Is going on an adventure!
- Credits
- 0
- XP
- 5
- When did you join?
- Feb 20 2021
- What is your current rank?
- Commoner since 2021
- Do you regularly use our voice communication?
- Yes, while talking in it as well
- Why would you like this badge?
- I have had this badge already, with me taking some time off the server I had it removed. I am now back and would like to be able to run minigames once again. I enjoy running the games, creating a community thing that anyone can enjoy. With that, I like creating races, helping new players get more comfortable in the server, and giving people something fun to do. Furthermore, as I generally play during American hours, it often can not be very common for either someone with a badge or someone who wants to run a game, so when there are those dry hours, I could run when people would want to play.
- If you were to get the badge, how often would you use it?
- When I originally had it I used it about 3-4 times a week. I plan to use it about the same if I were to get it again, with anytime people want to play a game, or when it gets busy on the server.
- How would you make the minigames fun and enjoyable?
- I enjoy leading a group by listening to suggestions on races, seekers, or what games people want to play. I can use VC to make each game feel more like an event, and make sure that everyone in the game is having fun, and adjust when I can if someone is not. I like running the games, even with a small group, and would enjoy being able to do it again, making sure I make the games as fun and enjoyable as possible.