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Resolved Questions as New Member/Adventurer

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Is going on an adventure!
Hi all! I'm new to MCME. I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings (I even have a tattoo with the Tree of Gondor circled by part of the poem about Aragorn written in elvish script that I translated), and wanted to join simply to adventure around, and I hope to follow the fellowship from beginning to end.
I just have a few questions that I haven't been able to find answers to in the forums, so I apologize if the answers are somewhere, or if they are dumb questions.

1. In the Adventurer Command List, it mentions you can set a "home" for yourself. Does this apply to the build server and can you pick any room in the locations on the map (like a random room in the Citadel) to warp to as your home? Or does this apply to the Plotbuild or PvP server when it's active?

2. The Adventurer Command list also shows commands to provide yourself with Armor, tools, etc. Can an Adventurer use these commands in the build server just for the experience? Is the armor styled like Rohan or Gondor armor, etc?

3. Is the night vision command to be used to be able to see in dark places like Moria or the Great Hall at Edoras? When I spawned in the game to do the questions, it was very dark inside the caves and buildings despite my computer brightness being up. Is there a way as a player to be able to see within these dark areas without adding torches? I don't want to add anything or disrupt the builds.

4. Is there a way to get into Moria from the west gate, or do you just have to warp to the east gate?

5. Are Adventurers aloud to go to the Plotbuild and make their own LOTR inspired home/camp for themselves?

I have loved what I've seen so far, and I cannot wait to do more exploring and see all the amazing work done by those dedicated to creating this unbelievable world. I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way, I just want to enjoy the world and not mess anything up!
Hi There!

So hope this helps with some of your questions.

1. you can set your home anywhere on the main server, this means the build map, moria, freebuild, plotbuild, themed-builds etc. I personally have my home set to the top of the falls of rauros. The pvp server uses a different ip so this command does not work here.

2. the /get commands can be used in same places mentioned previously. Though with /get armor <hexadecimal code> this will be leather armour, you can get armour in region styles if you go to a world that uses creative mode such as /theme warp, you can then spawn in armour from the creative menu and use it freely around. to get back to the main map just use /warp <place>

3. Yes the nightvision command /fbt is great for dark places like moria, i use it all the time, you use the same command to disable it as well. You will not be able to add torches to the map anyway as building is limited to artists + or all players only during a job.

4. You need to speak friend & enter (you just need to type the Elvish word for friend in chat and the door will open)

5. You can go into plotworld with /mvtp plotworld, though this is intended for areas currently being worked on for trials and things mainly not for freebuild. Though you will get access to the freebuild (/mvtp freebuild) world when you reach the rank of commoner or above. To get commoner you need 10 votes from players artist / guide + for being helpful in chat, being active, helping in jobs etc.

If you have any other questions, I would be glad to answer them for you :)

- Gadge
Thank you so much for answering! This is all very helpful, and I can't wait to try out these different things.
As for #4, so clever and can't wait to do it!

Hi all! I'm new to MCME. I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings (I even have a tattoo with the Tree of Gondor circled by part of the poem about Aragorn written in elvish script that I translated), and wanted to join simply to adventure around, and I hope to follow the fellowship from beginning to end.
I just have a few questions that I haven't been able to find answers to in the forums, so I apologize if the answers are somewhere, or if they are dumb questions.

1. In the Adventurer Command List, it mentions you can set a "home" for yourself. Does this apply to the build server and can you pick any room in the locations on the map (like a random room in the Citadel) to warp to as your home? Or does this apply to the Plotbuild or PvP server when it's active?

2. The Adventurer Command list also shows commands to provide yourself with Armor, tools, etc. Can an Adventurer use these commands in the build server just for the experience? Is the armor styled like Rohan or Gondor armor, etc?

3. Is the night vision command to be used to be able to see in dark places like Moria or the Great Hall at Edoras? When I spawned in the game to do the questions, it was very dark inside the caves and buildings despite my computer brightness being up. Is there a way as a player to be able to see within these dark areas without adding torches? I don't want to add anything or disrupt the builds.

4. Is there a way to get into Moria from the west gate, or do you just have to warp to the east gate?

5. Are Adventurers aloud to go to the Plotbuild and make their own LOTR inspired home/camp for themselves?

I have loved what I've seen so far, and I cannot wait to do more exploring and see all the amazing work done by those dedicated to creating this unbelievable world. I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way, I just want to enjoy the world and not mess anything up!
Keep in mind that currently Moria is not fully completed so if you want to walk through it you need to ask someone who knows the way, there are not that many who know the way but if you see me in-game you can always ask me.
Keep in mind that currently Moria is not fully completed so if you want to walk through it you need to ask someone who knows the way, there are not that many who know the way but if you see me in-game you can always ask me.
Thanks! I did get pretty lost in Moria, but I warped out, so it would be nice to get a tour sometime! I'm currently stopped in Lothlorien. It was pretty funny, I somehow got the footprints messed up leaving Weathertop, totally missing Rivendell and ending up at Moria. I went back and figured out where I went wrong and then did it the right way!
Hi There!

So hope this helps with some of your questions.

1. you can set your home anywhere on the main server, this means the build map, moria, freebuild, plotbuild, themed-builds etc. I personally have my home set to the top of the falls of rauros. The pvp server uses a different ip so this command does not work here.

2. the /get commands can be used in same places mentioned previously. Though with /get armor <hexadecimal code> this will be leather armour, you can get armour in region styles if you go to a world that uses creative mode such as /theme warp, you can then spawn in armour from the creative menu and use it freely around. to get back to the main map just use /warp <place>

3. Yes the nightvision command /fbt is great for dark places like moria, i use it all the time, you use the same command to disable it as well. You will not be able to add torches to the map anyway as building is limited to artists + or all players only during a job.

4. You need to speak friend & enter (you just need to type the Elvish word for friend in chat and the door will open)

5. You can go into plotworld with /mvtp plotworld, though this is intended for areas currently being worked on for trials and things mainly not for freebuild. Though you will get access to the freebuild (/mvtp freebuild) world when you reach the rank of commoner or above. To get commoner you need 10 votes from players artist / guide + for being helpful in chat, being active, helping in jobs etc.

If you have any other questions, I would be glad to answer them for you :)

- Gadge
Didn't realize a better way to respond was the "Reply" with quoting, so wanted to make sure you saw my thanks!
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