022 - smoothing hills and making cliffs alongside the anduin river
    • stilted_house_building - aylalya - 21-8-2022 - making a stilted house in a plot (ayla would be a great forewoman)
    • Textured 2 agar campfires for ayla
  • Themed-builds
  • Additional Builds
    • theatre Royal Newcastle inspired theatre - It's a little bit outdated and not done yet but I stil want to show it
    • Small pellenor village - freebuild 6530 / 1040 - I only detaild a few of the low walls between the fields because they take very long to detail but don't show building skills. - The interiors are also done.
    • Small ruined castle - freebuild 6390 / 1020 - inspired on Lond Daer and some pics I saw on the internet
    • Dwarven feast/dance hall - Freebuild 6480 / 900 - thx to Givet, Ayla, Phoenix and Dahl for the help with WE and the tips - only the roof and interior are completely made by hand.
    • Castle - freebuild 6550 / 830 - there are some people that helped me with WE, but I forgot who, sorry - The Interior isn't complete yet. I decided to post the castle now because I have a testweek starting Friday and I still have to learn a lot.
    • Trees - Freebuild 6410 / 770 - here I build trees for later use
    • Gladden village - Freebuild 6500 / 680 - Thx Ayla for helping me pasting the trees around - The village is located on the border of a forest
    • dwarven pillars - Freebuild 6570 / 900 - I was bored, but instead of making trees (that's what I always do when I'm bored), I build some dwarven pillars
    • Moria storage - freebuild 6630 / 800
    • Dwarven dwellings - freebuild 6700 / 1020 - thx Joske for the idea and pasting the rp d custom blocks board thing in, thx Itai for pasting the cave in from moria - The cave was just something I needed as a base for the dwellings, so yes, the surroundings are unfinished and no, I'm probably never going to finish them.
    • Moria hall - freebuild 6670 / 870 - Well, becouse I don't have a life I made this moria hall in 1 day without any WE.
    • Some more Dwarven pillars - Me being bored can result in 2 different things: Trees or pillars. This time it was pillars.
    • Some new moria style stuff - freebuild 6680 / 820 - no, I didn't build this thing in one day
    • WIP Harlond houses - Freebuild 6600 / 1000 - Still WIP (Probably never going to be finished).
    • Linhir street concept - Freebuild 620 / 1150 - Thx Wyatt for the suggestion and explaining to me what to do (I didn't even know what Linhir was :) ). This was actually the first time I built something in rp h sandstone.
    • Some more dwarven pillars - Freebuild 6570 / 900 - yep, pillars again.
    • small house on a Cliff - Freebuild 6420 / 1100 - Didn't really know what to do, just started building a cliff and this is the result.
    • expanded a bit on the 'house on a cliff' from last update - Freebuild 6420 / 1100
    • Bree concept street - Freebuild 6470/1170 - I don't really like this concept tbh, that's why I didn't finish it.
    • Gladden barn - Freebuild 6550/1200 - Just a barn.
    • small boat - freebuild 6600 / 1260 - my first boat
    • windmill - freebuild 820 / 6470 - and my first windmill
  • My interests
    • I can do maintenanced builds but I love doing terain and building overgrown ruines (basicly just organic things) the most. I hope to get more skilled in interiors.
  • My motivation
    • I love this community, building medieval/fantasy in mc and the world of Middle earth. MCME brings these things together. I've always wanted to do big projects but got stuck and never finished builds because I did them on my own and because nobody was interested in what I did. I'm so happy to have discoverd MCME, it gives me the opportunity to build with people like me and learn from them. I'm now making use of this opportunity by doing an Artist app. I hope I can grow as Artist and maybe even help others.
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Hello Pyro,

Nice to see an app from you so firstly, structure is good its all layed out nicely with coordinates as well thats important. One thing though, depending on the complexity of a plotbuild you have done, I would recommend making a imgur album for that as well. So the two themes are a nice little start, I see you enjoy your vegetation and explore the RP well. They seem somewhat unfinished which is fine, you gave them a good go which I dont mind. I think initially the tower could do with some more blockimixing to emphasise some more detail and context with maybe an interior. The small forest Diorama could also have some grass and more vegeation on the emptier parts to help bring it all together as well.

Next steps would be to continue to add some more builds whether its some more plotbuilds or a job that you havent done. Since you also said you love doing overgrowth builds, I would love to see some ruins either inspired from Lond Daer or another ruined city we have or something of your own ruins, just a nice detailed diorama showcasing some ideas you are passionate about.

Other MCME projects include Agar and Udul which you could try some ideas for or ask the Project leaders or staff for some ideas also. Moria with West and East Gate that have different styles that could be interesting to try. There is also Anduin work so maybe try asking for some more work in that direction.

Overall, its a nice start to the app, I think there are lots of avenues you can explore really and its up to you what you would like to build as well. Try and build MCME styles as well as some of your own things to find your own passions within the server.

Good luck!
Update 1:
  • Aditional builds
    • Small pellenor village - freebuild 6530 / 1040 - I only detaild a few of the low walls between the fields because they take very long to detail but don't show building skills. - The interiors are also done - after I made these pics I changed the pumpkin field to a grape vine field, I didn't like the look of the pumpkins.
    • Small ruined castle - freebuild 6390 / 1020 - inspired on Lond Daer and some pics I saw on the internet - I later added trees
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Update 3:
  • Aditional builds
    • Castle - freebuild 6550 / 830 - there are some people that helped me with WE, but I forgot who, sorry - The Interior isn't complete yet. I decided to post the castle now because I have a testweek starting Friday and I still have to learn a lot.
    • Trees - Freebuild 6410 / 770 - I was bored so I just made some trees for later use
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Alright let's get you something to work on for a little while. To start out let's go over what you have on the app currently.
So you have definitely gotten significantly better over time. Your pelennor build, and both castles (ruined and unruined) are pretty good. Atm all of them are lacking quite a bit of detailing and relies heavily on the textures.
Let's use the pelennor build as an example. The fields are one of the weakest elements on this build. From block choice to shape, the fields are lacking.
>Firstly the block choice: you have a lot of single block colors in your walls. Big no no, use a block pallet to help break up the continual color. We have 4 different cobble blocks you can use. I would recommend 2-3 different blocks in your mix. Another fix would be adding stairs, half slabs, and quarter slabs. Shadows, especially in overworld builds, assists in breaking the mono-color appearance you are currently running. It appears as though you started it but then just cut off progress on it. Better to have a completed project than a half done one.
Next let's look at the vegetation. A lot of these fields are using old or just bad textures. Rose bushes and the leaves/sapling fields specifically. I realize that understanding the quality of the textures is a bit subjective but it is a skill you will need to work on for vegetation. I would suggest, especially since this appears to be a farming settlement, any of the root veg (carrots, beets, etc.). Not only are they better textures than the rose or saplings, they make sense for the setting.
Finally, you are missing basic ground cover. Grass mixes, forest floor covers, bushes, etc. can all help with alot of the atmospheric issues on this build. Sometimes you can get away with adding ground cover mixes to fix under detailed areas if you run out of ideas.
>Secondly let's talk about shapes. Rounder fields are going out on this server. If you go to pelennor, swe ended up using much larger fields in a much more rectangular shape. Bends and curves are present, don't get me wrong, but they go along with the shapes of his terrain and the road layout. Quick fix would be to add terrain to this build and restructure the fields. Low to medium sized hills are very much suited to this style.

> Finally we will go over building detailing. The pelennor style is a very simplistic building style. However there are three to four different variations on it I am seeing in your project. Not that big of a deal just figured I would note it. Elements like what kind of frame you have tells me a lot of what I should be expecting. If your house is entirely stone, my first assumption is their income is higher. If that is the case, I would expect a larger building that stands out in the scene; maybe that wealthy house would be isolated a bit from the rest (inside a retaining wall, on a hill, separated by terrain, etc.). Remember your job is to tell a bit of a story with your builds. Also I would avoid having too large of a variation in the style. In a small town most buildings would be constructed by the same person or group, meaning they should look similar. You can add variations on buildings, don't get me wrong. But do it in a way that makes sense. Things like variations in shape, wall mixes, additions to the building, all help.
A quick thing on the structures, specifically the wooden shed. Please don't use the messy roof style. This has persisted since 2013, it doesn't look good and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you want to make your roof feel a bit more interesting, add patching to it with newer boards, holes with rafters showing through, a roof in progress to be fixed, or a gradient in the roof. All of these would be very acceptable and make sense.
Lastly, let's go over the actual setting details, areas around the highest trafficked parts of the build. This may be where build lacks the most. The only real thing you have is the laundry and seating area, even that is a bit too uniformed. You need to be able to convince your viewer that someone lives there. Laundry areas are a great addition but the fence around it is a bit too straight. Adding angles opens the space, breaks up the straight lines, and adds much needed depth to a very texture reliant style. This is a farm setting, so adding things like armor stand constructions (plows, ladders, carts, etc.) sells the scene. I was going to mention in the vegetation section that the fields not being cash crops doesn't make a whole lot of sense but you can get away with that if you have items laying about near work areas that make the choice of veg feel intended. A half picked crop of cotton feels more alive and intended than a bland field of wheat. Moreover, these houses would have families in them, more areas to do household chores, or a group area for the full village would make sense.

Think that should help in your next few projects. We could go over your other few builds but I think it would be better to learn how to fix some of these then apply it rather than critique all your builds.
Give a go on a gladden fields or dunland setting. Many of the critiques I have for your pelennor apply to those. Or do a quick google search for images that you like an do those styles. You are doing quite well, but just need to smooth out some of the edges and get a little more nuanced in your building technique.
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Thx for the feedback! I'll revisit the pellenor village and work on the things you've said.
Btw, I said in the app why I didn't detail all of my walls. I was really exited (I still am) and I wanted to show as much as I could so I decided to go to other builds. Of course I was stupid and had to be more patient.
I hope it doesn't look like I'm criticising your feedback.
Thx again!
The Feedback is more for future reference rather than asking to go back to old projects. Big take away is complete your projects before sending it in, improve on your detailing to make there area feel lively, and work on your choice of blocks.
OK, thx. What do you recommend me doing now?
Rwyland outlined several things that you can be doing next.
Give a go on a gladden fields or dunland setting. Many if the critiques I have for your pelennor apply to those. Or do a quick google search for images that you like an do those styles. You are doing quite well, but just need to smooth out some of the edges and get a little more nuanced in your building technique.
This post outlines the styles for Gladden Field and you can see how to make a house step by step in the PlotRhovanion section of plotworld.
Update 4:
  • Aditional builds
    • Gladden village - Freebuild 6500 / 680 - Thx Ayla for helping me pasting the trees around - The village is located on the border of a forest
    • dwarven pillars - Freebuild 6570 / 900 - I was bored, but instead of making trees (that's what I always do when I'm bored), I build some dwarven pillars - because this is way too small for a new update I just edit this update.
Thx to @Izaro, I now understand armorstands :D. I've already add some to the gladden village. I'm Thursday going on vacation for 2 weeks and unfortunately won't be able to be on MCME while I'm away, but when I get back home, I'll start building again with fresh energy (In rp d)!
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Update 6:
Hello there, I'm back from my holiday in the Slovenian Mountains! (Great inspiration source:))
  • Aditional builds
    • Dwarven dwellings - freebuild 6700 / 1020 - thx @Joske50 for the idea and pasting the rp d custom blocks board thing in, thx @Itai007 for pasting the cave in from moria - The cave was just something I needed as a base for the dwellings, so yes, the surroundings are unfinished and no, I'm probably never going to finish them. (Interiors are finished)
I also edited 'my motivation' with: I really hope I'm going to be artist in time to be able to work a bit on the gladden fields revamp!

I'm a bit out of ideas for what to build next, so suggestions are very welcome. Btw, feedback is also very welcome.
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Update 7:
  • Additional Builds
    • Moria hall - freebuild 6670 / 870 - Well, becouse I don't have a life I made this moria hall in 1 day without any WE.
    • Some more Dwarven pillars - Me being bored can result in 2 different things: Trees or pillars. This time it was pillars.
I'm going to be away again for 2 weeks (leaving the 6th of August), after that I have to go to school again, so I'm not going to be able to build stuff for 2 weeks and there will probably not be a moria hall made in 1 again, because of school.

What am I going to build next? I have no idea. I'm now just helping greetly with the Pall Mall project.

Little edit: Drao gave me some feedback on the new moria hall.
I'm going to build another moria Hall next with more of a purpose (not a conector Hall for lazy people:D) and completely in the new style, because my last Hall was apparently a mix between the 2. I didn't even know that there was an old style and a new style, but drao explained everything, Thx drao!
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Update 8:
I'm back again! I built some new moria style stuff and I joined a job.
  • Jobs and plotbuilds
    • stilted_house_building - aylalya - 21-8-2022 - making a stilted house in a plot (ayla would be a great forewoman)
  • Additional builds
I'm going to make some Pellenor/Harlond stuff next
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Update 9:
Hello there, I'm going to be away this weekend so I decided to make a little update.
  • Jobs and plotbuilds
    • Ayla's trial job - 31/08/2022 - Unfortunatly I was only able to help with the planning stages of the streams.
  • Additional builds
    • WIP Harlond houses - Freebuild 6600 / 1000 - Like I said, small update, still WIP (Probably never going to be finished).
Well, that's stupid, I can't remove the bold text thing (weird bug) :(

I'm going to make some Linhir concepts when I'm back.
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Update 10:
Hello there, I didn't really like how dead the Harlond houses felt in my last update so I made some exterior details and edited the post with the new screenshots. I also built the following stuff:
  • Additional builds
    • Linhir street concept - Freebuild 620 / 1150 - Thx @Wyattrox03 for the suggestion and explaining to me what to do (I didn't even know what Linhir was :) ). This was actually the first time I built something in rp h sandstone. I would love to help building this city.
    • Some more dwarven pillars - Freebuild 6570 / 900 - yep, pillars again.
    • small house on a Cliff - Freebuild 6420 / 1100 - Didn't really know what to do, just started building a cliff and this is the result.
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Season 7 Reaction GIF by The Office
Update 12:
hello there, I had a testweek so I couldn't be online a lot, still managed to build some stuff.
  • Jobs and plotbuilds
  • Additional builds
    • small boat - freebuild 6600 / 1260 - my first boat
    • windmill - freebuild 820 / 6470 - and my first windmill
Update 12:
hello there, I had a testweek so I couldn't be online a lot, still managed to build some stuff.
  • Jobs and plotbuilds
  • Additional builds
    • small boat - freebuild 6600 / 1260 - my first boat
    • windmill - freebuild 820 / 6470 - and my first windmill
something I notice from the boat and windmill is keeping a consistent scale across the build. The walk-around railing on the windmill is a bit too wide for the height and width of the actual mill. The boat has a similar issue with the hull compared to the sails. The Hull feels a bit scrunched up. Try extending the back of the hull. If you need any help, reach out to orruss. I know he like boats.