Show your Artistic Side
Use this thread to show people any artwork you have done.
It can be by hand or computer (Adobe Illustrator, Paint etc.).
We won't judge; everyone has their own ability.
Here are some done by me in Adobe Illustrator
(I am not the best at computer art)
First time using Illustrator - I was thinking about cats at the time.....
Messing Around with Paint Brush Tool and Came out with this
Use this thread to show people any artwork you have done.
It can be by hand or computer (Adobe Illustrator, Paint etc.).
We won't judge; everyone has their own ability.
Here are some done by me in Adobe Illustrator
(I am not the best at computer art)
First time using Illustrator - I was thinking about cats at the time.....
Messing Around with Paint Brush Tool and Came out with this